
Shoot down AI piloted bomber = easy = 700 score
Shoot down human piloted divebomber = more difficult = 175 score


keo, was the moscow axis bombing run meant for normandy? because both it and the normandy allied bomber are 50 kilos while their opposing side has 100 kilo

I can’t believe I’d suggest this but…

With all the nerfs bombing runs received (call interval, weakened integrity, faster AA built, reduced bomb load, lower flying altitude, reticle appearing sooner.)

It seems to me bomber runs are now a worthless gimmick. The 50kg drops already didn’t do anything dangerous, as each bomber planes only droped…

A single 50kg bomblet.

Even the less equipped fighter plane got 2 :sweat_smile:

You guys COULD put them all to 100kg, or let them to 50kg but keep the old 4 mins timer. Because attacking those in fighter planes was actually serious fun.

Just my opinion ofc.


Bomber calls in should have heavy bomb loads. If you’re going to nerf everything don’t nerf the darn bombs. If they get through air defenses they need to hurt! It’s that Simple.

Hell with all the nerfs I would say up their bomb load damage.


50 kilos are pretty worthless for carpet bombing but great for precision (dive) bombing



I mean I don’t really understand the logic of setting up an entire bomber formation for each heavy bomber to only drop a single 50kg bomb. It looks silly.

If they dropped 4 each in a line… woops now I’d take em seriously.


Hello everyone, I think that the new changes for the bombers are not bad, my things will have to be changed, when a player calls the bombers, the other radio operator players are blocked and do not know how to send them smoke bombs or artillery to help their team, result, it is the players who call the bombers who kill them all, and the other radio operators do not know how to help their team since the bombers call blocks the other radio operators from the team. Good game to all


Bomber nerfs to health/ai gunners/time between call ins are fine.

But these nerfs to altitude/bomb load outs is WAY TO MUCH. DF again over nerfing units.


You know whats better?
Removing their ridicilious overheat feature or at least increase the overheat limit.
Those guns are already sp cheap, it could soon reach costs of czechs.

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100kg is fine. Everything else is overkill.
Its just unfair that one side got the good bomb and the others only weak ones.
Or maybe having more 50kg bombs to carpet bomb.


Thank fuck for the longer arty times. The 4x faster was way too much, gonna be so much better now.

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It hurt to watch how many bullet it need to go down.
For the moment only in few campaign plane are enjoyable, the best one being normandy.

Much needed balancing. But i am highly skeptical about reducing the amount of times they can be called in, the balance issue was that they were almost immune to damage and almost never could be shot down.

By reducing the amount of times they can be called in you have taken away the biggest reason a player would want to fly a fighter plane. Because in general the fighter planes aren’t efficient at attacking ground troops. To explain further, by reducing the amount of times they can be called in you drasticaly reduced the want, need and desire for players to fly fighter planes. This is a missed opertunity to actually make fighter planes relevant in Enlisted, i suggest returning the amount of times they can be called in back to previous amount.

I haven’t been able to try and shoot down any bombers because no one has called any in, again another reason to revert call-in time back to where it was.


Whomever thinks Enlisted is just an infantry game is mistaken or dillusional, Enlisted has MULTIPLE TYPES OF VEHICLES at a players disposal. Ships and PT boats in the future have even been mentioned by the devs. Clearly not infantry based, as all airplanes aren’t either. I see Enlisted as a theater of WWII based game with the potential to include most aspects of actual combat in WWII.


Shooting down an entire formation can easily give you close to 2000xp. But nope, to many infantry only players in this game are butt hurt. So they cried so much DF over nerfed them.

Like you said, their health and the aimbotting ai gunners were the problem. Never had a issue shooting them down with plane that had good firepower after the initial nerf.


Oh come on, i just started to like them.

You fixed the damage models, now they are easy to kill, i managed to kill all 5 before they even drop bombs few times already.
Good change, now fighter squads have a chance to finally get some xp and level up.

And now this, they fly lower, ok fine, they have bigger radius for aiming help, ok fine.
8 min timeout, like come one, You even know it will be used once in game, as You say

But it takes one random guy, and now everyone will try to get them first as cooldowns are longer than matches.
So there is no tactic, no waiting for right moment to sway battle, one dude uses it 30s in and team is without it for whole match. THIS IS BAD CHANGE

At this point just delete them, with train map.

Bonus points for people complaining that they can’t use my arty,. GOOOD Artillery is pure cancer, no counter play, no bomber to shut down, no player to kill, just press one magic button and everyone has to run out of objective. 0 skill mechanics, annoying as f*ck with dconstant screen shake, would delete if from game without hesitation. ( just use mortarts, at least it takes some skill)

And pacific fighters getting fcked as always, as they have to start on water and have no chance to catch up to airstrike, maybe loonger time before bombers come on this campaign


I agree, when they nerf they almost always take it too far. One of the aspects i really like about Enlisted is that it ISN’T SOLEY an infantry game. Versatility staves off mundane repetitive game play.

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Darkflow balancing a game feature, that is 90% good.
Time to change 200% of it


Agreed I Personally changed my plane line up to all fighters, please @1942786 revert or monitor this, I know a lot of people were bringing planes to fly and defend the skies, not just to shoot down bombers but to escort the bombers too! Now there will be less people in the sky once again ie. Tunisia, Stalingrad rarely had planes before…

I recently made a suggestion of making the bomber strike reduced based on no of surviving planes, that meant it would make a difference how many survived, as the air raids would be weaker.

I think you over nerfed a good gaming mechanic, you also stopped smoke defence being called in as regularly which really helped team attack points too.


What do you mean? There’s only mention of timer change for air strikes? Arty changed as well?