
The 75mm HEAT for the Germans is more than adequate
We could get the C round, but its not hurting for it
Shrapnel is fine for BR 1 even if its a bit anemic, you just need to aim and accept you’re a glorified heavy IFV
I don’t play jap shit boxes
And the F-34s/L11s are FINE
MD-8 would be nice, but like German HEAT it isn’t necessary thankfully

Thats nice and all,but when are u gonna actually ban all the hundreds of blatant chinese wallhackers instead of just banning 1 or 2 random profiles every month?
I know they spend a lot so you dont want to but i would appreciate it

btw does anyone know when did the discount for the breaking dead panzer4 j skin start? cause i just saw it today

Please wait for some news about it soon!


Anniversary discounts or something? Yes? Yes? Please say yes


The russian event paratroopers cannot pull an M1 Bazooka from the weapon box on BR I - III. You only get the PTRS-41, which is not competitive against tanks on BR II like Pz. III N or higher…

I tested this in standard battles and on testroom - same result.

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Anti tank guns should have their HE removed or be made to be insta killed upon return cannon fire
Getting shelled from every angle by AT guns is terrible when they can soak up hits from tank guns unless you knock out a specific part half the time
Also Quarry is a fucking terrible map
The entire quarry section should be nixxed and the beautiful everything else should be used


That squad is already more customisable than any othere squad.
Complaining that this squad is not “viable” is just odd when no other event squad has this flexibility.

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nevertheless it’s a simple mechanic which DF added to all other. The only thing which M1 bazooka isn’t available because the weapon got to the russians after the added that mechanic.

so technically it’s a bug because they (DF) forgot to add the mechanic here aswell. :wink:

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Did you fix the crash bug?

No - technically it is a feature because it is working exactly as designed.

Much appreciated. While we are at it, may we get some of the “Better ammunition” for some other Entities? There are many U.K tanks using their default warthunder ammunition, which is their worst.

Especially the better Solid shot types (U.K and 20mm guns), as they dont benefit from HE filler.

M61 Shot (APCBC) for Chaffee

Shell Mk.1 AP/T (APHE) For Daimler, A13, A.C, Valentine and Matilda
Shot Mk.IXB (APCBC/T) For Daimler, A13 A.C, Valentine and Matilda

Shot Mk.9 (APCBC) for Crusader and Churchill

Shot Mk.8 for (APCBC) Firefly

PzGr 40 (HVAP-T) for Panzer II and AB-41

EPS M42 (HEAT) or HE for the Semovente. Perhaps 10 rounds?

Hl.Gr 38C (HEAT) for Panzer IV E/F1 to differentiate from Panzer 3N (Higher Penetration HEAT)

API HV for T-60

Im sure there are others.


Ho-I should get Heat rounds, same with Tiger 1

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I thought the Ho-I already does have HEAT?

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why the hell would you need HEAT for the 88

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Nvm you are right it has HEAT but it has stupid smoke shells that take away 7 shells from HEAT and APHE and HE.

Heat is better than HE at least for me.

Sure for the Ho-I

But the HEAT round for Tiger doesnt really matter as much. Not really an upgrade like it is for the other tanks listed here

HEAT has better blast wave (not by much) while HE has better shrapnel generally you want better shrapnelling

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