⭐ Update «Stronger than Steel»

Anyway, no event is going to be announced today? :crazy_face::pleading_face:

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imagine it happen tomorrow tho

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Finally i can properly defend my bomber from the pesky p47 users

please make sales its a bit boring

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Another 165mb update?

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no :с


“By the way, the soldiers in your squad learned how to use their own rocket launchers!”
And whet they will lear to detect enemy at 5m distance?

Tomorrow then?


I found a bug according to the new premium LVT-4 Squad

When shooting tanks with the 12,7mm browning’s, you don’t get the hitcam on the top right. I was shooting on the HA-GO but never got the hitcam what exactly I damaged whole time while he was burining

Can you fix it please?

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DX12 dropped my fps to 50-60

When configuring any anti-aliasing techniques old or new ones, swapping them, turning on or off, it went to 15fps and never recovered. In top left there was red writing output about multiple AA errors.

Only fix was altf4

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Btw just caught myself thinking there’s nothing I’m excited about in this update.
Playing US BR5 now doesn’t guarantee Normandy/Ardennes and now you’ll be sent with Pershing and Calliope to… the Pacific (madness).
All the Japanese BRV stuff is straight up fake so not hyped about that whatsoever. Maybe some planes are ok.
New KV and Tiger don’t make me run install the update either since they are BR4 and I already have Tiger 2 and IS-2 1944.
None of the actually important things are tackled.

Guess the controllable tail gunners and driving physics are nice, but they’re QoL really.


Lets hope BR adjustments are next on the priority list, because having BR4 vehicles added to the game makes little sense when every BR4 vehicle will actually be matched against BR5.


Especially since new BR4 KV was put to BR4 just because it could potentially face BR 1 and 2.
That’s literally the only reason for it being on BR4. Otherwise it’s obvious BR3 tank.


It’s fine! No rush, update just released, a new event right away isn’t necessary, there’s plenty of fun to be had with new toys.

(I can breathe a little… :smiling_face_with_tear:)

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Means less BR5 US playing against Germans… effectively more Berlin should be the result right?

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because pacific is the only campaign where Japan can play? what you’re saying makes no sense, it has to be this way unless they give japan another campaign

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So with this update the following is introduced:


  • AI soldiers are trained to use AT weapons: rocket launchers and AT rifles. When ordered to attack enemy vehicles, AT Gunners will now use their anti-tank weapons and rocket launchers to defeat them.
  • Now AI soldiers react better to markers. Soldiers in the player’s squad prefer player’s markers over markers of their teammates.

This is not really a step in the right direction.

What HUMAN players NEED are THINKING AI soldiers with INITIATIVE, so AI soldiers that can think and act for themselves without the HU;MAN player having to tell them what to do, how to do it and when to do it.

Enlisted is a fast moving game, there is little time to react to a threat. It has to be instant and to the point.

By not reacting at all, or reacting too slow the entire squad/half-squad will end up dead in Enlisted.

That applies to the HUMAN player and to the AI soldiers.

So, for example, when a friendly AI soldiers in a HUMAN player squads spot an enemy vehicle behind the human player then the AI soldiers should use their weapons to cover the HUMAN player and take that threat out. So that means for example that an AI soldier in such a case should respond IMMEDIATELY and on his OWN INITIATIVE and use any anti vehicle weapon he has against that threat vehicle. This can be a Dynamite bundle, an Anti-Tank Rifle, a Panzerfaust, a Panzerschreck, a Bazooka etc. whatever that AI soldier has available to counter that threat.

And here is the funny thing: when setting up a CUSTOM Match against the AI then ALL the fully AI controlled squads in that match will use their anti vehicle weapons on their OWN INITIATIVE without ANY HUMAN player having to order them to do that. That is good, and they should also do that when in a HUMAN player controlled squad but sadly they do not currently.

THIS MEANS that CURRENTLY in Enlisted the AI soldiers are already capable of using all their anti vehicle weapons without a HUMAN player having to order them to do so, but ONLY if they are in a fully AI controlled squad.

Since this functionality ALREADY EXISTS to have AI soldiers in AI controlled squads on their OWN INITIATIVE use their anti vehicle weapons and even their hand grenades against enemy targets. I suggest to really improve the AI soldiers of the HUMAN player so they also make use of that functionality.

In other words: let the AI soldiers in the HUMAN player squads use their anti vehicle weapons and hand grenades without the HUMAN player having to order them to do so.

