
Turn on crosshair hints

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It would be nice if we could hold a button to upgrade sandbags that are built so they become higher and more beefy. Before, I used to stack them in front and on top of one another just to have a safe rally point. That an the it is nice to see others mentioning the Hispano 20mm cannons damage. The Tempest is capable of downing enemy planes, just not bombers with them.


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Should’ve included in my post but yes I tried with crosshair hints on/off as well as all other settings under Game tab

This one, just visited it last month


Sure, those maps have some recognizable locations that you might think are from that city. But as I said, many others places from the actual stalingrad could very well be from Leningrad, or some other Russian city.

Have you seen the post? The city center is literally 1:1 Stalingrad.

Leningrad is completely different.


Have you even been to Volgograd or St. Petersburg?


Hey, looks like you guys fixed HMG crosshair! I tried the Russian one in a match and it remains straight at any angulation, with bullets actually going where I aim.


FIX GEWEHR 41 PLS. it is broken in so many ways. its reloading should be like type4 rifle, now u can reload putting 2 packs of 5 rounds and 0 to 5 rounds are added depending on how much u had, pack is not a mag. animation is broken too. This rifle is widely used and even premium squad has it, but it is broken longer than year, just copy paste it from type4 finally


Come on. That argument is really bad. I don’t look at the Eiffel Tower and think “Oh! We’re in Caen!”. Same thing with the Statue of Liberty, “We must be in Portland!” Landmarks are landmarks, and it’s clear that the map designers were trying to be accurate with both Berlin and Stalingrad.


I think DShK have correct sight alignment even in previous versions, the broken one is MG131, which is not fixed now.

Can You unite squads and battle windows back again, no sense to have 2 almost empty windows, and click this windows 2-3 times after every battle, read 10 principles of UI pls

Of course not. And it doesn’t really matter
The jumbo was never on D-day and the MKB was probably never in stalingrad. I actually know some history. BUT what you seem not to understand is that the devs already said many times that they don’t care about history accuracy, that’s why we have things like jumbo on D-day and such.

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I’m 90% sure previous gen consoles support werent on your OG roadmap. As you were more focused on graphic quality.
Now, this game’s graphic (texture, model tessellation and LOD) is way worse than before. And soon will be left behind from mainstream games as of 2023+.
Those who cant afford a proper gaming machine obviously will not afford this game’s insane in-game purchased options.
Seriously, 20~30 USD for a squad with upto 9 soldiers? 40~60USD for a tank/plane? I’d rather save that money to upgrade my gaming machine.


You can’t even properly see bike with new “hangar”. I don’t like it.
Showcase of squads with vehicle, primarily bikes, should be reworked.


Dumb, having a console means nothing about affording. I use my PC for good games like Arma, not waste space for Enlisted which is mediocre

Just wanted to provide some UI feedback. Overall I am liking it; however, there is a lot of deadspace.

For example under the squad icons (I assume this is to leave space for player squad members, but I would rather move them elsewhere or change it so the add member icon changes when they have joined and are unready vs ready):

Or in the friends list (note that none of my friends’ names extend past the halfway point of the box):

I would also like to have UI scaling setting. Everything feels slightly too big in my opinion, which makes it feel cluttered.


Could you please add the option to disable the background effects in the lobby.

  1. They are needlessly GPU intensive. I just want to modify my squads in peace, don’t want my GPU fans going off full blast while I am simply sitting in the lobby. Not to mention its a waste of electricity and produces pointless heat waste.
  2. The dust / smoke / particle effects fly by way too intensely which is extremely nauseating / distracting.

Would like to just have a static color background or the option to choose one of the wall posters as the backgrounds.

I feel like the interface is literally a downgrade.

Vertical tech tree was nicer. It is now harder to see which thing you have researched cause there is so little contrast between the new icons. Before it was bright white and dark grey. Now it is like shiny bright grey vs shiny dark grey. Like wtf?

The squad adjustment screen being its own tab was also dumb. We want less clicking and a way to see more info quicker. Everything is buried under too many needless interfaces.

The new vehicle transitions are awful. Motion sickness inducing. It is a bad and pointless zooming in effect that gets really annoying really quick when switching between soldiers. It is better to have the old instant teleporting effect than the really janky zooming effect.


I don’t understand why so many people are complaining about the squads icons on the main screen. They are very beautiful and should not be removed. It is a fundamental part of the screen

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Some of my favorites.

This one could’ve stayed. At least let us have the ability to stack two sandbags at most.

Maybe too early to say, but I believe you improved the fire mechanic A LOT.

Seems much better than before.