
And i’m fine with that as long as it won’t turn into some crazy thing like CoD

Nice to be able to test the new UI. Here are some points that I think should be revisited :

  • The “events” list above the Start button

    • Make items expand when you click on it, not on mouse hover, it’s very annoying, when you wanna click on one and miss move, the other one just aggressively expand over. On click, just collapsed any other item opened.
    • Disable that cycling going on on items that just endlessly expand by themselves to show you the content. If I want to see the content I’ll click on it, don’t throw it at me. If you wanna put emphasis on an item, make it shine, glow, etc. but don’t aggressively make it expand non stop in my face.
  • I still think the Battle pass tasks should be on the right side of the screen and the “Events” on the left side (like it was before). Now it’s confused, because the Battle Pass tasks are the things you wanna look at before getting in battle, not the “Events and custom matches” tile.

  • The “Start” button should be visible in the Squads section aswell (if nothing hides it). It’s annoying to have to move the mouse all the way top left to move then all the way down right to Start a battle after editing your squads.

  • The Squads section

    • Since you freed up the right side of the screen in the Squads section, why not bring the Grenades, Knifes, Medkits, etc. selection menu to the right when we click on a slot, preventing an unecessary UI shift and a hit of Esc or the back button

  • The upgrade section

    • The trees takes way to much space, it’s half a screen just to display a couple icons for one weapon. Condense all of that. Soldier and squad trees are fine as they are.

    • The menu on the right showing progression take way too much space for the very little informations it provides (everything in red is basically wasted space). I would put the progression bar (in green) at the bottom of the screen and move up the skill tree a bit, which would give more space for the thing that matter : the skill tree.

  • The Shop section

    • Since we are reworking the whole UI, why not condesing the Soldiers tab to show classes only and then on a second menu then select the tier of the soldier (like when you “quickly enlisted soldiers” in the squads section)


How is this necessary? These slight economy nerfs like we saw in Warthunder?

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the old 3rd party crosshair. Haven’t seen that in years.

While I agree that this part is nice, I can’t say that I enjoy playing it AT ALL. It’s essentially just domination from COD and its extremely boring.

Any game mode that is just a glorified run-and-gun is going to have that issue. It’s also the reason that my buddies and I can’t stand it. It doesn’t take strategy into account really whatsoever. Again, if this is what I were looking for, I’d go play COD.

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No one cares that you are returning to CoD. I think you should have fun there.
You should not remove a game mode just because you don’t enjoy it.

You never fix TEAM BALANCE! Why? why? why!
Its most important problem!
And your new U.I. is really sh*it


I cant say I care too much about the interface, as long I don’t get lost looking at it I’m not bothered. Was happy with the old one, indifferent about the new one (The warzone 2 interface gave me cancer)

BUT if you say its necessary to move forward to the merge, Ill take it, fine. good job! (I don’t think it looks much different or better though…I mean in a meaningful way)

But hey! if thats the last update required to get to the merge lets go! Im ready!


I personally feel lost with this new menu.
It’s cluttered and i feel being squeezed.

Why this was necessary?



It’s to be able to publish the new big update that ui had to be changed.

If they didn’t care they would just make it tutti-frutti any map any weapon.
But they specifically said there will be a (soft) rule choosing maps based on equipment.

STG BR 10, MP BR 9, MKB BR 8, Stalingrad loads when all weapons are BR 7 or below, easy.

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Yesterday, after the update, a lot of server synchronization problem, screen frozen for 1 to 20 seconds. I was in a team of 4 players and we all had the same problem at the same time.

The new UI looks so half-baked.

What are these grey backgrounds for nickname and premium status?
A crutch for custom hangars?


Looks sad.

Overall, the “new” UI is a failure for me. It’s just slightly different and more weird.


I have a question, are mortars broken now or is it just me?

no range indicator.

also no progress indicator on building stuff with engineer

If you make 10 BRs, you will have even more queues than before.

It’s just an example.

We still don’t know how the BRs will work, but iirc it has been confirmed that uptiers and downtiers will be also possible.

Why did you guys get rid off “Axis” vs “Allies” typed out when selecting army? Or am I just blind and it is written somewhere?

I can’t remember which is which when I need to finish daily challenges as it is always written as Allies and not SU in Stalingrad. I play only one campaign and to finish challange I need to switch to unfamiliar campaigns. I like the new interface, but I would prefer at least to see bubble over the picture with army so I don’t need to google it every time. By “bubble” I mean something like when you go over members of selected squad.

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Yeah, they should finally come up with some kind of preview. They should at least tell us how many BR levels are planned if nothing.


Hello, can you create issue with detailed description and screenshots on Gaijin.net // Issues . ? This might help fix it.