And what do you think you know about it huh?
Fedorov was brought out from storage in Winter War year before. Then they got other weapons and sent em back dusting.
Fedorovs could very well have been used in Moscow a year later.
Albeit in few numbers but that those 4-5 guys in one of your Squads could’ve been equipped with them is entirely possible and a believable scenario.
You are on of those huh? you know fck all about history actually. but read 1 time on google or heard some online forum self provlaimed expert that wasn’t used that.
NO whatsoever possibility of your mind trying to grasp the concept here of believable historical weapons usage.
Game should be centered on History, with addition like in this case a few Fedorovs in Moscow Campaign to add flavour.
Just adding for context. The Federov Avtomat would not have been a total impossibility to see in the hands of a single defender of Moscow or Stalingrad in 42 and 43, but it is unrealistically unlikely; here is why:
The Federov was never produced in high quantities. Yes, it was used during the Russian Civil War in very low quantities but its production was halted with the collapse of the Russian Empire. Yes, the remaining units were also used during the Winter War. But the Federov was UNREASONABLY COMPLEX in its design. All battlefield reports were that it was a highly useful weapon AS LONG AS SPARE PARTS WERE AVAILABLE.
In 1924, the Red Army decided to halt the use of any weapon which required foreign ammunition, and the Federov used Japanese Arisaka ammo that had been purchased from the Japanese.
From that point onward, you would have not found a Federov in any official capacity. In the anarchy of the rubble, it might have been possible to come across one; but it would have been impossible to find ammunition for it and they were too complicated to retrofit for alternate calibers. By 1942, the Federov had been out of production for 18 years and they chewed through spare parts like a pit bull chews through toys. While it is impossible to say “all” in a definitive sense, it is easy to say “all” in the practical sense to say that all of them were unservicable by 1942. The military wasn’t even trying to keep them serviceable.
The Federov Avtomat being used in this game by the Red Army is pure fiction
Fedorov in Moscow would could have been a possibility. As in having a few guns left an a couple more crates of ammo. That is a believable scenario. As for that Battle was a use all we got to defend with whatever we got left. A Squad finding last crates of Fedorov brought out of a dusty part some old forgotten storage could’ve been a believable scenario. As for Stalingrad is out of question, too much of stretch. By then the Russians had production up and running and scenario was another. And in Berlin is just no, i mean thats just so far out of possibility wrong.
Moscow believable, Stalingrad no, Berlin hell no.
If we had Finnish Winter War in game I’d be all for removing it Moscow too, but that is highly unlikely.
Then its kinda fun to have it in-game to pkay around this interesting piece of weapon in atleast a somewhat believable scenario Moscow
Though as of now state of Game…
Well first have to convince players and developers years of service weapon & vehicles tied to campaigns better matchmaking than this pure garbage unhistorical BR system that is no fun and still unbalaced in gear and side
The problem is the “would have been”, we are operating in the same field that brought the prototypes that today are a little bit, breaking immersion.
I would like to see what equipment S44 ex PS, are going to put on the soviets armament when they add the faction, today is the most historical accurate game out there.
As long long as it’s centered around that specific battle and it’s not too much out there I see no problem. You take Moscow campaign, think from that perspective what could’ve been there. As long as you take it based on history. As in this case what could’ve been 41, is possible weapon from year before was there? Sure. Then Stalingrad, was this particular weapon there? No, year before that no. So not believable in 42.
You keep it centered on historical with few believable flavours see no problem.
Though I mean I’d rather myself see even more historical authenthic representation, as in no Fedorov Moscow, no PzIV F2 and so on.
But really this point is pointless as for now because of what they turned the game into.
Now it’s just timetravelling Squads going anywhere and even more disconnected from actual history.
Yes, and the matchmaking it’s useless as someone said before there are time travelling vehicles and weapons/squads, i’m lately getting more Berlin as a Soviet BR2 than as a German BR3.
BR is not wrong, but the game should also take in care time and location for weapons, some guns where all over the war, some specifically in some time or around some time (the fedorov exception).
When is our free perk reset
You change perk system with merge
offer no reset. It now costs 3000-5000 silver per soldier. This is insane for a new overhaul.
Well just purchased the german premium halftrack…
Absolutely shocking, terrible overheating period that needs a buff when using the onboard MG.
Arc of the weapon needs adjusting - can hardly point the MG upwards.
Mobility of the halftrack is terrible - painfully slow.
