Update ( - Xbox, - PlayStation®)

If I could post some info here, you would see that almost all guns got buffed and not nerfed.

But, you do you.


If you meant almost all by bolt action rifles then i suppose so lol, please do post these buffs because the only buff ive saw so far is for the bolt action rifles, im very interested, please enighten me shivex :wink: :wink: :wink:

So, when will the FG42 issue be fixed

Omg, just because you put that up there doesnt make it factual lol, umm have you actually played on console versus pc?

If It was me, never. Tired of that freaking weapon lol

Yes I did and do. . I own a ps and a Xbox.

And it’s the code of the game that sets the parameters of every weapon. It’s a fact.

If you don’t accept it, I don’t give a shit. If you own a computer you can see the code for yourself.

Stating that auto weapons were nerfed isn’t truth. All of them got buffed.

Every (almost) weapon is better this patch

As much as I hate that weapon, that recoil animation is bad

Yes I agree its fked up right now.

Hopefully they fix it for the ones that use it.

Agreed. As much as we hated it in the first place, that’s no reason to turn FG42 into this

They probably might. Today they fixed ALL Normandy allied (and some Tunisia allied) visual recoil for weaponry. They might be fixing those in batch… Maybe. :man_shrugging:

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It’s just back to the way it used to be, but it’s still hitting your eyes…hope they completely remake the recoil animation

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In my humble opinion It’s possible that they don’t for now.

“Forcing” people to play with other weapons so they can break the stupid meta and gather data from the ones that stay with the fg do they can tweak it accordingly.

Player feedback is important. Data, reliable data, too.



However… The OTHER sf rifles are… Godly. I almost daresay the AVT40 is better than the fgs now, since it somehow has very low recoil, and now do 15.8 (!!!) damage per bullets when maxed. m2 being finally fixed is also great.

I just wonder why only one type of sf rifle would get such treatment, shouldn’t it be all of them? :thinking: (by that I don’t mean damage boost, but recoil animation)

Lmao, it VERY CLEARLY states under the WEAPONS description tha ALL Smg’s have had a GREATER reciol rate added to them from 15% to MUCH higher lol also it mentions somewhere about as to make smgs less acurate at distance lol, CLEARLY NOT a buff, um maybe you should do some research be better informed AND look in the mirror when calling some a retard lol cuz… Or do i need to spell that out for you too you hack lol

And further, with the fire rate increased with the INCREASED reciol it creates a wider spread pattern, in other words not a tight grouping, i. e. NOT as acurate lol and thats just the msgs lol :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Holy shit


Even with the data in front of you, you read it wrong.


I like MG nest(maybe MG bunker?)However, I am disappointed to find that the construction time of the Mg nest in the current game is significantly longer than that of AA, and its shooting range is very limited (that is, it is completely inferior to the latter in terms of cost performance…). Unlike COH, the machine gun has no suppression effect, so it is meaningless if it cannot hit the enemy (?), Based on this, if it is unable to effectively attack the enemy on the 1st floor or the 2nd floor in the field of view(due to the range limit), then MG nest’s current regret is very big i guess…

OMG shivex, I pulled this right from the description, IT IS YOU who cant interpret the info right in front of you lmao

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: i always thought (up till now) you were fairly intelligent lol

All the game data,
All this buffs, 50% less recoil playing on console and aim Assist isn’t enough for this console player

I don’t even know what more to say lol


All he has to do is left trigger right trigger
WITH no recoil
And thats not enough

You cannot attempt reason on teens. They are in their rebellious phase, trying to confront authority figures. Looking at what he… writes… He’s either twelve, more or less, or extremely sad, angry, anxious from the update.

Or all of that.

That guy ain’t worth your time, or anyone’s :man_shrugging: