⭐ Update «Stronger than Steel»

What with her?


G41(m) reloads 2 clips all the time, like the g41(w) used to do. I want to buy this premium, but it feels terrible to use


The objective will become secondary to brainless TDM gameplay

When will we get the event “assaulter” engineer squad which can use Assault rifles?


Awesome, been waiting for those rifles to finally get their ammo increased since the merge.

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lmao the planetree is still bugged.

so let the endless cycle of people buying the plane tree thinking it’s a pea dot or people reporting that their plane tree uniform became a pea dot never end.

i guess you guys will adore people reporting this item for the 5th time.
and keep watrching cbr posts being like: " i bought a pea dot, and it became a plane tree " similar to how previously people bought the plane tree and saw it became a pea dot. ( like it is currently ) resulting in more contraddicting posts as " i bought a plane tree, and it became a pea dot "



What about the T-60 from BR1?

The auto cannon overheats after like 15 bullets and has 10 seconds cooldown…

How about giving auto cannon tanks a little buff like cooldown down to 6 seconds or decreasing the overheating a bit?


I remember… happy times when we could unload the entire ammo supply in one go into a pz2 side(there only was pz2 vs t60 at first).

It was so fun…


Yes. Been asking this for ages. Please remove overheat from all 20mm light tanks, and give them their “good” armour piercing ammo please :pray:


They REALLY REALLY need to address this, DARKFLOW i hope your seeing this.


Id love to play the Panzer II or T-60 to fight against infantry support, but that does not work if you can only fire for 4 seconds before overheating for 10…


And rightly so, they are fun machines. Would love to see BR 1 -+0 for them to roam free again (and no overheat)


I would remove the overheating completely. Just give all autocannons and MGs a magazine/belt capacity and need to reload. There’s no change of barrel mechanic anyway. Meaning, there’s literally no point in having overheat mechanic.

Moreover, it is very inconsistent. For example, the MG on Sdkfz 251/1 overheats faster than it can fire 50 rounds. But conventional infantry MGs have no such problems.


They already said idea forwarded to devs,

This is cool and all (Hori no), but with the next update I hope we see focus on the following:

  • BR 3-5 removed from Stalingrad, or an option added to not be sent there (insta quit anyway)
  • BR ±1 matchmaking introduced (or at least BR1 not vs BR3)
  • Disable users decals and decorators display option added (client side like in WT)
  • Automatic adaptive camo for all vehicles introduced (purchased camos bound to biomes)
  • Standard faction decals and turret numbers with limited positions and sizes, unlockable through gameplay, introduced for all vehicles
  • Standard issue uniforms added for Premium/Event squads outside of “native” biomes (Moroccans get standard US uniforms in Normandy, Volkssturm gets standard Wehrmacht uniforms in Tunisia, etc.)
  • Option to select the nationality of purchased soldier added (US/UK, GER/ITA)
  • Faction specific AT guns added for all sides, scalable with high/low BR)
  • Faction specific ammo boxes and med boxes added
  • Standard truck added for Germany (Opel Blitz or Mercedes L3000)
  • Non-premium versions of Churchill, Firefly, Valentine (different gun/ammo) added for Allies
  • Improved matchmaker logic that tries to send Crusaders to Tunisia and LVT to Pacific but not vice-versa
  • New maps added for high BR USSR vs Germany to offset Stalingrad loss
  • Make engineer squads or a single engineer I each squad the default loadout for upcoming Steam players. Don’t teach them useless engineer-less and sniper-focused behavior from the start.

I completely agree with you. The overheat mechanic needs to go. If they want to add something, maybe a barrel change if you go full cyclic like we did when i was a 240B gunner in the 82nd airborne. We used to do a thing called a “mad minute”, where we would fire off around 550 to 900 rounds, full cyclic as a gun team to completely suppress and even destroy the enemies cover while our line teams moved on a bold flanking maneuver. At night your barrel glew orange red and sparked when dust hit it, marking an immediate barrel change. I’d love to do this in enlisted.


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Type 100 MG is cursed, you need to fix it.


I bought the gold order t60. Just because. I thought battle rating system would allow me to use it for fun…

But we got br 1,2,3 instead.


So now Pacific is in every BR just like Normandy…and when everyone is Special, no one is.