
Why is it most important to use it there?

Guys. Only big water. )

no need to ask allies to spit on you, pee on you. Sweating after running won’t protect you from fire either.


Thanks for clarification. :joy:

And sorry for stupid questions, I just wanted to be 100% sure.


But fully wet clothes in heavy rain should also provide some protect, but for a shorter time because the inside is not so wet.


It’s not about OP or BR, just keep Stalingrad at least somewhat authentic by not having weapons that weren’t even issued to troops at that time.


New illumination in map do a great work, the graphics at all preset is better

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And another idea about to balance that and avoid people always go into water on purpose for protect from fire, is add reduced running speed or increased stamina consumption during that period of fire proof.

I think devs must give certain BR to maps. They cannot do special rules for certain weapons to not show at this particular map. It would be pretty bad for MM.

I understand your need, but I don’t think it’s kinda realistic rn.

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Amazing feedback guys.

Please , let us also know if you found any issue that needs fixes! So we all can take a look into it.

Could we please have the major update before the BP ends?


Ke…Keofox Senpai!!!


It’s a good update, i like it, and i’m hiped for the merge

-can we have a update of dlss pls (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠❤?


it’s not in the setting!!!

If it were an isolated case, I wouldn’t mind.

But please name ONE of the 6 campaigns we have that does NOT have non-authentic weaponry present.

I believe you juste hate mkb.

I would love for mkb to stay in Stalingrad maps.

Its fun to use there.



Same as Jumbo in Normandy.

Fedorov a bit everywhere.

Pretty much any and all gold weapon prototypes.

Pz4f2 Moscow

M2 Pacific…

List goes on, and those examples are much more silly than mkb42h that WAS present near Stalingrad during the same time span.


Red orchestra 2 mkb42 times

Inserte so far from Home ost

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That’s what I mean: Stalingrad’s BR = MKB’s BR - 0.1


No, I don’t hate it at all. It’s a beautiful and revolutionary for its time piece of equipment.

The problem is that whereas Moscow/Normandy can be just “Eastern Front” and “Western Front” maps after the merge, Stalingrad and Berlin are too iconic to stop being Stalingrad and Berlin.

So whether it’s T-34/85, PPS-42 (btw yes, wasn’t there), MKB-42 or Panther – I would prefer to play with them on other maps, not Stalingrad.
It’s not that big of a loss, just 1 campaign/set of maps.


New UI only looks good. But actually a step back from the original UI.

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