And not only anti vehicle weapons and hand grenades but also extend this to rifle grenades etc. Basically AI soldiers should ON THEIR OWN INITIATIVE use ALL the equipment they have at their disposal. The cold hard truth in Enlisted is that currently most of the AI soldiers in a HUMAN player controlled squad will be long dead before the HUMAN player will be able to order them to do anything useful.

Again: give the AI soldiers in the HUMAN player controlled squads the same AI routine that they CURRENTLY ALREADY have in the fully AI controlled squads, like can be seen in CUSTOM Matches.

The AI soldiers in a HUMAN player controlled squad can only really be effective if they use the same AI routines that they currently use in fully AI controlled squads in Custom Matches.

In Custom Matches the AI soldiers in AI controlled squads currently: deploy rally points, deploy ammo crates (but only when defending), use hand grenades, use anti vehicle weapons etc.

These same AI soldiers will NOT do any of that when they are in HUMAN controlled squads and fully AI controlled squads will also NOT do any of that in regular matches when HUMAN players are present. This is beyond silly. Enlisted ALREADY has better and more effective AI routines for AI soldiers but they do not use them in regular matches and in HUMAN player controlled squads.

If you, developers, want HUMAN players to remain interested in your game then you need to change that.

And to add to that: let the AI soldiers in the HUMAN player squads place MARKERS on enemy units which they spot and on which they fire. Give these a DIFFERENT color from human placed ones, for example YELLOW.

It is long overdue that the AI soldiers in a HUMAN player squad start COMMUNICATING, even if only on a very base level, to the HUMAN player in their squad.

Other games, really old games, already had AI soldiers in squads and vehicle crews that could and would visually and verbally communicate with the HUMAN player. If they could do that decades ago, then so can you in Enlisted.

I have already expanded on this several times on this forum, as have others.

That brings me to another thing. This new version of Enlisted includes, among other things, the Ho-Ri Production tank destroyer. This was a vehicle that never existed in real life, not even as a prototype. It is PURE FANTASY. The Type 5 medium tank Chi-Ri on which it was based was also NEVER completed, only one incomplete prototype was found by the USA military after Japan surrendered in 1945 and was occupied.

Different people like different things, this I am aware of and respect.

And so should you if you want to retain the HUMAN players that started playing Enlisted because of its unique selling points when first launched, among others these were:

  • Authentic uniforms, authentic game maps, authentic campaigns with authentic weaponry during the time frame of that campaign.
  • AI and Human player controlled squads with good human-like AI soldiers

Over the past few years these two unique selling points have been slowly but steadily sacrificed on the alter of increasing the player base. I highly doubt that the player base will increase by sacrificing your unique selling points. Making Enlisted more like Call Of Duty etc. will not draw players from these games to Enlisted. Instead, this approach over time will lead to losing your first loyal customer base without getting another loyal customer base in return.

Instead of constantly introducing new weapons in Enlisted, many of which were either outdated or never mass produced because they were demonstrably in trials judged to be inferior to the ones actually mass produced or which were only post-war developments etc., focus on making your AI soldiers better and by introducing a game mode which enables players to play an authentic WW2 game without all these silly weapons and vehicles that were either never mass produced, judged to be inferior in weapons trials or produced after WW2 or not at all.

I do not play WarThunder and here is why: to me it is beyond silly to have 1950s tanks/aircraft facing 1930s and 1940s tanks/aircraft,. To have tanks/aircraft that failed to make it into mass production outperform ones that did. If Enlisted continues in this direction I will lose interest, I am here for an authentic WW2 experience in terms of men and equipment, not to play a fantasy with fantasy equipment.

I respect that others prefer fantasy over authenticity, but you developers should - if you are clever - also respect that some of your oldest and most loyal customers want an authentic WW2 game, not a fantasy game.

Currently you developers are on a path that sacrifices your oldest most loyal player base which started playing Enlisted years ago because of its authenticity, and you do this based on the illusion that by sacrificing authenticity in Enlisted you will win many new players that are currently playing other games such as Call of Duty, Battlefield, Hell Let Loose, Post Scriptum/Squad 44 etc. That will not happen, instead you will gradually lose the player base you built up the past few years and get nothing solid in return.

I used to play World of Warships and spent quite a lot of money on that game. I stopped playing it and stopped spending money on it when it went total fantasy, which more or less started with the introduction of the ships called “Stalingrad” and “Lenin”, both USSR fantasy ships that never existed and which were made to totally outperform the real world ships in that game. Thereafter these two USSR fantasy ships were followed by whole USSR fantasy ship lines, for example with fantasy USSR battleships and even fantasy USSR Aircraft Carriers which outclassed real world ships in that game that actually fought in WW2.

