
Or gave both high and low br for early war and late war.
For example, mp28 is low br early war and mp3008 is low br late war.

If directly in molotov blast radius when it explodes or directly hit by flamer a soldier should always burst into flames no matter how wet they are.


Or add early mid and late war br setting
Early war: MP28 low br, mp38 mid br, beretta m38 high br
Mid war: MP28 low br, MP40 mid br, capture ppsh high br
Late war: MP3008 low br, VG1/5 mid br, stg44 high br

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A more detailed criticism of the new squad upgrade menu:

Overall, the main issue is that the old, colorful menu with simple and large icons made it possible to immediately get a look of the whole situation at a glance; while now the sum of new elements requires more effort and focus to get the desired info.

  • Little visual difference between locked and unlocked steps (old menu highlighted better the difference).
  • Large numbers of icons, such as in “blue” menu, end up being grouped too close and perfectly aligned, even though they belong to different part of the tree. Meanwhile, the actual progression line is barely visible (old menu showed the progression line extremely clearly).
  • The three buttons to select either squad, soldier or weapon upgrade tree don’t share the respective color anymore, without a reason.
  • What’s worse, said buttons don’t automatically show an “all upgrades are already unlocked” icon anymore. Instead, this useful info is hidden in a tiny number in corner, which only appears after selecting the related tree.
  • In that regard, another indication that everything is already fully upgraded would be useful.
  • The number of available upgrade points, another fundamental piece of info, is yet again a tiny number hidden in a corner.
  • The button to buy next level for gold A) should NOT be immediately next to the button for using upgrade points; B) should be blurred out as long as there are expendable upgrade points available.
  • The weapons upgrade tree just looks ugly.


Hi! Go to Options/Game/Harmonization mode*, turn it off. It’s like a streamer mode that replaces symbols, useful in countries where there are more restrictions on what can be shown


Ahhh ok, no issue then

There’s only one Golgo, there cannot be a multitude.

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please nerf the P-47D (the one with HVAR rockets) or buff german AA, the P47 is annoying to fight against since we cannot do anything to fight back from the ground

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After using the new interface for a bit I have to say it makes everything tedious and convoluted.

There’s a lot more clicking and sorting through all these different tabs. Everything is either dead space or very crowded together. The soldiers have no breathing room on menu, they clip through each other with the poses and weapons. Not being able to customize squad and start match in same menu tab is inconvenient and a loss.

The upgrades can be hard to see and you’ve even changed the buttons. On PlayStation the square button was upgrade confirm button, now it’s triangle, etc. Also, the menu hanger background noise has this weird microphone muffle sound that goes off when clicking on tabs or randomly on its on. Also something with the menu lighting has made the soldiers look washed out and artificial.

There’re positives of course, I appreciate the separation of the event and community tabs and adding the weekly challenges tab to the main menu. The smaller QOL fixes have been done well. Redeeming and purchasing items seems more fluid and instant. Overall a mixed bag but easy improvements nonetheless, I have faith things will get sorted out more with time :+1:t3:

quick note: hit detection with weapons seems inconsistent, you can noticeably see the body flinch and bleed but no damage dealt


I have played with flamethrower for a bit. It is nerfed too much. The default 1.5 second of protection against incineration for every soldier, even when there is no water around, is like a small force field. I spend about 2-3x the amount of fuel to deal the same damage after this update. This is not only a nerf, this is not realistic - flamethrower does not just shoot “flames”, it sprays liquid that sticks to everything it touches and instantly burns by itself. There is no reason for this 1.5 second delay in incineration when a stream of gasoline lands directly on the uniform. Water protection is good and should stay, but this 1.5s flame delayer - please delete it.


Where is the building progress circle? Is it a bug or a new feature?

Hello! Check this option

Yeah, the old interface was more comfortable to look at, and it was easier and quicker to edit your squad. Why hide it from the menu? I could glance at the soldiers’ stars and specializations any time and I had an idea how I will use them, then went straight to the battle, without escaping a separate menu. The lighter gray background looks bad because it does not contrast the objects in the foreground well enough. The old interface overally was like 7-8/10, the new one is 4/10.


I agree with all points, and the first issue is the worst - when I want to upgrade something, I have to carefully look at each icon for a second to be sure if it is available to unlock, unlocked or locked. In the old simple tree, I knew everything instantly the second I opened the upgrade screen and could choose and buy an upgrade in a second without hesitation. This is definitely a downgrade.


Is he smelling his butt?


This is nice. In some plane like Tunisia Spitfire it was wild.

Now you could fix the Anti tank gun wobbling too.

I humbly ask you to return to the old visual model, more aesthetic, simple and easy to understand, which was the skill system of the squad, soldiers, weaponry !!

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return to old UI
I have enough saved gold for 15 days of premium time and hopefully I’ll have an answer if they decide to go back or have them running side by side, really hate to quit and stop spending money but new UI is garbage.

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I have a suggestion about tank respawns, let’s take battle of Moscow for example. Over the last few days I’ve seen tanks single-handedly take the win for their team due to repeated spawning. What I’m proposing is a nerf to the spawn speed. Maybe a 10-second cool down so you’re not getting overrun by tanks. When a tank crew or tank is destroyed somebody on that team cannot immediately jump into a tank. Given the 10-second cool down before another tank crew can be deployed on that team, some of the campaigns will greatly benefit from this so everything’s not being overrun by tanks as soon as they’re blown up another one shows up a moment or two later. That would make tank users play a little more tactically instead of running in and not caring if they get blown up.

A second suggestion I would have would be a different type of ammo pouch, instead of the flat percentage to your ammo this ammo pouch would give you two magazines for your primary maximum or in cases of machine guns and extra 50 -100 rounds, what would set this pouch apart from the others would be the added benefit of an extra sidearm magazine. If sidearm isn’t acceptable I would look at secondary weapon magazine in place of it. This would coincide with the grade of the large ammo pouch.

Just a few suggestions here to hopefully give a little more variety and longevity to the game and it’s health.