
why the hell would you need HEAT for the 88

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Nvm you are right it has HEAT but it has stupid smoke shells that take away 7 shells from HEAT and APHE and HE.

Heat is better than HE at least for me.

Sure for the Ho-I

But the HEAT round for Tiger doesnt really matter as much. Not really an upgrade like it is for the other tanks listed here

HEAT has better blast wave (not by much) while HE has better shrapnel generally you want better shrapnelling

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Because it’s dregz, duh? He needs kiraly and mkb at BR3, Mp43 at BR 4, STG as gun for riflemen…because germany suffers and all their equipment is crap…lol

Any word on t-28(e) machine guns dealing 0 damage bug?

If all the Paratroopers have been edited and if the mechanism work on all paratrooper squads like supposed to be, except 1 paratrooper squad (because it was forgotten due to the introduction of the M1 Bazooka on russian side) then it’s still a bug - doesn’t change the fact.

I think they said in another post that it’s known

the xp to silver conversion is still terrible tho, we want to gamble!

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too bad i suggest about silver improvement and basically no one take a look (a dozen of people did agree but that like 1/6 of the amount so i guess the conversion is ok)

Premium STUG A could get the C HEAT round tho - that would actually make it viable in BR2. In the End the other German Panzers with HEAT are all infantry support tanks - tank combat shouldn’t be their strength.

Well… actually STUG A was also an infantry support tank - but by that logic it could aswell lose its heat and move to BR1 with HE instead.

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Definitely not. I hate this idea.

if… if… if…

Hello, a dumb question, I recently did see a 17 pounder in Enlisted, since when was that introduced? That flew completely under the radar for me. I had no idea it existed. Will there be a PAK43?

I started the sentence different and made a correction but I forgot to delete the word “if”. :wink: Nevertheless all paratroopers were changed, except one which was forgotten.

So what you think about the heat C then? To me seems fair since the other BR2 HEAT vehicles are actually mainly great or supposed to be great at infantry support.

Regular heat 80mm of pen

Stug A 100mm of pen (potentially even getting a BR2 TT STUG B, which would fit BR2 arguably even better than Marder.)

I don’t really care tbh. But I want its APCBCs to be replaced with Heats.

It already has pretty limited ammo capacity (in comparison to Pz III N and especially to Pz IV e).

If I remember correctly, it’s something like 19/18.
Ammo capacity of premium Pz IV E is 37/36. Basically double the amount.

And since Stug doesn’t even have MG, it just needs as many anti infatry shells as possible. The 19 APCBCs are completely unnecessary. If it had 37 heats instead, it would be much better for it.

80mm vs 100mm isn’t really a noticeable change. Maybe that would help you better handle churchill and KV. But that’s pretty much it.

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Well, its always about those few BR3 heavies.
But yeah, so how about Stug B TT half HE, half HEAT C - while premium all rounds HEAT, so that it stays kinda unique while playing kinda like the BR1 italian TD.

at least from running both the Stalingrad and normal panzer III Ns, it does feel like the heat does damage more consistently.