And many of the players I played World of Warships with quit that game for taking that game in this fantasy direction.

If you continue to take this direction in Enlisted the same will happen for the same reason.

I find the Super Pershing interesting to READ about, but it was only one vehicle, it was a field conversion, it was never mass produced and it never was a success. In like manner the Pershing was introduced too late and in too few numbers to be relevant. It certainly was not present in all the major battles before March 1945 and less than 20 of them saw any real combat. There is a report of a Waffen SS Panzer Commander that purportedly knocked out an IS-3 in the Wien/Vienna area at the end of the war, yet I do not want to see Enlisted dominated by equipment like the Super Pershing and IS-3 that either never were, never were there, were too little too late etc.

I like reading about the Super Pershing and Pershing, about the IS-3, about the Gotha Go 229, about the Ho-Ri and all the other paper designs the Japanese were contemplating at the end of WW2. I do not however like seeing them in a WW2 game that can and should be, AND WAS, reasonably authentic when first launched.

WW2 has more than enough weapons for all sides that were actually used in WW2, and used in numbers, to make an authentic WW2 game around them. There really is no need to go fantasy and IF you want to go fantasy then make a game mode in Enlisted for those that like fantasy. In like manner keep a game mode in Enlisted for those that like authenticity.

By having two game modes, a fantasy one and an authentic one, you are NOT splitting the player base, you will instead PREVENT part of your player base from leaving, meaning the authentic WW2 interested part of your player base.

For example I do not want to see IS-2 and Königstiger in Stalingrad in 1942/1943, that never happened and it is silly to take Enlisted down this path. Sherman Jumbo tanks did not make it to continental Europe till late October 1944 and the first combat reports see them only reaching the front in November 1944/December 1944. So I do not like seeing Sherman Jumbo tanks on the beach in the Summer of 1944 in Normandy. I also do not like to see Pershing tanks in Normandy in the Summer of 1944, nor in the Ardennes in December 1944/January 1945. These Pershing tanks were never there and there really is no need for any that nonsense. It is ok however for a Remage bridge map in 1945 to have Pershing tanks on it, since a few of them were used there in real life.

I also do not want to see the German “Mammut” (English: “Mammoth”) super heavy tanks in Enlisted (which is nowadays known under its project code name “Maus”). This super heavy German tank was only developed in case the allies started deploying similar super heavy tanks and was never intended to be mass produced, just developed to the point where it would be be able to be mass produced if the need would arise. I respect that other players would like a fantasy game with that sort of equipment but be aware that many of your original Enlisted player base does not want to see any of that.

Meanwhile unique weapons, vehicles, aircraft that were used in WW2 are totally absent in Enlisted. For example the German Flakpanzer 38(t), the Flakpanzer IV “Möbelwagen”, the Flakpanzer IV “Wirbelwind”, the Me 262 was used over Normandy in a fighter-bomber role, the Jagdtiger was used in action from December 1944 onwards, about 90 Jagdtiger saw action in WW2 compared to the less than 20 Pershings that saw action from March 1945 onwards, the Fw 190 with Panzerblitz rockets was used in action, the R4M rockets were used by German aircraft against ground and air targets in WW2, the Ta 152 was used in action and had a 16 to 0 victory score which no aircraft could match in WW2, the German used remote camera and stick controlled “smart bombs” like the Fritz X and remote controlled vehicles and aircraft such as Goliath and Mistel. But these are all absent from Enlisted while an increasing number of fantasy weapons are instead being introduced. The western allies in WW2 also used a lot of unique equipment that was produced and used but which is also totally absent from Enlisted as well (Crusader AA tank, Churchill Crocodile, Churchill A.V.R.E. a large number of armoured half track variants with varied ordnance etc.).

Some German tanks in Enlisted have their close defense weapon, the „Nahverteidigungswaffe“ but it cannot really be aimed in Enlisted, and it can only fire smoke and can only fire straight ahead in Enlisted unlike in real life. The „Nahverteidigungswaffe“ in real life was a 92 mm roof mounted , breech-loading, multi-purpose, 360 degree rotating grenade launcher that could fire a wide variety of ammunition, for example Smoke and High Explosive. Most late war German tanks models including late war Panzer IV, Panther, Tiger and Königstiger, Jagdtiger etc. had this weapon system mounted from 1944 until the end of the war. This weapon system replaced three previous devices on German tanks: the „Nebelwurfgerät“ (smoke projectile launcher) , the „Minenabwurfvorrichtung“ (mine/grenade projectile launcher) and the pistol ports. Since it was a 360 degree weapon that could safely be fired from inside the tank it allowed the crews of German tanks to kill any enemy infantry with a 92 mm mortar round that was anywhere around their tank. Now THAT is an interesting weapon in WW2 that was ACTUALLY PRODUCED and USED in numbers. I rather see that properly depicted with its real life characteristics in Enlisted than all the fantasy equipment that has been introduced in Enlisted the past year or so.

