" * Added a feature that allows mass removal of unnecessary equipment from soldiers and squads in the reserve."
Sigh…still need to expend a ton of time fishing out solders from squads & have a ton of guns, that should just be sold/thrown away, wasted on solders not actually fighting…in other words;
The annoying errors of "You do not have a full squad of soldiers to fight (minimum #).” & “Primary weapon slot can’t be empty” still existing, is disappointing.
Cuz before you can roll a max level soldier in one go or yes, spend bronze soldiers order, but why spend bronze order if you have abundant silver soldier order, you can just roll almost max tier and upgrade once or twice becuase they all cost 1 silver soldier order, so which is cheaper? Spending 12k silver and level up for an assaulter or spend 1 silver soldier for the same soldier or reroll it till almost max level and upgrade once or twice?
If you think is cheaper now, then explain me how does that works for vehicle now… cuz the mid tier vehicle are 15k per stock vehicle… conpared to free before merge lmao
The new maps are awesome, playwise and just how they look. Really looking forward for more maps settled in the ardennes!
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Also what about that you just want soldiers to fill the squad exclusively and not upgrading them? So you gonna spend more than 60k for 4 assaulter IV(all stock) vs 4 silver order(4k silver) before merge + they can be any rank? Funny that I can’t even get assaulter I now because medic is your first “assaulter”
Even cheapest assaulter II is 7500 silver, is 30k for 4 of those and is all stock
I used the “Unequip Reserve” button and found weapons I forgot I even had! Most notably the chrome-plated Twitch drop lil pistol guy! 
Since you don’t seem interested I went ahead and looked up the true costs myself, according to the silver currency announcement:
A tier 3 soldier used to cost 1 silver order and up to 114 bronze orders to fully upgrade. That’s the equivalent of 12400 silver. Now a fully upgraded tier 3 soldier costs 9000 silver flat out.
I don’t know the odds of unlocking an upgraded soldier with the old system; but if you were to spend 9 silver soldier orders on 9 soldiers: my experience was to get a few 3 stars and maybe one 4 star. Unlocking a 5 star soldier seemed like a 1% chance at best. That does lower the average cost over many soldiers, but since I don’t know the odds I can’t say how much.
Vehicles are far and above more expensive to upgrade, soldiers and weapons seem less so.
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Already has my suspiction the reload would be what it is but this is extra funny,
The bolt is untextured at the front, probably because the guy who modeled the gun based it on that one very well known picture which has the bolt closed.

I do believe the gun did fire from a closed bolt as well because of this quote by Sayama based on the test reports of the gun
“Prototype automatic gun often fail to close completely when the bolt is opened manually, or the bolt does not fully retract during firing.”
“Opened manually” kinda implies the bolt was closed and then opened and released to close the chamber (at which point it failed).
Also another long time Japanese hobby researcher Morio thinks its closed bolt
“Probably closed bolt, striker type, short recoil.”
(note: I don’t entirely agree with his drawing of the gun the same way I don’t agree with this model but I trust his description here)
-Page 374 “Introduction to Rifles, Handguns, and Machine Guns: A Thorough Study of Japanese Small Arms”(小銃・拳銃・機関銃入門―日本の小火器徹底研究) by Sayama Jiro(佐山二郞)
Oh also, you have a gun with a vertical grip…
and still hold it by the mag?
So in this game, Italians=Germans, right? Why do Italians not have their own uniforms except for the Tunisian campaign, as all Commonwealth countries have corresponding new uniforms in this update? Automatically become German? Do you have discrimination? Previously, the Tunisian campaign was about copying and pasting German equipment. Italians had very few weapons and vehicles, and there were many weapons/vehicles that could appear on the technology tree that you didn’t release. Is the reason consistent with history? Don’t joke, things like M4A3E2, M2 carbine, FG42-2 that shouldn’t have appeared in Normandy, but you made them appear. In the Battle of Tunisia, Italians don’t deserve to have more weapons from Italy!

