
I call a war video game just that, a war video game, infact the word WAR is in the official description on the website, or cant you understand describing a WAR video game as comparable to how war works? Dont take things out of context and bs a rebuttal because you are frustrated, i never called it war lol. Get a grip, a war game simulates how wars are fought, maybe this is to difficult of a concept for you too grasp?

The only ship that sailed in this conversation is you tucking your tail a sailing away, nice metaphor btw lmao

Good idea, quit before you look like a bigger fool.

Wait, but you said i only win by using meta, and i win ALOT, of course melee is not meta, but i use it alot in EVERY session, i didn’t say they were meta, how well do you understand the English language? Or do you just take things out of context to be a horses ass?

Just for your info, bullets aren’t meta either and i spam the heck out of them every session, infact i use them the most. You should probably whine about bullets too so they can get nerfed too lol

I never really had a problem with airstrikes or artillery before these changes aside from airstrike bombers being too tough to shoot down. I agree with nerfing the strength of the bombers (not their bombs) but I think they’ve taken it way too far the other way now. Increasing the time to call in artillery to two minutes along with the extreme restrictions on air strikes makes playing radio squads practically pointless now. I’ve loved many of the recent updates and changes but to me this hurts the fun of the game considerably. I hope they consider changing the frequency of artillery strikes back to what it was before. Big miss on this one. Only my personal opinion.


I dont know what this rant is but I don’t know why we should know that you are Lt. Taylor… because its just a cheap authority argument. Also its just piss poor because I don’t know if a wannabe war hero who apparently can use a console but not an PC needs to prove his skill to some random German pleb, is now more right or not but at least its funny. Cringe, but funny.

And if you have a bad angle and situation, the logical assumption is to fire anyway? Huh
I don’t dare to question the glorious logic of Enlisted Lt. Taylor.

Well. Usually I try to hit the tank after I killed the inf around and found the right spot but to each their own I guess.

And you still think people in WW2 they called artillery strikes to targets 50m ahead of you and artillery didn’t damage friendly units?
Huh lol I guess.

Which is why we have time travel tanks and weapons and Normandy without free CW units?

I don’t care.
And did you get your injuries because you called air strike 25m ahead of your position lol?

I still don’t care. And most probably you lie because I don’t think a war vet would spend his team arguing with a pleb about pointless game topics and don’t have basic clue about how artillery was used in RL.
But hey. At least now I know that nations won war if they had the better K/D.

Well, if I am a bit longer around than you, I may know a thing or two more than you. But I bet my ass next comment you say that you tested the game before it was even in Alpha state so you know more.
I know the hidden knowledge that K/D as attacker is pointless if you need to capture cps.

Ehm Who is al-butthurted now? Did I hurt your ego, Lt. Dan?

Another glorious tester knowledge:
The devs write and say a lot.

Shooting people is not war. Its a shooter, not a war game.
HnG is closer to a war game because it involves strategy. Enlisted is dumping bodies into an wooden house until a magic ticker says the point is yours.
Is this war, Lt. Taylor?

Shooter =/= war, at least IMO. Is Fortnite war now, Lt. Taylor?

“Hey I sometimes hit Germans with my rifle in a match. Is this meta now?”

Star Trek I
At this point, its a miracle that you are still alive.

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Who the f you calling dumb? Lmao, have you read what you wrote? Lol
l didn’t have tnt or a explosive pack to use on anything, duh, and you calling me dumb? Lol

Dont blame the meta, wtf are you going on about, it was just a bad angle for the bazooka is all, in other words not optimal, hence bad performance of impact. Im wasn’t blaming anything, just describing a situation as it happened.

Equipping a class tasked to kill tanks with anything but not the sole throwable explosive which can kill tanks sounds pretty dumb tbh, Lt. Taylor.
Smoke can make sense though.

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But I stil dont get it how arty can kill greyzone campers if you cant place strikes in greyzones?




@1942786 , I understand :sweat_smile:

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Are you serious? Omg, you accuse me of overuse of meta and when i dont use it i’m dumb? You are a moron, plain and simple. You are posting just to argue. By you contradicting yourself shows your intent and intelligence.

Did you think mayed i didn’t have tnt or explosion pack to equip the soldier with yet? Oh but wait, i defeated the tank with a single soldier, won the session AND came in 1st place, and didn’t use meta, which you say is only way i win. Umm thats just the opposite of dumb lol you are a dumbass for saying im dumb Lmao

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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well anything that can give my soldier the option to charge if the weapon doesnt have that option/bayonet , and be on batlefield faster i consider it, as must have , meta.
so yeah a good axe , sword, as stupid as it sounds its a meta after a good drink on the flask
but thats just me :slight_smile:


Don’t spill my marathon man secret!!!

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oh my i talked too much ,.

now everyone knows :frowning:

plz forgib


Yes only for you a lonely guy banzai charging is meta, if was rising storm charge i gonna agree, but enlisted one is pathetic…

Buff banzai charge keo

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i use the “banzai” charge to arrive faster on the frontline.
not to actually banzai enemys, thats fun, but not that rewarding if my intention is to win that match.

fun still ofc.

so a good axe, sword and or bayonet on m2 carbine or avs is a must :slight_smile:

imo ofc…

And banzai charge only change the fov the speed is the same of a normal run


Shhhhhhh, dont say that or cpt dumbuckle will whine and get axe nerfed too. Lol, btw axe was best option i had remaining, was out of ammo, so ya comparable to rifle butt, axe was meta, on that scale anyways

I have a feeling you don’t know what “meta” means in the context of video games.


You use bombers (my mistake said tankers) to kill tanks. Everything else is pointless whereas literally any other class is more useful.

So you see an actual point in arguing with you?

Which was not efficient and relied on dumb tankers.

Still not efficient and most probably because your enemies were dumb.

Well. Apart from that I still don’t know how this will answer the question

Maybe you can share your stats and enlight us how much we can learn from you, war hero.

ye probably. i honestly dont know .

when this perks are combined with a sword charge, isnt just a fov change.