
i mean this is a based part of the update

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I think dev simply stramlined the buff of plane API round, dont caring of check if this does something with tank one


they likely did but also fuck the tiger 1, i feel bad using it

I know, i was just making a point, and point being PR needs to relay info of MAJORITY of players, not just the whining bootlickers who cant play worth a crap so they want everything nerfed

Dont feel bad a stuart now use a 7.6cm, be proud of use your 15cm on the tiger

It’s fair. Tbh if a tiger manages to let a Stuart kill it…

Then he deserved it! How bad do you need to be! Or overconfident.

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yeah still won’t use tanks in normandy anymore which is sad because i loved using the m4a2 a year ago =/

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To be fair, let me know how many pz2 irl killed a t34 im still recovering from the shock

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So theres issues with this nerf… On one hand, its good to nerf bombing runs. Theyre horribly designed mechanics with awful skill/reward ratio. You press “7” in the back of the map and then youre free to do whatever you want while the enemy team has to spend infinitely more time dealing with the bombers (building AA, spawning a plane, etc). If they dont deal with them, then half the map gets nuked because one guy pressed “7”.

But on the other hand, at what point do we just scrap this mechanic? I mean, it’s been nerfed, what, 3 times now? When does DF throw in the towel and just rework bombing runs as a whole? Are we eventually going to have bombing runs that drop kittens and good feelings? Just scrap it all and put in a better system.


If that means that single players stop laying in the back waiting for another bombing raid to be called, i am all in. Although I must say that the time of calling one in could be reduced. The lower bombing load was ok, the drastically increased timer, i have mixed feelings. It was a good tool to make fighters without bombs useful again.

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Same. If the t34 manages to let a tiny pz2 kills it, he deserved it.


They drop four bombs per bomber, I’ve watched it from the ground and from the air. It’s still too little for any real results, they should double the number of bombs each bomber gets.

I like the downgrading of the plane strength, air defences, and flying height because it will increase AA engagement.

Sure, reduce the fx of the bombing runs, but I disagree the bomb strengths should be halved. It forces a need to adapt to the moment (get inside!) which has now been made virtually redundant. You have to stand outside and look up as the bombs falls and you only ‘might’ lose a squad member or too. Weird.

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Well. Unlike you, I dont defend explosive spam with weird reasons.

I also dont see the point of arty killing campers if
a) most greyzone campers are tanks
b) you cant call arty and limit bombers in greyzone

If people camp in cps and close chokepointd. they defend. If they manage to dig themself there, your team must be mentally retarded to a point where even bots are better.

But then I am not the average glorious console player.

You win by using meta. Easy peasy.

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Lmao, you are fool. I win because i use whatever is available which suits CURRENT SITUATION including axes, swords, knives, bayonets and rifle butts, hardly meta. Infact just yesterday i was attacking a tank with a single AT gunner with a bazooka, but it wasn’t meta enough and didn’t take tank completely out. I was out of ammo for main weapon cuz used it before engaging tank, so i ran for cover hoping pick up any weapon with amo, but when i did the tank guy got out to repair, he had two soldiers remaining, i ran up on them with an axe took em both out, tank eventuality blew up cuz was on fire. This type of thing/situation is how i win, NOT by digging in hiding in a trench camping. Btw, we were defending AND the tank was using meta against me which he wiped all AI of my squad out.

YOU lose because you dig in and camp and then get wiped from a bomber or grenade ect. and call it meta when in all actuality those things are used to counter dug in camping in this game and actual combat. Then you whine about it cuz you cant just sit back and snipe and call for whatever to be nerfed, thats how you roll AND lose. If you dont use everything available to try and win, you are just simply a fool, that is what it is there for.

Meta my arse, its called war for a reason. The people who win kill more soldiers and break more things than opposing side.

Like i said previously, maybe you should suggest a hand to hand combat only map so you dont have to deal with war explosions, aka meta.


the nerf is good but too strong especially the 50 bombs and the change of ammo types for everyone because planes now are
super easy to kill with their life point reduction

The ridiculous German voice that babbles some nonsense like “Feindlische bomnaniernisch!” remains the same, btw…
Argh! It hurts any time I have to listen to it.

Im sure you and they will find a way

That is not the same as meta.

Because the occasional meele attack is not a meta thing unlike spamming TNT nukes, calling arty and spamming SMGs.

Because you are dumb. If you used your TNT on inf, don’t blame the meta.

This is an occasional adaptation to the tactic, dude, because you wasted five bazooka shots and failed to kill a tank which is honestly impressive. Not everyone can reach that level of stupidity.
In 9/10 times, you throw a TNT charge and tank goes boom, or maybe you actually aim for weakspots.

Rn you lose in the easiest occasions and need to hope that your enemies are even dumber than you.

Because I go to objectives. Its not WW2 atmosphere, its basically CoD.

If people literally need to waste arty strikes and go into greyzones to kill a single sniper squad, then the enemy deverses it. If the sniper is annoying enough to force this desperate act of stupidity, I don’t see why the sniper is useless.
And still, answer me the question how arty can kill greyzone campers and tanks because I don’t get it.

Its called video game for a reason.

Then why did they Germans lost the Eastern Front and the Yankees the Vietnam War despite their better K/D?
And you win in Enlisted by capturing CPs, at least as attacker.

Again, you don’t even know that artillery was NOT used like this, let alone carpet bombing.
But hey, you call a video game war and do not even know how to aim with an Bazooka, so I guess the ship is sailed.

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First off it was a bad angle on the tank, and he wasnt close, and yes i missed one shot because two soldiers ran in line of fire blocking shots, other shots were all direct hits, bazooka aint as meta as you say or think.

Its a WWII video game, i’ll spell it out for you, world WAR two video game. Hence the word war.
After reading your rebuttals in your post above, i see why things are getting nerfed the way they are, its because they are listening to your advise because you are a tester.
Also you refered to me playing on console platform, have you ever played on console platform? Ive played both, i prefer playing console because its more comfortable to sit in a good supporting chair because or war injuries. Dont pretend to school me on warfare fool. Testers like you who keep giving terrible info to devs is whom players should be griping at instead of the devs in all fairness.

I dont need meta to defeat you or anyone else, infact i DONT use meta about 50% time.

Further, lets play and see who wins while using EVERYTHING the game offers lol