
If the upgrade nodule benefit we had was 4 x now only 2 x I think so!

Oh wow

Ahah it’s always 1 step forward 2 step back :laughing:

A nerf nobody asked for after last major update… Even Moscow biplanes were able to take down bomber planes :stuck_out_tongue:

Meanwhile, as @VoyoMayPL said, we can do bizzare stuff like exploding tanks with smoke shells, or killing tigers using stuarts.

Aaah, DF, DF, DF…

Also give us engineers for all premiums and event squads.


But the artillery is the true spammable 0 skill mecahnic.

Literally magic circle deleting anyone inside, no counter play, just run away bro.
And it can be chain spammed with 2 radio squads.

Most cancer mechanic, screenshakes are making people head ache.

But nah, airstrike that can be shoot down with monkey in AA is the problem

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Maybe that should be their new motto but include, “and for every nerf we include two new bugs and bring back a previously fixed one!” lol

Sorry devs but you deserved that one :rofl: :rofl:

I think you missunderstood.
The timer set is for that individual player.

The only thing I’m truly sad with nerfed timers, is that they also nerfed smoke arty.

A nerf not needed.

There is usually only one dude with radio squad anyway, most games are 90% f2p guys that won’t wast a spot for not meta squad.

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Actually almost all aren’t needed, introduction of new weapons and improvement on existing weapons to adress balance issues is ALWAYS a better option imo.

Its alot less work for the devs too, just saying :wink:

That’s not true I was seeing air raids every day and campiaign I played, it was great! Just coz pvt bullseye couldn’t find cover they nerfed a great mechanic…


I do see the point in increasing waiting time. The waiting time for arty was ridicilous.

Please increase normal artillery cooldown too then.
It should be dependant on skill, not perssing one button every minut of the objective.

Why same logic can’t apply here?

It was just fun to see fighters in the skies.

Now I’ll remove my fighters from my lineup again… and put back only bombers. Many will do like I.

Aaand ppl will go back complaining about regular players controlled bombers that nobody will bother hunting down because no one will use fighters, again.

It’s merely back as it was before :laughing:

I wonder what they are thinking with their nerfs, sometimes.

Anyway. What’s important is:

  • give all premium AND event squads engineers.

How does increasing waiting time benefit overall game play? Could you explain further please?

Value arty more and not treat is as grenade. Less explosive is always welcome as well.


Yes for a few days anyways. Yup, time to remove fighters from squad lineup again. They can go back to the “almost useless category” along with the motorcycle squads because they are such a pain to control when driving, hence they are rarely used

I’m not going to overreact, ok just bought both the premium fighters pacific, as I was really enjoying seeing people to actually shoot down, hope that doesn’t change, let’s see!

Timer is good imo.
Less of explosion festival.

Could have kept the old one for smokes tho.

However less likely i will bring on my arty squads now.

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You dint read the update, now we have a player use cooldown and a global cooldown for all support attack, this mean player A cant spam more the same shit over and over again and player B,C,D… can have their opportunity for use it

This is not a nerf, is an anti-spammer measure, those shitter need learn how use a rifle not stay at spawn and press 7 every 30s for do some kill


Ummm ok, whatever lol. My point in my previous post from what you are replying to is how the increased call-in time of bombers effected the legitimacy of fighter planes. I didn’t say anything about people who camp and get wiped out by a bomber squad :wink: :wink:
A big part of WWII was explosives, any war for that matter, maybe you should suggest a hand to hand combat only map, where campers can camp and there wont be any explosions.

Again, how does increasing waiting time to call-in bombers benefit OVERALL gameplay?

It’s the only thing I’m sad about. I rarely relied on bomb arty to proceed, but I DID use a lot of smoke cover. It was the only reason I used the radiomen squad at all. So I don’t mind about less bomb arty, just smoke.

As for the air strike, at this point they should just remove the function entirely. It’s overkill a nerf.

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