Update ( - Xbox, - PlayStation®)

if the games goal is to get you to unlock everything then its a bad game, rather you should jsut play the game and enjoy it

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It is not good


what?Amazing! :laughing:

time to delete the game.


Can we please have a major overhaul to weapons with ring sights such as the M1 Garand?
It shouldn’t be so uncomfortable to use.
There are countless games that have ring sights and got it right, but it’s really clumsy in Enlisted.

That’s a fair point too. I was being destroyed by PPSh, FG-42 and MKb-42 for months and years, and just when I unlock them myself they ger nerfed…


I remember that you were also a person who resolutely opposed the low efficiency sniping of players. However, why have developers been encouraging players to engage in inefficient sniping, whether in qualifying or ordinary games?

Why is the development team more and more fond of players who still use bolt action rifles after the top level of the campaign is full? Instead of encouraging them to consume card resources and use semi-automatic or fully automatic weapons? Then, do they not even have the driving force to buy premium accounts and gold coins?
What does the large number of inefficient sniper players who particularly like sniper regiments really provide to the undercurrent? What is the proportion of their consumption?
What changed you?
Are your colleagues ,who are “better at making games, but worse at playing games”(theorist lacking in practice)?
god bless you my dear fox, you are the only light in the Development team

garand is still ok. m2 and m3 need rework.

replace it with the flak 30?

Aside from a partial increase in recoil across the board,

Did FG42 (or other auto rifles) just receive a crippling nerf in accuracy, dispersion, damage, ROF, reload, availability, ammo supply, or anything else?

If not, then they didn’t “suddenly become shit”

They just lost some edge over lower tier weapons since the latter got better, and that’s all.

Make soldier position a bit higher? For easier kill guy that control flak.

Step in the right direction, although prone position is still bugged, it is possible to aim really high from the prone position, ie. Stalingrad, I’m on 4th floor, guy is prone below near the building and he still can aim 4 floors up , almost vertical, which is absurd.

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This update is just a piece of shit. The newly added buffering action of lying down and jumping is completely superfluous, making the already stiff feel even more disgusting. The recoil force of FG has also been greatly improved. Won’t the soldiers resist the butt of the gun? Why is the butt of the gun bigger than the muzzle? Is it because you broke the soldier’s right hand?

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Umm why didn’t you just call this a giant NERF of everything because basicly thats what is.

Don’t feed us a shit sandwich and tell us its steak, we can taste the difference.

The planes dont perform worth a crap now, the machine guns seem to fire at 2/3 the rate AND they sound like toy cap guns, wtf? I know for a fact they dont sound like that. You said “to make them more realistic”, more realistic my ass, now it feels more like flying a mario bros airplane lol. What you been smokin guys? Lol you seem to be digressing instead of progressing. Just being straight with you. Extremely dissapointing to see the massive NERF. I will say it again, repair ALL BUGS BEFORE changing things. The AI soldiers are running in and stand in the way when engineer is trying to build something AGAIN, i could write a small book on all the bugs, that need to be fixed, but you dont seem to give a shit lol, im not a boot licker, so im giving it to you straight, you just screwed up a good thing.

When will the sway nerf will be rolled back for FG42??? why it didnt happen for Russian AVT?

@1942786 @Conscript_Joe

Further to Jack_US comments on the stationary MG @1942786, I have made a post clearly demonstrating the inadequacies of the aim angle limitations with machine guns mounted on sandbags. While this update involves stationary MG’s, the same problem applies, albiet it is worse with stationary MGs. See the post linked here: Machine gun & mounted weapon range of motion. Please increase! - #4 by 119406465

For completeness I have done the same for the new stationary MG limitations as of this update, it is shown below. I strongly believe the vertical limits should be at least 30° Up/Down. 45° was roughly what they used in company of heroes and my preferred vertical aim angle limit (used for the second floor of buildings).

The horizontal aim angle limitations needs improvement too. The below picture provides a visual of how ineffective the current limits are. The machine gun is the better part of 15’ or more from the windows… Yet it can only cover 50% of them. The horizontal should be more like 50° for the left and 50° for the right… Totaling 100° side to side. For comparison, I have provided a screenshot of how Company of Heroes handled this below.

In summary, both stationary machine guns and machine guns mounted on sandbags seriously need to have their aim angles increased. Preferred Horizontal 45-50° Left & Right (90-100° total). Preferred Vertical 45° Down / 30° Up.

In their current state they can only do 20% of what they are capable of in my opinion. This is due to them simply not being built due to their narrow aim angles. Please address this…

One final edit, please know that your team of developers have done a remarkable job building this game. I’m sure you guys get a lot of grief, and probably not as much appreciation as you all should. This game is incredibly immersive and I’m certain that getting the AI right, on top of all of the other mechanics, while also trying to please everybody, is incredibly draining. It is on the road to being a masterpiece so don’t give up! Just for the love of god don’t let it become like Call of Duty.



Need to tweak the gun lowering when falling because if you run down the steps the game will consider it falling and lower your gun
Or if you fall a few inches it’ll lower your gun

Other than that

what i like,

Bolt action rifles now kill in one shoot. it,s nice to have a realiable gun at the start at every theathre AND a enemy whit potitional to kill you when you got your nutela squads intro play.

Semi autos are very powerfull now, i feel like i shooting a assault rifle. still they are now worse to control, whit makes then harder to hit at long range that where back when they are actual semi auto rifles.

automatic guns also has been nerfed has i see. give more chanca for new players or old players in new theathers.

what i don,t like is that we did,t see a great advance in AI, there alot of ideias around the forum, and i recomend every one see this topic.

it,s call the bible of infantry, it have alot of ideais that are very sinergic. so read it again fox. please.

has for other boys that fox, see you guys in the battle of moscow.


Why are squads now stopping their hold orders when you jump in an Engineer gun?

Woa, now that’s detailed!

Also: @Shiivex what happened to you? :laughing:

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Your closing statement is well said, they have created an amazing game… However, and im not being sarcastic here, maybe we should say exactly the opposite of what want because that is EXACTLY what they have BEEN DOING lol, and it started with the stalingrad campaign, no bullshit lol