Update ( - Xbox, - PlayStation®)

Good update keo.

Pass to them that we want to have an engineer on old 4 man premium squads like current squads.

Just that.if isn’t too much to ask for.


Jesus I had forgotten about this…


I think a few people have some good suggestions about restrictions in buildings, build time, remove shield etc (still waiting for other faction AA guns patiently)

Also AT guns bouncing after moving I forgot that one as well as my mortars.

Thank you for listening though, keep up good work all of you :+1:

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Make them so they can’t aim down as much so they can’t be used against infantry.

Even if they were used in real life against infantry. Isn’t fun on a game.

Weapon unlock levels in normandy Allies are bugged, Carbines, Garand and sniper 2 are all at level 14 in equipment menu.

Lower the number of AA available to build from 2 to 1

Increase AA building time and cost

Lower stationary MG building time and cost


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Bots now keep spacing and don’t blob while ordered to guard position, yes!!!

Also Soldiers still “aim” when they are crouching or prone.


Baby steps.

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Or even options to add an AT gunner or Rifleman etc.
Just something really.

Thr New Event squad really hammers home how much more flexible you are when they add some options.


Well, they still need to figure out how to take cover.

@1942786 if you wonder what’s the biggest problem of AI, it’s the lack of survivability.


We wanted, and asked for, the OPTION to CONFIGURE our premium squads in the same fashion as regular ones… not having 5 lmgs, just the same options as free squads.

But it’s probably not lucrative enough for them… (even if I’m certain the squads would sell much, much more)…


Finally step in the right direction… cant say that on the increased prices of old premium squads unfortunately

What you mean? They are more expensive?

They grow up so fast, is like yesterday they can aim and blob everywhere and look now :sob: the time is so fast

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Now the old squad of moscow cost 30€

ive done a bug report about it , it seems its a bug after all

I’d literally pay gold to add AT gunner to the Label and Garat 08 squads. And am engineer.


Nice update! Let’s go!

I would as well.

But at the exorbitant prices old premium squads are sold… :thinking:

This patch is really nice