
if they hide that too then it’s joever

The countdown for the major update begins. :alarm_clock:


Old bug is back:

Game wants to pick unupgraded weapon instead of maximum star.

I found a bug


MG13 can’t compete against spam of PPS-42 and Lanchesters, MP40/M1 is crap when compared to them and Mannlicher is a worse WINchester. Germany is the weakest nation at low BR.

Checked it in practice, it doesn’t do this
Might be editor specific because editor guns aren’t upgraded

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“ah ahora si, ahorita que ando tiempo madita sea DF”

FINALLLYYYYYYY THE UPDATE, sadly as i mentioned above in my language today i´ wont gonna play : (

stills as good panzers but for using them you have to be very skilled XD

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I think mines needed a change but i don’t like this change at all.

What you should’ve done is:

  1. add counterplay - the ability to disarm mines, reduce the proximity of triggering when players is crouched, or finally display a mine icon when crouched. This could be further developed with perks, tools etc. (more silver to spend!)

  2. add viable alternative to mine slot - such as sticky bomb for example, right now higher experienced players don’t really need to carry TNT, epacks are far better, so players carry PLENTY of mines, that wouldn’t be the case if you’d created an good alternative.


Agreed. And you know when Adam and I agree on something it’s gotta be right.

yes, was about to say.

G43kurz’ sfx is totally broken.

In general it’s desynced - fhe firing sfx continues even tho you’ve stop firing. Sometimes 0.1 sec, sometimes even longer.

Also the echo is very delayed and not in line.
Please fix soon. Would say it’s borderline playable atm.

Not as blatant as the clip above. But still annoying/not good enough IMO


ngl i love ppl calling him Adam.

I think you’re missing something :shushing_face:

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I have almost no complaints with this update, overall it’s a great improvement.

A lot of weapons had been waiting for far to long regarding their select fire ability.

It will be interesting to see how the cadence of high tier eastern front matches change with all these buffs to various weapons.

I like new FG42 and AVS that also feel way better to play but Kurz is now inferior to FG42 II/AVT-40/AVS-36.
Such low rof and mediocre damage for a gold order weapon is pretty bad.


Ok now i get it

Let’s get the thread back on topic, yeah?

I have 3 Breda PG CR but I swapped them out for FG42IIs. I might change my mind once I get tired of FGs.

I always disliked Breda PG CR since it’s so inaccurate after you shoot off first two bullets, even OG FG42 II was better than that. Surprisingly Breda non burst that we got during event is way better than PG CR and old FG42 II.

I only use them on my Italian premium flametrooper squad as a themed weapon:


After this update, the armor piercing data in the item information of the anti tank grenade launcher is missing. Please fix it.

Known issue but thanks

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