
My first imperssion of the new UI is that it’s complete rubbish. It’s ugly, boring cheap, non-interactive, no dynamic, no proper spacing of squads and no dynamic background. weapon viewing is off centered, still no normal button to hide UI but have to resort to CTRL+SHIFT+G, I mean cmon that is cheap. The main menu so to speak does nothing in the way of cleaning up UI, it’s just as cluttered and now also looks garbage, the fonts, the colours the squares, terrible. Few of those guys who did their own hangars with dynamic background, proper viewing distance of squad and centering how did so much better job than you guys, like really is embarassing.
A shit ton of money we spend on your ridiculously overprized digital content, so get to work and get it done proper.
Cmon all that fuzz for this shit? you can and should do better


The soldier of the squad need more spaceing between them so can see their weapons properly and they don’t clip in ugly in each other, more dynamic poses, maybe even they change their pose in some preset pattern, nothing to advanced but a little life please, and the background? Terrible, garbage, the guys who do their own hangars do 100 times better job, with dynamic hangars and immersive nation appropriate background that really put you guys to shame.
get them to do it, hire and pay them, and all Nations should have nation specific hangars.
get them out in a barracks environment of the team, with barracks in background, soldiers joggin around in distance, some trees goddamnit, a fence and a camp flag with nations flag. get a little bit creative please, few patches of burnt grass and a shitty crate to stand on? get out of here, go back and redo.
and the viewing distance, get further away so get proper view of squad,what is in frame? the squad, well then center on squad and zoom out the distance a tad bit please, you select the soldier, ok a little bit more zoomed in. basic shit cmon.

And here. ok so you finally have gotten the tank out of that claustrophobic garage, good.
But why the hell can’t we zoom in and out to get a good look at our vehicles.
New Tank hangars is atleast better and somewhat background with more proper good viewing, but add free zoom in and out please

Aircraft one is shit

please tell me, this is a good viewing distance you think? Always should be at the distance so whole object is in fram and centered, focus what is portrayed in this frame, well the aircraft, so then make us see the whole plane. cmon why no one looks at these things? rubbish, and same here add zoom so we can look at details af want, can zoom out to get more whole picture.
and add info text at a tab somewhere, where history affecionados can learn more. you’re a historical game goddamit, atleast link to WarThunder Infor page, or just copypaste in to game that info.
Should also be added that info snippet on battlepass camos you see when buying them on the choosing camouflage menu

Then guns

what is this? same here, what are we wathing? and ill thoughtout UI that’s what.
even with hidden UI

why is gun not centered?
Seriously get some guys who are actually good at designing UI and thinks stuff through.

Your biggest thing was cleaning up cluttering of screen
where the hell is this

better than that

it’s same if not worse.
definitely taste and smell more cheap plastic and boring


Yes they should be more deadly, they should have more range, and an arc of liquid napalm, these are not propane flame throwers like in the movie. Look up some WW2 combat footage. It is a flaming gel that sticks and spreads. Flamethrowers are some of the most horrific and terrible weapons ever devised. We should represent them as such.
Also there is no penalty for dying, so just do like I do, re-spawn if you get squad wiped, and try again.

Yes, I am a no life. So is my squad of homies I play with some nights. I only drop in cash for premium time when its on sale and prosper.
Git gud.

That’s not “we don’t care about history”. A soft rule is still a rule.

I’m proposing a situation where 10 mid BR Soviet players match against 10 mid BR German players, Stalingrad map is launched.
(MKB would be mid BR +1 in this case because it was never there)

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Well, not realted directly to the the update, but i am confused with choice of eqipment in the box for British paratroopers:

  1. Why Lanchester when we have STEN (not asking for silenced version, just default one). It’s more widespread thing and i believe more aethetic.
  2. Why M1903A1 Springfield is there is Scoped Lee-Enfield from Tunisia. Very strange choice of weapon if you ask me.

I can unterstand british paratroopers don’t have webley revolvers or Mills greandes in Normandy. But they are british paratroopers, not US ones, so give them pls aethetic loadouts in the paradrop package.

BTW, thank you so much for possibility to change outfits of the paratroopers and for adjusted assault package for british paratroopers (M1918 BAR was downgrade for sure compared to Vickers K)

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I am colorblind and I don’t see much difference here between what is active and what is locked

The old dark and bright icons were much clearer to distinguish




100% right


The new UI sucks, it’s way too unintuitive. I preferred the old one.

The thing I hate most is the fact I can’t change my troop loadouts and start a battle from the same screen either.

Massive loss on this one.

Fair enough if it’s good for console, then keep it for them, but the PC one needs to be reverted. It’s not advantageous in the slightest.


wholeheartedly agree - it’s terrible.

None of it makes any sense, and it’s way harder to use.



Even worse, after todays update my ps4 pro fan goes crazy when i waiting for respawn on Normandy. Within this few seconds it heats up. Please fix this. Never had this before update.

need option to switch back to old interface


To add another example to my earlier wasted space comment. There is no reason for me to have to scroll to see the StG upgrades when there is all this wasted/unused space. Condense it please.


I think the new UI was just unreasonably rushed so they could optimize things before the merge update. Lot of wasted potential and nothing exceptional.
Almost nothing has changed for the better.
And it’s quite obvious they could have done it way better, it’s really shame.

But I love all the small changes they implemented that were suggested by community before. It really shows me they care.


Would say, the actual change was the background. Rest is just moving and scaling icons arounds.

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also: molotovs got nerfed indirectly, now they barely work since everyone can run through them. their burning radius needs to be increased significantly and maybe the burning time a little bit.

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Except is exactly that, they just don’t care. Each time they must choose between realism and gameplay they will choose the second. Why? because that’s what they been doing since always, look the jumbo, the mkb, the fedorov, all the prototipe guns.
The MKb will be on stalingrad maps and that’s because of that soft rule. You won’t have 10 vs 10 all with (for example) BR 4, some of them will have BR 3.7, 4.3, 4.0 and so on till certain point in wich the MM will send you to another map (that’s how i understand it will be). At the same time having an MKb with high BR don’t have sense since already are MP 43/1 and STG for that.

Sure thing, it is only a game and a game needs to be fun.