
The nerf to the Thompson was totally uncalled for. The 1921/28 was meant to have less recoil than the M1 and M1A1 because of the massive Cutts Compensator on the end of the barrel and the Blish Lock bolt it had. Look at the two guns Dev, one has the charging handle on the top the other on the side. If you dig into them the whole bolt was redesigned on the guns for cheap mass production. Making the M1A1 a bit less pleasent to shoot, despite the lower rate of fire.

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Good job making artillery useless as well devs.

The entire radio squad is useless now.


Agree to moderate the effectiveness of the bomber…but——
Disagree to put the sickle of death on the head of the whole radio team (this is a metaphor)


When the money stops flowing in you will see how fast the changes will happen. If the community wants to be heard is has to be a group effort, until then complaints will will continues and premiums will still be bought … it sucks cause it doesn’t create confidence in buying premium that will be nerfed after .
Air strike is airstike with 50 or 100 kg bombs just find cover and act accordingly but the HMG no going through wood …… that’s making fun of the community but special paying customers

You over nerfed it, boys

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I dont know if its me but i play pacific campaign and the other night there was literally wave after wave of airstrikes from the enemy team it was getting insane, my team were being wiped out left right and center
it felt i couldnt escape them no matter what

so no i dont think that airstrikes are less powerful

theyre incredibly annoying to run from and ALWAYS SEEM TO TARGET ME even though im always taking cover

Nah, that’s just paranoia at the wrong time.
I recommend taking a few deep breaths and a glass of water.

No no, he’s right! In his unique case, when he plays and the enemy calls in air strikes, planes drop homing bullet bills that go find him directly where he hides. Other players are affected normally.


well why whenever theres an enemy bombing raid it ALWAYS hits my squad even if we are under a house, on a hill, in the water
nowhere near the capture point
we ALWAYS get targeted

I don’t even care that they nerfed Airstrikes.

But nerfing Artillery? Twice as long to call smoke rounds? Twice as long to call regular rounds?

The entire squad is useless now.