You managed to break everything about historical immersion of WW2 with the separate campaigns and their respective Squads, weapons and vehicles. All was balanced to year then and there, perfect So what the matches had few bots here and there.
Then you go ahead this dipshit Merge, break all and ruining all that was the sould and flavour of the game, for some perceived idea you will attract more players and have some fcking balance?
You now managed to break balance, fck up historical immersion, make all into a cesspool of time traveling Squads and gears and fck no can’t choose what campaign and respective maps to play.
You missed by FAR what was the game.
You should’ve merged the TECH TREEs that was all that was needed, one Tech tree for all NATIONS (that means Italy and UK separate u clowns) that should’ve been all campaign spanning so when you unlocked a weapon in Tech Tree, then it would be available for all campaigns that could have it.
That was the one important thing, that was good idea (should have been there form start, just pure retardness of developers).
Then you attract more playesr and have more filled matches, the way to go should have been to have Seasons (sorta like big Event) tied to one campaign. As in June can be Normandy season, gives xtra xp and cosmetics, camouflages, uniforms, and some special weapons ofc, Squads u name it.
That way most would’ve played one Campaing, always full matches, because of xtra xp and cosmetics, weapons. Everyone playes where most profitable, and since merged Tech Tree, will unlock for all campaigns, so no worries about all unlocked one campaign like that.
Then still you could play if want any campaign, maybe to get break or for fun or with friends, but most would’ve played current season for extra XP and the bonus goodies.
Then you rotate, December be Stalingrad campaign, Berlin in May so forth and on.
That way players also rotate on Nations, Campaigns, and have to playe all factions, get intrested and invested in all, don’t burn out, don’t be bored by playing only same faction, same campaign etc.
Merged Tech Tree and Season of Campaign, et voila! All would’ve been perfect.
But No you had to ruin all that was the soul of the game.
Now we still have unbalanced matches that are shit and one sided players stacked steamrolls etc, but on top of that it’s completely unhistorical aswell, balance BS, matchmaking a joke an historical immersion gone.
Fcking Well Done lads!
I sincerely hope game can be ‘‘updated’’ into a new Enlsited again, but this time make it right!
Fortnite CoD with unhistorical WT matchmaking is shit.
Redo, do right