
There is not enaugh people bringing radio squads anyway, it’s mostly 1 dude that has it.
Now he is gonna use it once, notice 8 min timer and forget about it, then change squad.

Literally pointless to increase it so much, unless You want to kill that feature entirely.
Only people with premium and extra squad slot are gonna use it, and most matches are bots and f2p console kids that play sniper all the time.

Balancing 1/100 match and ruin feature for 99/100 other matches that we all know how look in this game right now, bot shooting spree.
Arty spammers are fine, but someone calling airstrike once every 4 min in not?

I dont think stop the same guy to monopolize the airstrike or artillery is a nerf, everyone need the possibility to use them

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And wo care, those 1 dude learn to play after he called the bomber, anyway there is even the normal artillery wo can be always used by everyone so there is no lack of firepower and artillery is more usefull

This IS WHY you SHOULD react because you just spent $€ on something that is not very useful, you are NOT overreacting, infact in your case, probably under reacting

I’m not talking about the timer, but:

I removed “call interval” but you get the gist of it.

Calling a whole bomber formation for each huge plane to drop…

A single…

50kg bomb…

Along ALL the other factors making them easy prey…

Makes air stikes pointless to even call out.

Ive heard that other players can use attacker planes.

Well. They are used this way.

Which is not reflected in this game. You dont call artillery during the middle of the battle, let alone 50-100m in front of your troops. The standard hand grenade wasnt a TNT bundle and again people dont throw them in a room with friendlies. Same goes to bombs, let alone bombers. Usually you bomb BEFORE you attack.
This explosive spam is CoD 2.0.

How can people camp with meeles only?

Most campers are tankers anyway so no big loss.

Because less spam.
You obviously spam it at this point.

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This is darkflow idea of balance explosion, take it or take it for what i can care bomber can have even a 250kg bomb

Artillery is cancer screenshake 24/7 simulator wih no counterplay.
And can be called from any other squad.

Airstrike makes You take radio squad, so diffrent playstyle, literally harder to play with 5 man over meta 7 assaulter/mg spam.
Can be countered by fighter pilots, bomber pilots, AA gun, SPAA, 2 minutes to hide.
And no annoying artillery in that 2 min, so my head can rest a bit.

How is artillery more skill?


People who buy premium fighters and expect something, are dumb as bread. Especially in Pacific.

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Fun wen airstrike get spammed you was the first one complain about “was OP” now is “different”

It was 100kg bombs on Stalingrad, with unkillable planes, on campaign with shitty fighter with no ammo.
It was shit back then, no one denies that, just hide and prey every 4 minutes.

Now in High Calliber update they update plane damage model, instead of giving 250kg JU bombs on Normandy, it’s 50kg bombs.
Normandy and Berlin have plane good enaugh to take out entire airstrike before they even drop bomb (skill issue?).
Moscow and Tunisia can manage to kill planes if You got a bit more skill and good plane.
Pacific Still suffers from fighters starting with 0 speed 0 altitude and have to be already in air, also good aim as less ammo, so it’s not perfect, but i guess they will add more planes there later anyway.

So now they are easier to kill, on campaigns with better fighter planes, and You are suprised i changed my mind?

Then - 1 button 20 kill on stalingrad
Now - 1 button and people get in planes to counter them, on both teams so more sky battles, AA guns see more use, and no counterless artillery for a brief moment

that what happens when changes are made to game

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Apparently you haven’t played against me much, lol.

OBVIOUSLY i play to have fun AND WIN.

AND i use EVERYTHING available to accomplish this, i go through MANY squads every battle, one could say i spam everything lol, one could say you camp, whine and lose lol

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I saw so many remove bomber posts, I questioned the reasoning of certain people out of curiosity. One was a tanker who said he would not move away from bomb zone and why should he, in Stalingrad players do this and nobody called for nerfs… it’s a shame DF devs have knee jerked reacted here, but lets see how bad it is tonight when I get on.

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I noticed that aswell, i didn’t see a single bomber run out of 7 sessions since update, i already removed fighters



I wonder if you sit back and relax with a good sipping vodka glass, while looking at the flame spreading :laughing:

Because I would! :stuck_out_tongue:


Joes question to Keo,

Honestly i dont think he cares anymore, just look how many bugs that STILL HAVEN’T BEEN REPAIRED, regardless of how much players ask that they be repaired

It is legitimate.

I would totally just kick back and sip one of my good scotch whiskey after sending those news.

Keo doesn’t decide what devs do. He does “PR”.

Then they collect info and see what they should do.

And what they should do about all this is

  • give engineers to all premiums and event squads. It is totally relevant to this update! :smiley_cat:

They already start removing old premium squad, this mean those squad are re-added again with an enginer wo mean you need buy them again for have it

Nah: Joy.

I’m using my Chauchat squad in Moscow, just because I can. My added engy is happy to support the team building ammo boxes filled with ww1 French rounds for my Chads.

Chauchat ftw.

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