⭐ Update "New Era"

man i just use bt7 with 76mm gun since that thing is fast

Dude T28 are BR2…

And Pz IV H is BR4…

The turret is 50mm vertical, and is like 30~40% of the overall front of the tank, figure that out

Well, fight at 2 BR versus 4 BR is kinda normal for you?
Maybe, but not for me.

Time to remember y’all, that BR could be more tied to dates with just a single change: make shitty late-war weapons have a lower rarity. Panzer IV J could perfectly be BR4 and be a 1-star tank (so, cheap to buy and upgrade).

There will always be a meta, so we don’t need 100% of the weapons seeing consistent play, if the Panzer IV J isn’t competitive in BR4 it isn’t really a problem, because the Panther was already outshinning the Panzer IV H, ans in BR3 the Panzer IV F2 was being powercrept by the Panzer IV J.

What all of you overlooked is the absurd number of 3-star weapons there is now, before only 1/3rd of the weapons were 3-star, but now roughly 3/5ths of the weapons (everything from Tier 3 onwards, tho Tier 1 and 2 has a bit more weapons per Tier) are now 3-star.

It would be very easy to tie weapon dates to BR more closely, giving them lower rarity, and putting them on a folder as cheap alternatives and/or collectibles (for roleplayers). But you guys are so damn fixated on “”“balance”“” (a balance that will never be perfect, as metas will always exist) that even when offered a discount on the game’s economy you’ll refuse it because “muh balance”.

PS: also I find it amusing how nobody ever talks about nerfing and buffing weapons, since that is sometimes a better alternative to shifting a weapon’s BR. For example, if Germany’s SMGs at BR4 are underpowered, it would be better to buff them, but what we got was most of Germany’s SMGs on BR4 being moved to BR3, leaving an almost empty BR4 SMG selection for Germany because apparently buffing the MP35 and the ZK-383 was too difficult!?


15k silver coin? Cheap? Lmao


And to think, just a little while ago, all you had to do was play to get it(Squad/Guns/Tank etc).
Now you have to play to get it, then you have to pay for it too now, it’s a bloody Joke.

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Agree, the Kilary and MkB 42 belong in BR4, too many filler in BR5


Cheaper that it is now? Yes. Are vehicles still overpriced? Also yes.

In general the economy is now a mess. Yes I am aware of all those calculations that have been done that show that “it is tecnically cheaper now”, but the problem is that base costs have gone up very hard. Access to a weapon is more important than upgrading said weapon, specially for newbies and F2Ps.

I am particularly interested in not polluding a BR with identical weapons that perform progressively better. The MkB42 is totally outclassed in BR5 and offers nothing different iver the StG44 and MP43. At BR4 it would make more sense historically and diversity-wise.

Same reason why I think the MP38 and MP40 should be in different BRs.

One in chamber adds to total ammo.

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Have you changed the matchmaker somehow? I found playing after the merge really enjoyable. With a battle rating of 1 (or 2), I was matched among my peers (BR 1 and BR 2) and only rarely had BR 3. The games were pleasant and I had fun.

Since the start of the Christmas event, playing in BR 1 has just SUCKED! I played 7 games yesterday and had 5 (!!!) games in which I was allowed to be farmed by BR 3 players. I didn’t have this quota before! By the way, today it happened 4 times in 5 games. Well, that’s hard for me to explain with “coincidence”.

In addition, I have often (especially today) been thrown into matches that were already advanced (the first objective was already gone and the opponent still had 1000 tickets or the first two objectives were already destroyed and the other two already had the running countdown. I hadn’t had that before the event either.

Why is that?

If this is the gaming experience that I have to prepare for in the future, then that’s it for me with the game because I don’t feel like getting frustrated in my free time.

Anyone have an idea what this could be?

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They should’ve just stuck to Weapons & Vehicles ‘‘rated’’ to Campaigns instead of this stupid shit Battle Rating.
That way you can have the immersion of the Campaigns still and you don’t end up in weird as hell matchmaking.
And don’t tell me it’s balanced now.
You go Tier III and face of against V.
Say Soviet tier III in a KV-1 facing a King Tiger in Berlin, GL

I’d rather have some unbalance gearwise but with historical authentic matchmaking on the respective maps.
They could even go further to limit some gear to certain Campaigns better.
Let’s say Soviet SMGs.
Fedorov only in Moscow.
PPD 34/38 Available from Moscow and on.
PPS 42 & 43 only in Berlin
Stuff like that to make game more varied and authentic and historical.
In a WW2 Shooter that equals more fun and immersion.

I hate like now wanting to do BR II list to play Moscow, but can’t equip any SMGs except PPD 34 (Box), it’s stupid, You should be able to have both PPD 34/38 and PPD 40.
OR like want to play BR III but can’t take a single SMG with the better Drum Magazines, then you get uptiered and get Berlin, and I mean GL with that. There you are with the KV-1 and No Drum Mag SMGs facing King Tigers and StG 44s.

I hope one day they ‘‘update’’ the Game to more authenthic matchmaking
instead of this shitfest

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How do I get this uniform. It seems to be not for sale.

That’s because it is default uniform for certain squads on battle of bulge maps.
You already own it.

Other squads can’t buy it

That’s probably just another odd decision made by devs.

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It seems to be a bug.

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Fedorov on Moscow and historical accuracy aren’t in the same group.

And what do you think you know about it huh?
Fedorov was brought out from storage in Winter War year before. Then they got other weapons and sent em back dusting.
Fedorovs could very well have been used in Moscow a year later.
Albeit in few numbers but that those 4-5 guys in one of your Squads could’ve been equipped with them is entirely possible and a believable scenario.
You are on of those huh? you know fck all about history actually. but read 1 time on google or heard some online forum self provlaimed expert that wasn’t used that.
NO whatsoever possibility of your mind trying to grasp the concept here of believable historical weapons usage.
Game should be centered on History, with addition like in this case a few Fedorovs in Moscow Campaign to add flavour.


Just adding for context. The Federov Avtomat would not have been a total impossibility to see in the hands of a single defender of Moscow or Stalingrad in 42 and 43, but it is unrealistically unlikely; here is why:

The Federov was never produced in high quantities. Yes, it was used during the Russian Civil War in very low quantities but its production was halted with the collapse of the Russian Empire. Yes, the remaining units were also used during the Winter War. But the Federov was UNREASONABLY COMPLEX in its design. All battlefield reports were that it was a highly useful weapon AS LONG AS SPARE PARTS WERE AVAILABLE.

In 1924, the Red Army decided to halt the use of any weapon which required foreign ammunition, and the Federov used Japanese Arisaka ammo that had been purchased from the Japanese.

From that point onward, you would have not found a Federov in any official capacity. In the anarchy of the rubble, it might have been possible to come across one; but it would have been impossible to find ammunition for it and they were too complicated to retrofit for alternate calibers. By 1942, the Federov had been out of production for 18 years and they chewed through spare parts like a pit bull chews through toys. While it is impossible to say “all” in a definitive sense, it is easy to say “all” in the practical sense to say that all of them were unservicable by 1942. The military wasn’t even trying to keep them serviceable.

The Federov Avtomat being used in this game by the Red Army is pure fiction