
Thank you for everyone who writing a feedback about new ui, we still collecting it and sending to devs.

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It was already made lower in one of the earlier updates.

They said history accuracy is not prioritary and the BR is a soft rule so you may end fighting against higher or lower BR sometimes

When did i question the devs?. I just said things the way they are. And yes, i know the BR will be a soft rule, that’s why i think we will see MKb in stalingrad maps.

What I mean is to appropriately increase the kill range (such as increasing to 8 meters) while also adding damage attenuation at different distances (such as 5 health points per second for the closest damage and 2 health points per second for the farthest damage)【我的意思是说适当加大杀伤范围(比如增加到8米)的同时加上在不同距离上的伤害衰减(比如在最近处伤害为每秒5生命值,在最远处伤害为每秒2生命值)】

Okay, I want to be nice because this is my favorite game, but I’m not.

The UI tabs for battle, squad and Upgrades are all useless and redundant and should be reduced into a single tab where we can click on a squad then view its upgrade tree. We shouldn’t have to click yet another tab just to get back to the battle button.
The only thing the UI “update” does that is acutally welcome now is made it easier to see the progress on events.

You guys also listened to the whining 1% who don’t know how to play when it comes to flamers and molotovs. Yes static fires should not set players ablaze instantly, fine.
But being in damp clothes shouldn’t make one immune for half a minute. Phosphorus and molotovs are totally useless for any loadout now in a campaign that has water, IE Normady, and the Pacific. Flamers should be more deadly, not less.

You should hard counter them by making the troopers run slower cause all the weight they have, and make them explode if the fuel tank is ruptured, causing friendly damage, making some take pause before using them.

Flamers, when used by a GOOD player are excellent for defense, making a wall on the ground that buys a precious few seconds while your guys catch up. Now that is negated.

As someone with actually 45 DAYS of in game battle time, and no life, you guys screwed the pooch on this one.

PS the shop UI sucks ass now too. Can’t get in and out quickly to grab a med kit or grenade, adds 4 or 5 more clicks. And I still have to do the same extra clicks if I buy them via the new garbage menus you added with the top Battle and Squads Tabs. I’ve seen 1st year college students make a more user friendly experience than this on a home work assignment. Totally amateur, you guys need to get some actual testers, not just Russian yes men who want to get to the shop to guy gold squads faster.


I just checked your responces and you didn’t.
I must have mistaken something.

Never mind then.

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Hi, noticed new bug, unable to reroll perks on Event para squad for Jasper in particular, all the others work fine?

Video to show what I mean, now one of my Paras is under skilled :neutral_face:

  • now fixed it seems, maybe server related?
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Kinda glad they listened to the “noob 1%” and not the “chad”

“99%” then.


What the actual fuck is wrong with the British para faces


Power of the brows.

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I thought this is exactly how British guys looks like.

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It is, but games are supposed to show the ideal beauty in humanity
I don’t want more uggos like me


Just be glad you don’t see them smiling…

All Ita and uk face are cursed in the same way

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thats how you look after decades of hoping to win the world cup


I-it’s coming h-h-home!!!

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ok so need to wait and see then, cause this was what I was gonna rant about too. way to underwhelming feel. look like classphoto of squad, and that crate to get the shorties up behind. Nah need a proper background with some immersion too it.
Some of the content creators have done one hell of job with interactive athmosperic hangars.
Just get it done

my verdict on the update:

-some great changes, like the fire fixing (which everyone was waiting for since years).

-other important changes though are messed up due to not thinking them really out:
reducing plane exp is ok overall, BUT the assists given for planes and tanks are ridiculously low and need to be increased.

-another thing are some gun sounds who are straight up toy weapon sounds (FG42 as one of the most important weapons in the game sounds completely different from real life).

-giving more extreme harmonization is good if it leads to way for zero censorship.

-new maps/games modes in established maps are always great and a highlight of the updates, but why the hell are half of the new maps conquest/assault, literally the 2 worst types in the game?
i read some post here claiming that “muh data shows people desert less on conquest than on invasion”. i honestly dont have faith in DF to analyze data intelligently enough to understand parameter interference effects like people leaving more on invasion due to not liking defense or the algorithms creating more bot-filled invasion games than conquest (which is something that became very obvious during the last weeks), so the data is distorted and the horrible game modes look artificially better than they actually are.


players character stands up to die in enemy fire after self healing, if ur lucky bots act like calfs, if not they give away your position and game developers spends time and energy to change game menu look …