⭐ Update «Stronger than Steel»

Yea I was on one of those team grinding my jap tank squad

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yeah I remember seeing you.

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Damn…10 matches today and all Pacific War and all lost. They are drinking something :smiley:

Edit: Okay is this done on purpose? I am getting literally ONLY Pacific War maps…I’m sick of them already. 15 matches in a row and ALL LOST? How!? This is statistically even hard to believe…I don’t buy it that the U.S suddenly forgot how to play. Is it one update we buff one side and mess up the other…next update the other way around? It feels kind of pointless to play now since I know every time what campaign it is and what the outcome will be.

I feel it is smart to stop playing now because BR V for U.S seems broken. I want to play Normandy dammit :frowning:

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More imagination, please.

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Switch to Axis then or Soviets. Almost every veteran player is grinding new Japan toys, so… I stopped playing BR5 US all together for the time being (after 6 matches that resulted in 2v10).

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Based on your replay info you only got in pacific 3 times in the row, not more then that for now


Reasons why I love the replay system :smiley:


Great update! But infantry mains like me will surely like to see these toys for the Yanks at a later date.


Thank you for your reply.

To make clear what I mean by “authentic” I always post the following.

The game Enlisted does not have to be realistic and/or a simulator but the game can be authentic:

  • AUTHENTIC - “Conforming to an original and/or the real world so as to reproduce essential features”.
  • SIMULATOR - “A computer simulation (or “sim”) is an attempt to model a real-life or hypothetical situation on a computer under real world conditions”.
  • REALISTIC - “Resembling or simulating real life (conditions)”.

For me, among other things, “authentic” means basically playing a WW2 game without seeing things that were not there at a certain point in time. For example in a WW2 there should be no laser guns, no M16s, no AK 47s, no US Navy Carrier Aircraft like the Corsair flying over European battlefields, no German Panther tanks in North Africa etc. And no “US woodland” camouflage uniforms or even camouflage uniforms for ALL US soldiers in Enlisted. But also that German Heer (English: Army) soldiers only wear Heer camouflage uniforms and only Waffen SS (English: Military SS) soldiers wear Waffen SS camouflage uniforms etc.

If even these basic “authentic” principles get thrown out of the window we will eventually end up in Enlisted with barely dressed female soldiers running around with laser guns, like in other games.

“Historical Accuracy” goes further than being “authentic” in my opinion, so I do not advocate “historical accuracy” per se but I do advocate remaining AT LEAST “authentic”.

The “Ho Ri” never existed, not even as a prototype, let alone a finished blue print. It is as out of place in Enlisted as space ships and laser guns are. If the WW2 weapons that Japan used in WW2 are inferior to what their enemies get in Enlisted, then the game must compensate for that in another way. For example by having the Japanese troops outnumber their enemies on a 2 to 1 basis. So Japan getting 10 squads in a match and their adversaries getting only 5 squads. That way a numerical advantage could compensate for technological inferiority. Another way is to design the maps on which Japan fights in Enlisted in such a way that the maps favour the type of combat that plays to Japanese strengths, say making most or all combat take place at a very close range. In other words addressing the real world technical inferiority of Japanese arms in WW2 by introducing authentic asymetric solutions in Enlisted.

As to Kampfgruppe X (English: Batte Group X) and the Panthers in M10 disguise: those really existed but the shield it is given in Enlisted is black, meaning the Enlisted developers consider it to be a Waffen SS unit. In real life Kampfgruppe X was not a Waffen SS unit but a mixed unit made up sub-units from three of the four branches of the Wehrmacht (English: Defense Force). The Panthers in M10 disguise and the crews of the Panthers in M10 disguise were from the Heer (English: Army) not the Waffen SS (English: Military SS).

Kampfgruppe X was part of Panzer-Brigade 150. which was a special purpose unit specifically created for the German December 1944 Ardennes offensive in order to drive through allied lines after a breakthrough of the allied frontline was achieved, after which it would operate behind enemy lines. The unit was created and commanded by SS-Obersturmbannführer (English: Lieutenant-Colonel) Otto Skorzeny and consisted of three of the four branches of the Wehrmacht (English: Defense Force). The branches that supplied men to Panzer-Brigade 150. were the Heer (English: Army), the Luftwaffe (English: Air Force) and the Waffen SS (English: Military SS).

Panzer-Brigade 150. consisted of three Kampfgruppen (English: Battle Groups):

  • Kampfgruppe X
  • Kampfgruppe Y
  • Kampfgruppe Z

Panzer-Brigade 150. was created to operate behind enemy lines to: destroy bridges, fuel and ammunition depots, reconnoitre and report on enemy troop movements and positions as well as the destruction of enemy radio stations and to give fake/wrong orders to US military units.

