
Free perk reset has been given for the Assaulter squads from the Operation “Winter Fantasy” event due to changes in soldier characteristics.

Their stats were also changed, why not stating it on the patch notes? in the squad description it says -1 in both mobility and vitality and +11 in weapon handling so 15 15 27. But now it is +9 weapon handling and standard mobility and vitality (16 16 25). I like more the new stats but since a few patches ago some squads are getting different stats, but those changes never appear on the patch notes.

We suggested that suggestion, it’s all i can say.


James, can we get an update on when German premium paras will get proper paratrooper customization? You guys have failed to deliver that on the last 3 updates that had something to do with customization.


I can’t find anything new added to the Soviet event paratroopers, still the same late war camo options in all campaigns.


They didnt add anything new and you can still buy duplicate clothes.

As well as collar tab for fallschirmjäger with fg 42 potatoes launchers this issue was pointed out from day one of their arrival from ErikaKalkbrenner

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Well then guess the Soviets are in the same boat as we are, grab a paddle, we’ll both row up shits creek together.

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What’s funny is they fixed the paratrooper’s tabs on the mortar squad that has para customization, but won’t fix the ones that actually have the paratrooper function. It’s hilarious.


I noticed that as well. It’s sad man :frowning:

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They actually fucked that up too, the Soviet event Paras didn’t get anything like it said they would lmao


Being playing a few matches and i don’t know if it’s me, but i feel like the xp gain was nerfed or it’s a bug.

In my last battle i made 5384 total score, i had 6 hero awards yet i only make 6111 research points


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Thank you. Forwarded

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didn’t they say premium paratroopers?

i don’t own them… so i can’t tell.

but they are the ones who look like militia with the medium jacket

( yeah, because event para did had customization from the get go )


so… i suppose more headgears and stuff like that for the winter.

Getting a VERY SERIOUS BUG where there is no experience gains from battles.
Grinding Germany and in 3 battles now where my squads had post-battle notification of next levels unlocked, NO Upgrade points appear post-battle.

Early war squads so usually MULTIPLE points per battle would be grinded.

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We forwarded to the devs this issue right away it’s one of the top 1 priority to fix.


You can fix it by restarting the game, but yeah it’s forwarded


Trying it now, yeah just dont want newbies to get angry/ confused so figured it needs to be highlighted.

what have you done with MM?

Not everyone is updated c: