⭐ Update «Stronger than Steel»

They cant do anything about that gun was designed that way it uses toggle lock system which makes the bolt rise every time a bullet is fired like luger

Comes later:


Very disappointed in UI for type 100 MG. It still acts like it has only one barrel.

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Are there any plans for event squad slots?


Fan-freak’n-tastic! Let’s go, troops!! :muscle:

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@Keofox, when will we get a detailed roadmap? Also, when can we use those excess squad upgrade points on legacy squads and tech tree ones?


Only 76 Jumbos should belong to BR5, honestly, all else should be BR4/3.


Should think about defending team having unlimited spawn to abuse and squad spam now

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Would be really nice to get the extra slot for Event Squads as well.
Or let us earn it in future Battepasses.

One more slot doesn’t make or break the balance between paying and nonpaying players, but it would be nice if having earned a special squad would get the same recognition as supporting the game financially.


With the current system it doesn’t matter anyway. Currently only the BR3 cutoff is relevant. BR1-2 never sees 4-5, 4 always sees 3 and 5 anyway, and BR 3 can see BR 4 just as often as BR 5.
So de facto there is no difference between BR 1 and BR 2, and BR 4 and BR5.

Defenders will lose almost every match if they have limited manpower
Plus it turns the game into Search and Destroy and CS:GO. Yeah, there’s an objective in those game modes. 99% of those matches end via team wipe though. I want to play the objective, not run around trying to wipe the enemy team before they wipe us


I though the Hei automatic rifle thing was a bug but I guess it’s just meant to look that horrid when firing

DX12 20 fps instead of 200.

Or add a bolt action mode for extra gimmicks :crazy_face:

That’s how toggle guns work. It’s just like the Luger


dam i was not expecting that

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Matches of Pacific are now pure cancer every match. Planes 24/7 but with zero ability to counter them since AA buildables are so weak.
HVAR, M8, 500kg, 250kg, 100kg bombs every few seconds. So fun…


hmm sound like hell just like stalingrad axis pre merge guess im gonna pause on jap tech for now

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anyway im excited to use the Archille since it the only tank i have, that can at least do some damage to KT

Manor Assault is still the worst map in the history of the game, second capture stage needs a change in capture point positioning - attackers can’t capture both points when the defenders have the entire Manor as possible radio spawn points.

It should go back to normal after few weeks right now i feel like i’m playing in e-tournament where people just rush from point to point not even caring about grinding xp or having fun. Those stomps are not fun for anyone. Defending matches are boring too, enemy may not even cap more than a single point and you will win by doing nothing but slaughtering them for 18mins.

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