
The new medic appearances are tied to the particular squad… Once you change the medic to another squad he cannot keep its new helmets or the armband. Imho medics should be able to get this new helmets and torso with medic armbands no matter in what squad they are in.


I 've said the same.

Official answer is : medic custom is only for medic squad.

I don’ t like it. It will cool to see a classic squad with one medic with his Red cross on the shoulder.

Same for the radio headset, only avaible for them into radio squad into specific campaign. :confused:

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And some customizations are only for sniper squads like green stahlhelm and white pants for germans

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true, I think it should just be a dark shade, this bluish grey doesn’t have a particular reason to be visible in a scope

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@iso_seppo123 are the Soviet Yer bombers new?? (radio call in) Im drawing a blank, cos i dont recall seeing them before,

I havent seen them so cant tell. I think there were 2 bomber options for soviets but im not 100% sure

okay well I just encountered a heap in game. It has been a long time since i seen bombers called in at high BR…maybe that’s the only reason I don’t remember them

  1. Great update over all, thank you Gaijin!

  2. I noticed the posture for the commander in the T-34 STZ (and maybe other early model T-34’s) has not been updated, it’s one of those needed most, since the early T-34 features the forward-facing hatch that the commander should be leaning on. Please fix.

  3. For that matter - considering we now have a vehicle upgrade progression tree, how are there 5 different models for the early war T-34, but still no T-34 1943 model? The T-34/76 1940 and 1941 models should be BR II, it has weak forward armor, slow reload and crew handicap; the STZ and 1943 models should be BR III; and the 85 should be BR IV.

  4. If you go one more update without unlocking the Italian skins I’m going to eat my own face. And when can we get Romanian and Hungarian squads?

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76 mm cannon and unkillable armor for any t1 tanks an you want it to t2? Nobody would use t28 or t50 then. The soviets already get insanely good planes for t2 (p40 and il 2 1941) and you want t 34?
If you ever played moscow before merge you will know this is bad idea


Definitely not.


Are you being serious? Airstrikes get called in almost every single BR5 round I play.

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Also havent played high BR since merge :stuck_out_tongue:

Well…against soviets anyway

This brings bad game experience…

Any info on this?

Kind of important to know for people who run full bolt action armies.


What’s the problem?

afaik not fixed


Played plenty, but T34 1940 just isn’t competitive at BR III the way they have it set up. They’re facing HV 75s from Panzer IVs on BR III, and they’re facing those in Moscow. Right now there’s simply no reason to ever use the 1940 because it’s so outclassed by the STZ in the same BR.

Well it is better to be useless in br 3 than steamroll new players in br 2

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Lol a tank from the same BR that can pen you, a new thing for you?

Same for tons of stuff in game.

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For the love of snail ! Remove the new optic or make it a option just like minimal interface!