Update "Rzhev"

Please 1939 Khalkhin gol battle !!

Sorry I was a bit down that it has no proxy or timed fuze.
Yesterday night I watched more gameplay from a better player, he totally wrecked tanks and infantry with his thing.
It has very fast reload and a loooong barrel for high velocity.
And he shot down two regular planes with direct hits!
I was impressed :smiley:
This thing is a nice “oddity” and fun to have/use as a gimmick.


I just want to play the new Rzhev map. HoLy CrAp why is it that only once out of 30+ attempts I was able to queue the new one???

I see many people saying this…

I don’t know, I’m lucky I get in the new map often, when using br2-3. Do you use br5?

I know it’s supposed to be all br, but maybe there’s a preference setting :thinking:

No, i only play BR2-3…

Maybe just unlucky then :thinking:

There is more chance while playing Sovs, thought. With Germany there is also Normandy maps.

I’ve been playing mainly BR3 Germans since major update. I literally got this map 2 times and I definitely played more than 25 battles.
(You can check my replays)

… Then it’s not that ppl are unlucky…

It’s that I’M lucky??? :smile:

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I literally just got Rzhev in my 2nd match player russian (and i just start playing them today)

10 battles 0 rzhev with BR2 soviets…


I finally got Rzhev instead of Stalingrad, but it was conquest and lasted less than 9 minutes

I got Rzhev twice playing Germany, both confrontation, both destroyed by Russia in just minutes.

What BR were you, what server, when did you play?

Germany BR2, the day after the update with the new Rzhev map was released.
Dont remember the server, EU or all.
The time is in CET.
I played 3 battles that evening, 2 of them were Rzhev consecutively.
Both lost in 10 minutes :laughing:


I was surprised of how many skilled players are playing low BR Soviets rn.

Me too, they went so fast, I hardly had a time to look at the new map.
I got destroyed so badly that I have almost not played again since then :crazy_face:


I completely agree with you.

I don’t like the new T20 automatic rifle because it’s too overpowered.
Due to the release of the T20 automatic rifle, which has overwhelming performance, Enlisted’s balance has collapsed once again. The FG 42 II automatic rifle in Enlisted is trash. In reality, if a person is hit by a 7.92x57mm Mauser round, they will bleed much more than if they are hit by a 7.62x63mm Springfield round or a 7.62x54mm Russian round. Only in Enlisted, the Mauser bullet fired by the FG 42 II has lower damage than the T20’s Springfield bullet or the AVT-40’s 7.62x54mmR bullet (this must be fixed). It is undeniable that death from excessive bleeding is more likely when a larger caliber bullet penetrates a human arm or leg. FG 42 II automatic rifle needs an urgent buff, and the T20 automatic rifle needs an urgent nerf as soon as possible.

Enlisted’s recoil system is difficult to understand because the recoil of the gun displayed on the in-game screen and the recoil of the gun in the match are so different.
The recoil of the gun displayed on the in-game screen must be the same as the recoil of the gun in the match!

Hmm… I suspect that Enlisted bias the American camp and hates the German camp…

Just because one thing is powerful does not mean it needs to be nerfed. The fg is a very powerful gun just like the t20. The US dealt with fg with m2 carbines and had no problems. Now German mains are whining about an American fg. How ironic! The only problem is with the playerbase shifts caused by the t20 and fg not starting in full auto(ability to choose the default mode would be better)

Cherry picked examples prove nothing. Player base and skill matter more.