Panzer-Brigade 150. was intended to be fully dressed in US military uniforms, with good english speakers and to use captured allied equipment and vehicles. The unit was only partially equipped with allied vehicles and equipment, because it was not possible to fully equip the unit with captured allied vehicles. This was because the many German units that possessed large amounts of captured allied equipment did not want to give any of it up and thus reported most of it as “under repair/maintenance” when they were ordered to turn it in.

By 1943 it had basically become standard practice in the German military units to list their equipment as “under repair/maintenance” to avoid being forced to hand over their equipment to another unit. This was the usual administrative excuse used to keep equipment that was fully functional in a unit. What was often done in the German military was to transfer all equipment from one frontline unit to another frontline unit and then transfer the frontline unit without equipment back to Germany to fully re-equip it. This full re-equipping took time and the unit commanders were never sure if they would be fully re-issued with the equipment they had handed over to another frontline unit. So to prevent the permanent transfer of fully functioning equipment to another frontline unit it became standard practice to report it as “under repair/maintenance”. A lot of allied equipment was captured intact when the Germans defeated Operation Market Garden in September 1944 and during the combat for the corridor which followed thereafter for example, but this equipment was not all transferred to Panzer-Brigade 150. as ordered.

As a result of all this Panther tanks and StuG were supplied to Panzer-Brigade 150 to stand in for the missing allied vehicles it was supposed to be equipped with. These Panther and StuG were painted and altered to make them appear to be US military vehicles. That is where the Panther in M10 disguise in Enlisted comes from.

In the end Panzer-Brigade 150. fought as a regular combat unit in the frontline and was never used for its intended special purpose role behind enemy lines. The clean breakthrough of the enemy lines that Panzer-Brigade 150. was to exploit was achieved in the first few days of the offensive by Kampfgruppe Peiper of the 1. SS-Panzer-Division “LSSAH” but the bad condition of the muddy “roads”, which were no more than muddy dirt tracks really, and the narrow ravines in the Ardennes led to such huge traffic jams that Panzer-Brigade 150. never could overtake the German spearhead units in order to actually get behind enemy lines.

Funnily enough the allied forces became aware of the plans of Panzer-Brigade 150. and other German units to operate behind allied lines during the Ardennes Offensive and the counter measures they took as a result created a lot of chaos behind allied lines.


This is really a very detailed overview about Kampfgruppe X. It’s my fault that I didn’t focus on that insignia when replying (what I thought not “authentic” enough at the time is the translated name).



bug M1928A1 Thompson Squad (paratrooper) - LowBR (M1 Bazooka) from boxes

According to the latest information from Gaijin, the boxes of the parachute troopers supposed to include weapons depends of the battle rating you landed in.
This is not the case with The M1928A1 Thompson Squad (BR V americans). Although the AT rocket launcher is listed there as BR V, you only get the M1 Bazooka from the boxes - a BR II AT rocket launcher that has hardly any effect on BR V. Why doesn’t the boxes include the M9 Bazooka on BR V - a BR III AT rocket launcher?! The german paratroopers are able to select the BR III AT rocket launcher (Panzerfaust 60) from the boxes.

affected squad

proof of the bug in live gameplay (newest video from titah, time step 5:15-5:25)


Dear developers, can we please have “disable users’ customization” client side toggle in options? @Keofox

If people want to be perverts, sure they can do it behind closed doors, I don’t mind.

But can we please have an option to not be forced to look at other people bastardising WW2 vehicles?


I just noticed, devs gave type HEI high rof.

Ohohoh… that’s a VERY good arm now!!!

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I’m recently having a lot of issues with random crashes. Sometimes it happens when i switch to a weapon, a soldier or something like that… Has it happened to anyone?


Yes but for me it happens randomly like when I’m about to shoot for example

just wait till the stupid dirt bikes start showing up on every tank…god damnit warthunder.

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About 1 crash per day since the update (pc)!


You’re lucky.

I am experiencing crash per 2 games. Rtx 3070, i7, doubt it’s a hardware issue.

They just screwed something up. And instead of fixing it, they released an event.

You know maybe it time I re run a “just have a map pack or something” topic since I screw up by using color (and now I haven’t used it since)

I mean it work pretty well in TF2 but I guess enlisted need to calculate something whenever the map load (I guess each mode count as 1 map even tho it the same map I guess)

Ok, whatever keeps you aroused I guess…