Type 96 and Type 99 LMG Scoped Suggestion: White Pilled Edition

The biggest issue with adding functioning scopes for the Japanese LMGs is that they use a periscope-style sight. To add this to Enlisted, it would require a dual render scope that would reduce the framerate for the game when aiming with the LMG.

See a good explanation from @Never_Flaccid of why the technique wouldn’t work here:


But Darkflow is not the only one who realized this, as the devs for Squad 44 understood the complication as well. Watch at 0.25 speed what they did to avoid this issue:



Now compare this to Red Orchestra 2, which uses the dual rendered scope for their Japanese LMG telescopic sight:


After seeing this, I now have hope that once again we might be able to put telescopic sights on the Nambu Type 96 and the Nambu Type 99. It might look odd when toggling the iron sights and telescopic sights (like in screenshot #3 for Squad 44, but this can be hidden if the toggle is sped up enough.

And even if the devs at Squad 44 still used two cameras for the sights (the two lenses shown above look suspicious to me), y’all (Devbros) don’t have to include that camera. Just set the camera needed to make the telescopic sight work and you will be in business.

I hope to see this done at least before the Soviet-Japanese front update because I believe it would be fruitful to lump it together with the new weapons and vehicles you plan to give the Japanese. But if you can’t finish by then, that is alright, better late than never.


One day we shall have our glorious scopes brothers, and if the devs bless us, they will even have the proper markings instead of a vertical line.


We must hold the line.

Vive le perroquet

:parrot: :parrot: :parrot: :camel: :camel: :camel: