
ence why my meta, as stated befor for runners that must be on frontline fast, is to run sprint, run perk and a sword.

they fly. lol

Oh you think pain is funny? You are the one who brought up console vs pc, i just asked if you ever played console and told you i played both but preferred console and why i preferred it. I could care less if you even think your skills are better or worse than mine, i’m merely replying to your asanine statements directed at me. You think im a wannabe lol, well i aint no hero for sure, for that matter, i didn’t even say i was a vet, i said war injury, for all you know i am a civilian who was injured in a war, which, frankly is none of your business. Are you still thinking a person experiencing pain is funny? You accuse me of rant yet you are the one who is doing the ranting, i asked you a simple question in the beginning, “how does increasing time to call-in bombers effect overall gamplay?” yet you turned it into a rant about artillery which not anything to do with bomber call-in time lol further my first post was how increasing call-in time effected fighter plane usage. But you replied talking about how you didn’t like explosions ect. So i asked again what does that how does that effect overall gamplay? But instead of politely answering, you start ranting about tanks in greyzones and artillery in greyzones and insulting me along the way. Right now is this first time i even mentioned artillery, you just chose to rant, argue and insut about. And furthermore if you dont understand the English language as it is written, stfu on replying to it untill you do. And have some respect for people and peoples opinions in general, you scumbag.

I already did but you are to busy arguing off topic you apparently didn’t notice. Stats smats, lets play and i’ll show you meta everything chump, why do you want to see my stats? To what end, you accuse me of only winning via use of meta, how about i just show in a session?

Because it’s fake and you are adorable.
Could have said that it’s a normal injury but we all need to know that’s a war injury because reasons. Ofc without specifying which war, or which country.
Pain is also not that bad if you waste your time with me so don’t cry.

Because apparently, consoles have less recoil than PC so it’s a bit off talking about skills while having less recoil to handle.

Which is why you want a 1 vs 1?

Then your big talk about war is even less logical. And still who cares about its origin?

Or for plebs with “WaR iNjUrY”: Spam.

Well. Because you are a weirdo and I am a sadist and you don’t even get basic concepts of video games.

Well, it is connected to spam.

Spam Spam Spam Spam and… Spam.

Hard for someone whose texts are always red because of awful grammar and spelling mistakes.

Why should I though? What is the added value of listening apart from your tragic past which I couldn’t care less about?

You never posted your stats, just the boring tanker story which is just an example of occasional inefficiency and incompetence. You also didn’t answer how you can use arty in grey zones as grey zones are not targetable by artillery.

I wanna see your stats. I don’t wanna see results from one session. I wanna see your player profile stats. Is that hard to ask for while bragging around?

wtf is even this discussion? hoo-phlung-pu@psn didnt state nothing wrong lmao

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Spam meta exists. End of story. And you use arty and bombers to clear out cps and chokepoints, not some weird spots at the end of the world you probably cant even reach due to grey zone to get a sniper pleb.

i always find hard to take on using a game item that is avaiable to everyone (besides premiums) to be considered spam.

might be a personal take on how the game should be played on your eyes vs him?

none is wrong. but no need to spam the topic when his issue was around the fighters against the bombers and how cool it was to use them to destroy them






I dont argue about that. As I said, im mad man. Flag would be deserved in terms of spam. Both of us could have stopped at some point.

Great update overall, please let us queue for multiple campaigns! I am going to have to play a lot to get all the event rewards so it would be nice to be able to easily play several of my favorite campaigns.

I love elitism. Mostly because as a whale, I would rule this forum together with other glorious whales.

without context that images may feel like elitism.

dont you worry. my time will come :slight_smile:

I know the JARE context. The answer of the Panther-Killer was better. Would be some sort of elderism

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Off topic still lol

You left out the beginning of that statement which was “i never said”. How convenient for you to edit my statements and present them as lies. Which you have done with alot of them, taking them out of context for the sake of arguing. [quote=“CaptainSebekel, post:166, topic:87828”]


You accuse me of winning because think i only use meta and i offer you a solution to see that i dont just use meta, but you just turn it into argument about skills, you are nothing short of a toxic scumbag who sure as hell shouldn’t be representing enlisted imo, your behavior here throughout this entire post is just one example. Keep going, lets see where it gets you. Im not the only one who feels this way either, just stop ffs.

Just write PM, Lt. Taylor if you want the answer or more fun.

does this even make sense

The radio operator squad "Frequent artillery" research now reduces the time between bombing and airstrike calls by half (it used to be four times). The frequency between airstrike calls is set to 16 minutes without the squad upgrade and 8 minutes with the upgrade.
what used to be four times
and wait hang on, if you grind and upgrade you still get one every 8 minutes which is LONGER THAN ORIGINALY too
it makes no sense at all


Ikr, he seems to be a pro at it lol, he did it in almost every one he put up lol, like no one would see through it lol :wink: :rofl:

Instagatiing harrasment of someone, not mention purposful enflameing, woops i mentioned it, gotchya lol

You can write private messages to people in the forum. People are tired and don’t enjoy it (anymore). Just PM/ private message me and surprise me. Why so hard?