
So why did you choose to harass me throughout the post? I can answer that for you, idc if you think im wrong. Because you just wanted to insult, argue, enflame and in general harass. It is very obvious this is your intent throughout. And your previous statement wasnt inviting me to pm you, it was intended to incite harassment of me via inviting anyone and everyone to pm me, obviously. Nice try to cover it up though. Furthermore i obviously don’t enjoy being insulted and harassed by you, so wtf would i want to pm you. I have only responded to SOME of your replies, and by doing so exposing your toxic behavior. Just stop ffs.

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Keo, the bombers are useless now!!!Pls!!! And smokes are also useless! We have to wait for so long! And no one will drive fighters to protect bombers because they are too weak

Can we have level based matchmaking ? if war thunder have Battle rating, then enlisted should have

Played 10 matches tonight Normandy spam was real, probably as we were playing against fellow clan members inn sync drops.

I tried Moscow, ghost town, Pacific ghost town, going to see Tunisia in AM, so far seem to be the case, nobody flying anymore…

C’mon Devs, I could spawn in a match and there was immediately a reason to be the fighter in the air, this is no longer the case, it has actually disincentives to stay in air.


Yesterday i shoot down enaugh planes to level up fighters across 3 campaigns.
Today i spotted one air raid.


I think bombers being nerfed just highlights how worthless fighters actually are. We shouldnt have a bad mechanic like bombers be the justification for fighters, we should just make fighters useful in a good way. So what would that be?

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As long as most players have one slot for tank/fighter, most will choose tanks/bombers.

And i would disagree about airstrike being bad mechanic, it just needed that damage model fix, maybe longer time before it arrives in pacific and it can be easly countered. Shiivex even shoot down 4 with simple AA gun before they even dropped anything.

If a team is gonna suddenly lose point because one player hop into a fighter for 2 minutes, that team was already propably being carried by that guy. One player shouldn’t make that much of a diffrence, it only does if it’s uneven 3v10 match. I’d rather have some fun in plane from time to time than carry bot and console teams 24/7.

With that 8 min cooldown they are in weird limbo stage, where they will still be spammed in full matches, but they are rare so 90% matches will never see one.
So less radio squads, less fighter planes, less engi AA. Straight back to asssaulter and hmg spam

It’s either another bad mechanic or nothing

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Hello fox, got some new ideas for radio operators, since their cooling time has been extended and the number of calls for support has been reduced, we need something to break this situation and make the bomber/artillery attack more effective (at least in some aspects)

Idea1: Launch a powerful call for support (taking Normandy as an example). The Allies have battleship naval guns (381mm) in Normandy, and the Axis can call railway guns (380mm) . The advantages are that each shot has high firepower and greater AOE, but the total number of shots is relatively small and the charging time is longer

Idea2: Since there are such a number of fortifications (such as resurrection points, sandbags, etc., which can be built by more than one engineer agent), it will be changed to more than one player who can call for support. After all, even if the current one is upgraded to speed up cooling, it will take a long time to call for support once

Idea3: It provides a variety of artillery options. Players can choose the existing standard howitzer artillery, or a larger number of light artillery attacks (relative single shot damage and AOE are insufficient, but more shells are fired), as well as rapid artillery attacks (with a larger range and faster call speed, but at the expense of precision and density, they may not be able to bomb some parts of the artillery circle), Continuous barrage (the range is reduced, but the target circle is continuously bombarded)

Ideas above,just suggestions,just want Enlisted to be a better battlefield

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I dont understand what you guys think is so good about bombing runs outside of “theyre neat!”. It’s a mechanic where one player presses one button and forces the entire enemy team to react to it while they can continue playing normally. Theres no skill involved with it, theres no aiming, precision, strategy, tactics, etc.

It’s power level is completely irrelevant, the issue has to do with it being so low skill for such a potentially high reward. It’s the exact same issue with things like grenade spam, grey zone camping tanks, suicide plane cycling, grenade launchers, or old AA Guns, except all of those take some sort of modicum of situational awareness/aim to use.

They should just rework the mechanic to be useful, cool, AND skillful. I’ve come up with several ideas, and I’m sure the developers could come up with some as well.

Also side note, I agree that assaulter/HMG spam is dumb. But again, we shouldnt fix one bad mechanic by implementing a different bad mechanic. Just make both good. It takes time and effort, but everyone will be happier at the end.


We want this option to remain powerful. The skill is not to press the button, but to choose the right moment for this.



