
We have 3 mp28 and a zk29 in pacific yes we can have panzerchocolade

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also @gastanofrizzi

Charges have a 3 sec cooldown,
require 6 stamina minimum,
multiply stamina drain by x3,
lower stamina regen by 84%,
give a 15% sprint speed
and reduce slowdown when being shot by 40%

that 15% isnt much of a diference. its faster but ingame its prety much the same

thats datamined.

So without perks, charge does nothing.
And with perks/moddifiers charge does actually increase your speed?

read answer above.

The Vault cat is a lady?

I honestly really picture the person as a cat by this point :slight_smile:

So it doesn’t.

but ingame thats marginal to nothing.

Is a nekomini, and now joe gonna search what mean

But that’s not from charging.

Charges have a 3 sec cooldown,
require 6 stamina minimum,
multiply stamina drain by x3,
lower stamina regen by 84%,
give a 15% sprint speed
and reduce slowdown when being shot by 40%

… ?

1st sentence .

all the rest apply to charges…

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[quote=“CaptainSebekel, post:120, topic:87828”]
You use tankers to kill tanks. Everything else is pointless whereas literally any other class is more useful.

Really? Gee i didn’t think of that because why? Could it be because i wasn’t in a tank, or maybe because i had a anti tank weapon equiped on a soldier in the squad i was using at the the time and place the tank presented itself? Umm ya that must be it, my good god man your a genius Lmao
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

My mistake. Mean bomber.
Anyway post stats.

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Ok, now I get it.
Words hard.

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the 15% is marginal.

yes the soldier will run faster.
but. ingame, its litle to nothing without sword and run perks.

so yes:

  • makes soldier sprint faster when using charge (15%)
  • its so litle change thats prety much a FOV change on camera
  • with perks (run speed stamina and so on) you almost fly when charging coz the extra speed on perks ADD to 15% on charge .

it can be easly duplicated ingame with a sword and run perks.

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Nothing that can benefit The Emperor is marginal.


Wy you are saying this thinking w40k

No I’m not. You are suggesting some kind of heresy.

Exactly as i sayed up @Shiivex

Withaut perk only the fov change

Its obvious there is alot you dont know

Answer then and post stats.

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