
My Japan BR3 lineup is thriving, long live the emperor!


What is the current armor penetration data for the 37mm automatic gun of BF 110 g-2 ?@James_Grove

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Could developers consider fixing this immersion-breaking symptom once and for all? I think many, including me, have already reported the list of all possible weapons with this bug many times via forums and reports. So you guys, the developers not have to unnecessarily answer these same questions that have been brought up over and over anymore. It’s the thing that happens every time and we visually see it during gameplay, make the game look more polished, please. Thank you.

When will CS keyboard and mouse support?

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AP mines need more nerf.
You only need to press the number key 6 and click the mouse, and there is a high probability of getting a kill within 5 minutes. If you place the landmine behind window or door frame, the attacker won’t be able to see it at all.
For those who take the risk of attacking enemy rally points, being killed by a mine dropped 5 minutes ago is not fair at all.

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i ran thru one and had no damage complete and utter joke of a nerf

What about yanikov smg? (russian bp pistol)

is that still being work on? since apparently there a bug with it

When it will be ready

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well cant wait to get more mortar kill with my RMN-50

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Just not sure for the anti kamikaze system, is suiciding the pilot from the menu will obligate to respawn on the ground?

they really didn’t touch the issue with Pacific air spawn not having the new spawn lock time huh .



Damn, now there will be not incentive to avoid suicide manuveur

Guess now we have to go full speed a head in enemy aircraft

@Euthymia07 @James_Grove

You broke mods. Please take a look asap: Community Bug Reporting System

Plus every mod related error or feedback that was left in the dev server thread was ignored.
If the developers cannot afford to maintain the modding aspect of the game, then scrap it.


Thank you, report is forwarded.


as mine user I expected something worse,but,its a fair deal

Fixed now.


GrB39 got buffed so it only makes sense to buff M1 too a lot of the times you could be shooting at German tanks and don’t deal any dmg since your rockets would be eaten by their armor.
Next Sturmpistole would need a massive buff since it’s the slowest reloading infantry AT weapon in a game.

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Holly Jebus; u can full auto snipe the farthest targets from this spot with AKT40/ AVS 36 :nerd_face:

mayyyybe Soviets got the best buff br5 :sweat_smile:

Ps thank u for making Bren/Vickers/Owen combo very controllable now, BR2 Brits are feeling great