Any chance for us to rotate where the bombs will land? On squads mode It could stay as is, but on lone fighters most of current map designs we team kill half team coz most of the bombing run will overlap team play area if we can’t rotate the red markers.

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Current damage from high caliber guns on some fighters make them very usefull against tanks even without a bomb payload

They don’t need the bombers to be worth using as of now. But, having weaker bombers will make having a fighter without bomb payload on lineup more important

Somehow I find this bombers to be more fun to use and or counter than let’s say on HLL, were it’s virtually impossible to fight against.

Destroying a full bombing run befor its able to drop a single bomb as of today is fun, worth the xp and worth building AA gun or if the conditions are right, deploy a fighter.

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It makes fighter planes viable.

I just ignore 50kg bombs anyway, if i die i die, just like any other explosion spam in game, i won’t lose sleep over someone playing with granade laucher team, throwing 15 nades on objective, why is this diffrent? If anything it’s the most restrictive ability, easiest to counter, and generally mostly kills bots.
Yeah You see it do tons of damage, but come on, this is enlisted, 15 kills is like one HVAR rocket run, let’s not pretend 10 50kg bombs every 4 minutes is somehow worse.
Only problem i still have is screen shaking, but it’s problem with every explosive in game, so yeah


Either way, I just point out - the update is overkill for A.I. bombers.
Why the heck did You folks even added them in the first place, then?


The real problem is that the only way air-superiority fighters are relevant is to intercept bombers and other ground-attack aircraft.

So the solution is to put more plants on the air for them to shoot at, and to put more things on the ground to attack from the air:

I like the idea of putting Airfields, artillery positions, and possibly supply convoys or depots around the map for aircraft to attack. Taking out enemy positions could slow down artillery calls or respawns, or other more interesting mechanics.

I also think it would help if players got ai wingmen that would fly around with them, providing more targets for fighters and generally more aerial engagements

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I just don’t see how people are saying they are OP and non skilled. Yes you click a button and be done with it, but how hard is it to just move out of the circle or go inside a building and lay prone. Takes all but 10 seconds.

Fighters had a reason, now they are crap again. 50-60$ premium fighters in game for no reason whatsoever. Those bombers were insanely easy to shoot down if anyone with a half a brain took up a fighter after hearing the notification. The problem is elitist infantry players don’t want to do that. They assume someone else will and when not done they complain.

I see nowhere where they were so OP to warrant the major nerf they got. The health/ai gunner nerf was enough.


They are still present in-game literaly as befor. At Prety much same rate per match
They are less tanks with wings and more paper planes now that get destroyed fast
This isn’t a nerf. It’s a buff for everyone using a plane or aa gun to fight them.

The timers added are for personal usage, either way its Prety much the same as ever was per game on normal circumstances.

So ye. It’s exacly the same to call if multiple people have the radio squad, and more easy to destroy them.

Imo they sit in a good spot now.
Yesterday I destroyed a full convoy with aa gun, and felt good doing so.
Something that couldn’t happen befor with the number of hits they took to be destroyed.

Could be better? As everything in life. But i rather have them as today than when Stalingrad was added.

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Please, do something with AI pathing - do you have any idea how stupid are bots in my squads? :slight_smile:

When i send them to cap point, half of them is running in opposite direction …

After running 100m, when i look back there is only 1 bot from 7-man squad (means 5 of them are stuck - most at first door they met).

When i go underground in Tunisia, after few seconds they are scattered around whole map!

I feel like earlier they weren’t so bad. A tleast i dont remember them getting stuck climbing doors … :stuck_out_tongue:

They’re xp farms.

Just like AFTER the high caliber update: it was ALREADY easy to destroy all 5 in a go, even with the clown plane in Moscow.

Only difference is they’re now worthless to call at all as a radioman: they do nothing with their 50kg bomblets, and never reach their target anyway. It’s the only difference.

So what did not change was they already were made of paper.

But this nerf (because it’s a nerf, not a buff, by definition a functionality got weakened) I can live with: I never bothered calling air strikes before anyway.

ONLY thing I really dislike with this radioman nerf, is that it takes twice as long to call smoke. That’s it. Making the dedicated radiomen squad irrelevant, it’s back to bring 3 assaulters squads to pierce the front line…

More of the same. I enjoy variety, which is why I dislike this nerf.


Update - “now heavy machine guns do not pierce through the wooden structures”.

Why ??? Why they can pierce through 5- 10 mm of hardened steel and kill a tank, but cannot pierce through 30- 40 mm of wood ??? :alien:

Please - do not nerf HMG.