Why does the game offer me to buy stuff I already have?

Sorry I’m still lost in the Post Merge Enlisted

The other day I bought the Jumbo again and with it came a new squad

So even though I had Jumbo before Merge, now I can run two Jumbos.

Then, I have the Dauntless from Pre-merge

Now the game says I can buy Dautless for 7500

What’s the point? To run two squads with Dauntless?

Will it even be possible?

Because when I try to do something like this with Pz IV H (legacy squad + new squad), the game says Pz IV H is busy with other squad

And since the this legacy 102 Panzer Artillerie squad can only equip Pz IV H, I can never unequip it and equip it in its “new” squad?

Please clarify
@ErikaKalkbrenner @Adamnpee
@Euthymia07 @Marty_Hoffman @_TheLucky @James_Grove

This is the legacy Dauntless, the B23 is the tech tree one, so that’s why you have to buy it.
For other doubles it’s because you don’t have the tech tree squad

Yeah, it’s just another unpolished mess that came with merge update. Someone already pointed out this issue few days ago.



Ok so It’s a “different” Dauntless and I can have 2 in 2 squads.

What about the Pz IV H then?
I don’t have any other vehicle available for this squad

So I can never unequip it, meaning I can never use it in its “new” 33rd Panzer division?

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Yeah you can’t remove it unfortunately

Big sad.

My old squad is barely upgraded and the “new” one is maxed out.

Please forward this to the devs.

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That is fur it’s a capitalist society!!

Also does this mean once I unlock something new for 66th Armor Regiment like M4A1 76 (W), I won’t be able to equip second Jumbo back because it will be “busy with other squad”?

Or these are two different jumbos and can be run alongside each other?

They’re two different jumbos, so don’t worry.

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if the squad holds a clone of other vehicles, or even just the ability to use it,

you can run with double vehicles ( or in some rare occasions, even triplets ).

matter of fact, i did that with mine puma:

but you can pretty much do it with any, as long you owned previous legacy squads.

I think only gold orders work like this?

I can’t equip my Puma in 2 squads:

If I have it in here

I can’t have it in the yellow X squad

nope. ( well, in the puma case, yes )

works with default vehicles too.

such as, for example, if you previously unlocked a panther g from berlin, and a panther g from normandy.

or, if you both unlocked the m8 from normandy, and pacific.
and so on and on, you can run two of the same vehicle

but, you can make doubles with gold order vehicles if you own different squads that can hold one each.
( in case you didn’t researched two times the same vehicle )

Yes but those are different Panthers G/A.
But it looks possible

The Puma though was only in Normandy campaign so it’s normal + GO (new squad + legacy squad I guess)
(since I can run 2 Tigers together the same way)

Also can someone please explain why some of my Kar98k are 3 stars max and others are 4 stars max?

Btw, if you own two old premium Pz IV J, you can use all 3 of them… Which is pure cancer if you’ll get into low BR queue.

My black shields lineup which I have made today lmao


Luckily, you’ll get into low BR queue in 2 out of 10 matches. At least that’s my personal experience from today.

Wow true. And even if you don’t own any Pz IV J premiums you can also have 2 of them + Pz IV G

Guess when the game launches on Steam I’ll go greet noobs with T-70 and M13 MGMC wth my three 75mm Pz IVs :smiling_face_with_tear:

(no in reality though I don’t use J out of principle because it’s the last model from 1944, F2+G variants are more universal and don’t make me feel guilty (and have better e-drive turret rotation speed)).

You will end up mostly in 3-5 queue anyway. It is definitely not 50/50 chance. Obviously high BR5 must be more populated. At least that’s my today’s experience.

I am kinda sad, because I just love mid war vehicles. It’s really depressive that mid game is non existent.

Yep I don’t want to touch BR3 either and be sent to KTH or IS-2 hell either way.
It’s a real shame because KV-1, T-34-75, Sherman, 75mm Pz IVs and Stug are all on BR3, as well as PPSh-41, Garand and MG-34 are all on BR3.

We really need mid war BR brackets (2,3,4) and maps.

But yeah speaking of pretty squad logos I liked this today: two shields, two animals and three yellow Pz regiments :slight_smile:

Very cool :+1:

It’s damn simple.

  1. They left what you had.
  2. They changed the leveling, combined everything, and created new squads for this.
  3. There was a place for some of the old units in the new leveling.
  4. New units always come with equipment, so buying a new unit you get an additional double of the old tank.
  5. In total, you have the opportunity to get some “clones”. This is especially felt when you can use 3 tiger squads at the same time.

T-70 shouldn’t have any troubles with PZ 4J. But T-60 will.
And noobs really will have troubles, even if someone gives them tiger II.