
And shot from behind the lines for daring to live to fight another day.

We donā€™t need either nations putting more players into the game until we get Asia servers
Honestly donā€™t want 'em at all full stop, but I know that wonā€™t happen

Well after the stuff up, called Steam release, we need players, which was the intent to get more, when they release on Steam


Gameā€™s been bleeding players since well before the merge tbh
I agree

For every good and nice Asian player thereā€™s scores that ruin it for all involved
Thatā€™s certainly not a false or controversial statement


Well after many years of living, i can tell you, thereā€™s good and bad, in all races.

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I like to play the game on cheat bans called ā€œspot the Chineseā€ for WT with at least 33% come from the Chinese area, 25% are Slavs and the rest is all over the place


I wonder what happened from June 1941 till June 1944 and where all the Pz III and IV together with Tigers and Panthers were destroyed hmmm
Wait and the German army is in shambles and retreating, if only there was a reason

Yes komrad you get A+ in Enemy At The Gates.
Also 1 rifle for 2 men amirite?

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They still do have to leave to repair external components. Barreling and tracking is still viable

I think they did pretty well here, why should you have to get out to fix an internal coaxil mg/breach or a jammed turret ring


I am taking back what I have said in previous post related to this change.

I think itā€™s pretty nice addition.


No idea if itā€™s been mentioned before but is anyone else getting a ton of crashes on the main menu? Itā€™s been pretty much consistent whenever I mess with the additional premium slot.

could you not shift the goalpost every time you say something
I thought what I responded to was a remark about casualty numbersā€¦

Yes. Some 75-80% of all Axis forces lost on the Eastern Front and something like 90% of all Tiger tanks, for example (fun fact: the US forces had few to zero Tiger engagements in Normandy at all).

My point is that famous US battles like Normandy or Foy or Caen or Bastogne became famous in the US because thatā€™s the largest engagements they ever saw in the war.

Meanwhile, on the Eastern Front such battles werenā€™t even considered extraordinary:

Battle of Smolensk?
450k axis vs 880k soviets.
Battle of Kharkov?
350k axis vs 760k soviets.

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You can distinguish the name Tiger from Tiger II right?

But if you want Tiger losses:

Oof I wonder who was actually destroying the Tigers. Tom Hanks, right?


Nice update, kinda meh, canā€™t find any difference respect AI, i would actually say that now they are even more eager to jump in front of you.

Games are very much filled with bots, like half of the team.

13 August 1944 was the first use of Tiger II on Eastern front, while on Western front it was in July 1944.

Youā€™re missing the point entirely.

Itā€™s day and night difference.
Any Western Front battle is barely 1/10th of what had been happening on the Eastern Front over 3 years before that.
Just not Hollywood-ized.


Except thatā€™sā€¦ exactly the point I was making

D day might be the most covered battle ever.

D-Day wouldnā€™t even make top 5 Eastern Front battles if they had equal Hollywood exposure.

Man this thing is getting out of hand I can feel Bigote lets stop here


Yeah, it should definitely be cleaned up.


Sure, just double check your quotes for fakeness before you claim ā€œStalin said Xā€.