
yeah sure brother and you should check your cargo 200s from Ukraine and think that where this stupid nationalism gonna get you?

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add a constantly active custom game room where players can test out gold order weapons, its ridiculously hard to do it atm and no one wants to go through all the hassle.

successfully selling things requires making them as easy to test & buy as possible.


btw, can we get a measurement how many of 9 bots in a team will make rallies on avg now? thats crucial to identify the efficacy of the AI update, otherwise its like the first time when bots started ā€œto build ralliesā€ and after i tested it with 2 games where i was the only real player, i found only 1 out of 9 bots (11,11%) built any.

the success rate needs to be at least 50% of bots building having constant rallies up for every objective.

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That would have been the human assumption, but this is gaijin we are dealing with, alasā€¦

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Finally, the bipods are usable, though it should have been done a-long time ago, I am nevertheless thankful.




Is there really a need to be this bitter. Iā€™m fairly certain nearly everyone in this forum knows what a brutal ordeal the battle for Stalingrad was.

D-Day is more readily photogenic and encompasses a smaller amount of time. Not to mention Hollywood is in America, and D-Day would thus obviously get more attention, by producers, and by the global community which watches their productions.

In any case, I wish people would show more interest in battles other than D-Day, Stalingrad, or ā€œHurtgen forestā€ (lol), like for example Budapest, it is in my opinion, one of the most interesting and horrid battles of that terrible war. Yet you can scarcely find a person who has read much about it, other than the footnotes.


I was over D-day, omaha and stalingrad years agoā€¦its everywhere and been done on repeat.

I want to see more Cinema/content from ā€œthe Liberationā€ of Italy and the Mediterranean.


I am a fan of the new optic, but I support the toggle option as well for those who donā€™t want too realistic sights


Im not against it (so far). I do find the Strong blue a bit odd though. shouldnt it just be blurry without the Bluish Hue?



Please consider adding the option to pick between Italian/German soldiers and British/American soldiers when recruiting new soldiers. I really hate having both ethnicities in the same squad and having an entirely different accent or even language when giving orders or hearing responses. Iā€™d like to make Italian squads but I have no access to Italian AT, rifleman, etc besides the few I have from before the merge.

If you want you can use those call sign orders as a currency to change pre-existing ones as I think most people dont really use them for anything besides being funny.


I use them to fix American troops that get generated with ahistorical names. I had to fix a Patel, a Chan, a Chang, a Li, a Le, another Li, and a Pham not long ago.

These offenses arenā€™t committed against the Japanese, the Soviets, or the Germans as far as I can tell. It seems extremely strange that the developers would go out of their way to generate fake names for US soldiers.

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Just curiousā€¦ did anyone else loose rank with the new update? I went from Colonel down to Second Lieutenant. I had 89 rank points last night when I shut down, and loggd in this evening to find that I now only have 50 rank points.

It is intended. Your rank will reset to a lower rank when a new BP starts.

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If you hover over the number next to your rank you will see it says the reward you receive for that rank plus how many points carry over to the next BP season. Iā€™m pretty sure 50 is the max amount that is carried over to the next season but donā€™t quote me on that.

Another thing to add to this conversation is that we typically only see the US perspective of D-Day in movies and games. Other Allied nations perspectives like the British, Canadians etc are rarely represented in D-Day media at all. The contributions of non-US nations are not shown even when they easily could have been represented accurately, eg. British landing craft crews being shown as American in Saving Private Ryan.

Personally, I see the large amount of media content showing the US perspective is mainly down to two points; 1. Hollywood is US based and makes content within the framework of the US cultural memory, 2. D-Day is seen as the heroic entry of America into the war within US culture, even though they were active in Africa and Italy prior to D-Day.

I observe the over saturation of US representation culturally the same as I see the many many Russian movies showing their sacrifices in the Patriot War. We see the world through the culture we live in and therefore different battles and challenges vary from culture to culture.

Thanks and take care guys :v:


There is
and hinterhalt_man the one in my picture

The lag needs to be adressed becasue of the new hagar


Can you fix the customization bug? All of my customization turns into vanilla when i go into a match


I noticed a minor bug in the menu.

While scrolling through the soldiers in reserve, if I keep switching selection between two or more soldiers, every time I go back to a previously selected one he will normally have his own face, but with different scars / stains.