At the moment a terrible pack that needs huge adjustment to the halftracks operation.
It is a far fetched scenario. They were considered junk by the Red Army and all of the Federovs that had been gathering dust were sent to Finland along with all of the service parts that had been kept for maintaining them. When the Federovs broke down (and they all broke down; they were notoriously unreliable weapons) they were repaired as long as parts were available and then when they finally broke with no parts left to maintain them, they were abandoned on the battlefield.
Agreed, except for the “spotted unicorn” chance of one being accidentally kept back from being shipped to Finland where they all were destroyed in combat.
I’d much rather see an early confrontation between Russia and the Japanese
It’s not really believable for it to be anywhere in any noticeable numbers. It certainly would not have been used by any official units in any official capacity.
You also have to consider that the Red Army had no acquired any 6.5x50 Arisaka since 1924. The Communists actively deprecated the rifle and only sent them to Finland because they had to in order to make sure that every soldier sent had a rifle. They spent it all in the Winter War and they were considered useless junk when they were sent in the first place.
The Communists are obviously famous for their ability to perfectly command complex systems from central control, so it’s not possible that they made an oversight and “forgot” where they put some of the supplies. That’s tongue in cheek to say: it’s certainly not impossible but it’s pretty far fetched.
So this new update didn’t impress me much. If it’s about the cancellation of campaigns, I’m sorry here, because for me the campaigns were better. Now it’s terribly cluttered in the research. For a unit I want, I have to research weapons I don’t want and won’t use, and to make matters worse, I still have to buy those weapons. And now the AI, well here’s where the updates get worse. What good is a big unit if it doesn’t hit anything or even react to the enemy. How is it possible to run between enemy units and no one shoots at me and I can still throw a grenade at them. That would need improvement. And after a new update the game freezes or crashes.
Last night, I had my best round ever playing low Soviets. It was one of the building maps; I can’t remember the name of the map. But we were defending, our CP was overrun, and I just stayed back to hold off the Krauts while everyone pulled back. I had squad after squad after squad stop right in front of my loophole and I just kept mowing them down with my machine gun. None of the AI did anything to try to evade. I eventually had to pull back one city block to avoid getting zapped for being out of the zone and I laid down on the sidewalk directly in front of where the Germans would be coming through while pointing my MG towards my own team. I ran out of ammo and did a full reload directly in front of 3 or 4 German squads (AT LEAST 1 of them had to be AI) and they didn’t fire a single shot at me. I think the humans thought that since I was in their ranks facing their target, I was one of them. But it doesn’t explain why the AI got confused too.
I guess it’s good that they aren’t omniscient; if the humans were getting confused into not firing on me, it would kind of screw the game if the AI squad members would clean up their mistakes. But it was a bit odd. I eventually opened up the mg on their line and took down a dozen before someone behind me finally got a shot in and made me go back to spawn. That one machine gunner took down 50 on that single spawn.
It was great fun lol
Well that’s why I’d expect the AI to at least hide or defend themselves but they stand there and get shot. At that point, the entire unit is useless to me. They used to be a little better at shooting.
I’d be fine with them simply taking cover and looking around for where incoming shots are coming from. If you shoot at them while they’re looking at you and you don’t make the kill, they start returning fire. If you’re running in front of them, they open fire.
That seems to me like the best balance between making them somewhat useful but not so useful that the computer is playing the game for you.
the one in the chamber mechanic is very welcome, a very nice touch. can we get it in the armaguerra too? i know its not a top notch gun, but once you get used to the sights is not too bad!
Well, it should be. If you’re playing with a friend, he’s got your back. The game would have a whole different dimension and it would look really realistic. This way, the unit’s standing there like a herd, waiting to be executed.
Don’t forget everyone, the devs said they were going to do a free one time perk reset for soldiers and are still holding out on us.
Stuttering for 1 second, every 2 minutes…fix it please…unplayable
Please add prices to the experience so that one knows how much things cost.
Uploading: image.png…
Uploading: price.JPG…
Please tell me why the Soviet Union and Japan did not collide and explode hand grenades?
This type of weapon that damages a range is very powerful. I hope the Japanese and Soviet armies can also use it, or neither can use it!!! This is fairness!!!
Please fix the gameplay. In every battle, players are disconnecting because they don’t want to play the map and thus ruining the battle for others who then play for example 7 against 11 and can’t win. Create a ban for people who disconnect themselves and desert.