
My mines are still bugged when i switch to other soldier too quickly when placing them. They are not placed and i have them in my inv but can’t be placed again they become a dead weight.

“You see Hans, you must learn to shootink from cover like me.”

Can we have some buff for the Austen? It has a very weird and uncontrollable recoil, bullets just spray all over the screen.

He’s got a periscope in his elbow

Wouldn’t be better to just scrap everything in the game and allows us to use only rifles? The neft for mines was simply to big and we have loss another feature. You didnt delete it from the game but you nerfted it so much that it doest matter at all if its still there.

You really don’t understand what purpose of mine is …

You should blame vitality since you can survive mines blowing 20cm from you without that stupid overpowered perk you would still be get killed. This update only buffed Vitality even more. It’s not optional perk it’s the mandatory perk on all soldiers.

I am personally waiting for them to bring the Breda PG (Carcano) back as an event weapon. I picked up 3 of those alongside that Soviet event pistol. Really want to get 3 more so that I can fully kit out my Italian engineer squad.

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What has happened to my fps on PS5 - Stalingrad br4, very juddery!?!

Was about to say this only. I don’t really like this colour scheme/lighting that much. The previous one was much better. Also controversial opinion here but I liked how the guns used to look previously. The light falling on them would make them look beautiful. Now they look a lot like the ones from HLL. But I absolutely adored the previous look on them.


I can accept that it’s because of vitality but how difficult can be to thing about for while, what else with one change will be broken…

on PC at least for me it’s also pretty bad, fps drops and stutters


im using them in br5 and i love their 1 shot capability tbh

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I know mate, I wanted to grind my 20k, but guess will wait til tomorrow, when devs fix or I sit in a tank minimal fps drain… @James_Grove please ask devs to look into

Hello, need clog from your pc and if you have it a log from game session previously before this update or from test server.
(Usually they stored on similar path here: C:\Enlisted.logs~enlisted)

I deserted reading further after this sentence…

is the 20 % of gold order stack with each other like 3 gold soldier do 60 % or it just 20 %?

iirc they said no but maybe they change it (maybe)

It doesnt stack

Yeah. I was thinking of buying the Breda PG (CR)s. But the fact that I can only get like 4 of them desisted me from buying them. Plus I don’t get to use my Italian camo outside Tunisia.

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well tbh even tho people hate it, i love that thing it the only burst gun in game now

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