2 to 3 games at most
3 to 4 games at most you think those bronze orders just disappeared to thin air no they didn’t every game you get silver that’s equals to
soldier silver order * 1000 + wepoan silver * 500
+bronze weapon * 200 + bronze soldier * 100 = silver
in those 3 games pre merge I would have gotten 3 silver gun which could be used to buy a 3 star weapon + 1 soldier slver which I could buy any tier soldier now you have to sacrifice all those bronze and silver weapons to just get assaulter 3 just improving one part of the system and then destroying other parts doesn’t make it improved
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yea that the hurtgen forest curse
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Classic school photo disrespect.

Equipping the US Paratrooper uniform on Normandy causes it to overwrite the default snow uniform when in a Battle of the Bulge mission. Doesn’t show an issue in the menu, but it’s overwritten once inside a battle. Given both uniforms are for different “Campaigns” can this be fixed? I’d rather not have my guys freezing (and looking goofy).
Another point. 1st Infantry Division is lacking any snow gear for their uniform besides a white helmet. They wouldn’t still have their summer kit, it would look more akin to this by the Ardennes:
Ok some nice additions with New Era, actually:
- SAS boys in shorts get normal clothes for Bulge
BUT why still not for Normandy??? Just copy the Bulge cosmetics there.
This is ridiculous.
- Second Marine Raider Batallion from Pacific changes frog camo to winter clothes during Bulge
BUT why not the same for Normandy???
- WHY doesn’t 1st parachute batallion change its Pacific frog camo to winter clothes during Bulge?
Just copy the Marines look for Bulge at least!
New Zealand’s 24th batallion just changed slouch hats to helmets for Bulge??? THAT’S IT???
WTF Darkflow
REALLY NICE to see that Moroccan bathrobe boys get normal winter clothing for Bulge
Just copy any other generic German look for those clearly unfitting maps, like this
@ErikaKalkbrenner why they do this to us SMH my head 
I love the new “round in the chamber”-mechanic, as in when you reload a closed bolt weapon with a detachable magasine there’s one more round available in the weapon. There’s quite a big problem I have with it though: there are weapons that should have it but don’t, and those that have it that maybe shouldn’t.
Just a few things before I list them: The G43 reloads as if it’s empty even if it isn’t, and it has been for a long time, which is weird because before it was the opposite. A lot of pistols also reload like that along with the sniper lee enfield, the Boys ATR, M1 Carbine w Grenade thrower and the M1A1 Carbine, which I think is a problem. The FNAB-43 seems like it’s open bolt, at least on the inspection model, even though it was a closed bolt weapon.
The weapons that need it, that I’ve found at least:
VG 2
Beretta 1918/30
Schnellfeuer C96
1903 Pedersen device (which also only does the “always empty”-reload
Type A Sword-Pistol
1911 Schwartz
And the only one that has it that maybe shouldn’t is the FG 42, since in full auto it’s open bolt and closed bolt when in semi-auto, although that’s not reflected in game since it would be kind of tedious to animate. So really on that it’s whatever.
(I’m also kind of annoyed that the 1911 used 8 round magasines while the De Lisle uses 7 round magasines, they should have the same mags, really)
APC icon on the map is way off from its actual position, needs to be fixed rather fast.
Example 1 (people did not spawn on my APC as on the spawn screen it showed as further than rally points):
Example 2 (again people didn’t want to spawn on my APC when it was the closest to the objective, as the icon showed waaaaay back on the spawn screen, even further than the main spawns)
Also this is cool and all but
- “Soft rule” to go to Tunisia when you have Crusader and to Pacific when you have Seagull?
- BR 4 5 removed from Stalingrad?
- BR 3 now only fights BR 2 and 4?
- Join Any Team XP bonus?
- 1944 Pz IV J from BR 3 removed from Stalingrad and Tunisia? Soft Rule?
- Moroccan boys don’t use bathrobes in Normandy and SAS aren’t in shorts everywhere?
- Adaptive camo for tanks? Whitewash for winter and dark yellow for Tunisia?
Lucky you.
For some unknown reason to me the button just isn’t working for me. I tried to restart game and several shenanigans like that. Nothing. Kinda meh.
Also would be nice to not simply

Because e.g. I have 2 presets for Germany: BR 5 squads and soldiers + BR 3 squads and soldiers.
Everything else can be disarmed/unequipped, BUT when I have BR setup 5 selected, I don’t need to disarm my BR 3 setup in reserve.