⭐ Update «Stronger than Steel»

The truth hurts.

My condolences for those having to deal with the pain of crashing, packetloss and huge fps drop after the update.


I don’t like to complain but, could you fix the server issues ? Honestly I just wanted to play the event and got two deconnection out of five games… And some other during the week. I never experienced such issues before the update. At least i was able to finish the event task in three matches but still, I just want to play…


I don’t know if it’s just me or what…

But since the update, when I try to fire a Bazooka (the best US one, don’t remember the model right now), roughly half of the times my soldier self-detonates instead of shooting.

This apparently happens at random, even when I’m 100% positive there’s nothing blocking the shot, nor corners or door/window frames nearby.

(I’m talking about shooting the rocket personally, not ordering a bot to fire.)

Edit: It happened with the German Ofenhohr as well.


Ever since the update dropped, I am yet to lose as Japan (BR2 setup with a single BR3 GO weapon)

And American quitter amounts are a sight to behold

Basically 10v20, cycled through 2 American armies

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I don’t remember this being mentioned, or when you added it?
Just wanted to, thank you, for this Radial Animation with the buildable MG’s :+1:


yea i post this in one of the update it a pretty nice edition tbh

make it so i dont have to guess where it can see

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Japanese side right now is basically a full stack of pretty good players.

I went up about 65 rank points in 3 or 4 days mainly playing japanese, lost 2-3 matches. Biggest struggle was actually getting the right battle hero awards for double gains.

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Same with Event Soviet para at BR3 it gives you PTRS instead Panzerfaust 60


Now i’m not sure if i want to buy Soviet premium para during next sale or not.

yup, same here. Never had a disconnect before, now it’s been at least one every day on average.

Isn’t there a way to ensure I am only playing on North American servers? I recall seeing this previously, because I have no interest playing on servers on the other side of the earth that cause a noticeable lag.


Exactly. When the update dropped, I actually had 1,120,000 research points I had to complete so that I could continue on the Tiger I. This is exactly the kind of thing they did in Warthunder originally, though they later (years later) modified it so you could collect the units you finished.

Needless to say i was pissed when this happened in Enlisted.


That’s only possible if you were VERY far behind in researching the German tree already.

The Tiger H1 is literally the only addition to the German research tree in this patch. If you find yourself over 1 MILLION XP behind, that’s hardly its fault.


Not only that.
It’s in a folder, which means it can be bypassed entirely without issue I think.



“How dare you add another vehicle in a tree I have yet to begin researching?!”


I’ve also noticed an the latest release that either matchmaking is placing me in non-NA servers or the netcode has some issues because I get frequent periods of dropped packets and have had full-on connection drops despite being on a reliable 1 gbps symmetrical fiber connection.

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Since the update, my game crashes regularly. Great!


You are not the one.

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It’s absolutely ridiculous. Having the Pacific limited to lower BRs kept it fairly realistic.

It’s completely unfun to have the Japanese equipped with fantasy weapons. It destroys the game and makes me not want to play.


I posted some more information about Panzer-Brigade 150. in this topic:


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I think it will be importent to learn about their standards from this ridiculous “harmonization mode”:
