Unlock the Stuka D-5, Stuka R-2 and many others without selling the pre-merge squads

For those who had already maxed out the various campaigns, today with some vehicles, such as the Stuka D-5 and R-2 and many others from other nations, they cannot be deployed in the new “standard” post-merging teams because they are blocked in their original teams. Unfortunately, these teams often have only one vehicle, so there is effectively no way to free them other than by dismantling the team for 10,000 silver. Please make sure that you can release these vehicles without being forced to sell the team, which still today has the original badges of the time and give added value to the game.


Very important suggestion. I hope it’s going to be forwarded to devs.


Yes! Just faced a similar situation, can’t free up Pz IV H and use it in fully upgraded “new” squad




1 year has passed, I was about to create the same topic but remembered this existed.

My Pz IV H is still locked to an unupgraded squad and I need to grind gazillions of XP just to add a 5th crew member




I still can’t use my Pz IV H with the fully upgraded squad which is supposed to be able to use it


@MajorMcDonalds can we expect this to ever be fixed?

@mоds can we please get an answer before you lock this topic? Nothing is outdated here.