So I propose that you have a fantasy mode in Enlisted for players that prefer fantasy, and have an authentic mode for the players that prefer authenticity. For example you can introduce a game mode versus the AI only where both sides are only allowed equipment fitting the time frame of the map.

Another example is to replace the current “Battle Rating” system with one which lists year of introduction.

Replace BR I to V with: 1939, 1940, 1941, 1942, 1943, 1944, 1945 and F for Fantasy. In the Fantasy category you can put all the equipment that never was used at all in WW2 or never used in significant numbers (such as the IS-3, the Ho-Ri and the solitary Super Pershing). That way players that prefer playing Enlisted with 1941 equipment can do so and players that prefer playing Enlisted with Fantasy equipment can ALSO do so, apart from each other.

If you look at a game like Steel Division 2 that game has sold reasonably well for a game in its genre and it also has a reasonable player base, a loyal one at that. The INTERESTING thing however is that this loyal player base MOSTLY plays the game against the AI, and not in online mulitplayer. Steel Division 2 is a success because it allows players to play the game how they want to play it.

Online multiplayer with everybody using fantasy equipment is not the ONLY option in Steel Division 2, the developers of that game allow the player to play it either authentic or fantasy. The player is allowed to choose the units and equipment for both sides when playing against the AI, allowing the player to play it either authentic or fantasy. That approach works.

The current BR system is arbitrary, meaning the BR rating giving is subjective and in the eye of the human beholder. It is therefore not neutral and not based on facts and logic. What IS neutral is “year of introduction in service” in real life. At the beginning of WW2 the western allies and the USSR in some areas had a technological advantage over Germany because Germany was forbidden to do military research and development and forbidden from having a real balanced military from 1918 till 1935. When the German military and German military industry was rebuilt from 1936 onwards the Germans therefore then started playing catch-up and they eventually overtook their adversaries technologically during WW2. This means that by using a “year of introduction” rating in Enlisted you can actually give the western allies and USSR a technological advantage over the Germans.

Take the game Skyrim as an example to emulate. One of the reasons that game is so successful is that players can play it the way they want. You are taking that option out of Enlisted and forcing every single HUMAN player to play what increasingly is becoming a fantasy game. By doing that you are NOT combining the player base but actually forcing the players that like authenticity out of Enlisted.

Different people like different things, make Enlisted accommodate and respect that principle instead of increasingly forcing a WW2 fantasy game on everyone.

Back to AI soldiers.

To avoid repeating/retyping everything that CAN be done and SHOULD be done to make Enlisted a truly great game with great AI soldiers, here for your convenience Enlisted developers are two links to what I posted on this subject earlier on this forum:




Same on Soviet M3 halftrack, thought this was a feature :face_with_peeking_eye:

Is there a fix coming for these green icons please?

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Honestly this BS needs to go / be changed significantly


Imagine a player who had researched all Soviet tanks and IS-2 1944 at 99% yesterday.

Today they wake up and and realize now they can’t finish IS-2 1944 but first they need 171k XP and 15k Silver for a useless new KV-1.


  1. Remove the necessity to PURCHASE the whole line, researching is already more than enough
  2. Introduce a 1-2 weeks GRACE PERIOD during which a newly added item in the middle of the line is not mandatory for research (in this case said player who had almost finished IS-2 1944 would be able to finish the research and unlock the tank)
  3. Remove the necessity to RESEARCH the whole line, this is especially important for ‘legacy’ players, having one unlock on the left and one on the right should be enough to research and purchase an item (in this example let me get Type 96 LMG regardless of what is not unlocked before Type 97)

Also putting Tiger E on BR5 and Tiger H1 on BR4 makes no sense.


Sure, in the current BR queues 1-3 and 3-5 this makes no difference.

But once (hopefully) we get ±1 BR matchmaking, what would make them a whole 1 BR apart if they’re basically the same? Same 88mm cannon, same armor, same mobility?
Having the Tiger 1 and 2 at BR5 would make sense as they would kind of be offset by IS-2 1944 and IS-2.
But then what’s the poinf of the same damn tank one BR below?
It’s definitely not an equal of KV-1 ZiS-5 or T-34-85 (D-5T) which are on BR4 and would be fighting it more often when we get BR ±1 MM.




This just doesn’t make sense.