it was the defining feature of japanese lmgs. when df is going to add them ?
Both mgs could detach and attach their telescopic sights, so if people still wanted to use the iron sights, they could unequip them. There is no reason why Darkflow should not allow this to happen.
Maybe they will add a scoped version of both as additional unlocks.
They should be added as new weapon variants
i always believed DF removed the sight of the models so they can use it as sniper 3 weapons or premium squads.
Aren’t you exactly the kind of person who gets annoyed at “useless noobs” camping with snipers?
It’s not possible to add their scope-in ability without implementing a picture in picture scope, this is because the scope of these two weapons are not straight, they’re periscope sight.
Type 96 LMG with the periscope model in game version
So to make it work you need to have a camera looking through the front end of the scope and project the image as a render texture onto the rear scope lens, but this technique will reduce the framerate of the game when scoping in these weapons.
I was going to mention that I would rather keep iron sights then that scope, but this is a fair point. Just make them removable.
It makes more sense for them to be added as sniper variants instead of a “remove mechanic”
Mgs are long range weapons genius(!)
Go play doom 2 if you want to have a minigun
It doesnt.
15 kg or so thing is not a sniper rifle
The remove mechanic is already in game for bayonets and scopes on several weapons.
What kind of answer is that? xD
I just don’t understand this logic. Camping with machine guns is a good thing, but camping with snipers is a bad thing.
At least according to likes of you.
I mean as a sniper LMG just like the Type 97
But it’s redundant because we don’t have weapon customization as weapon variants is this game’s bread and butter. If you’re a Sniper taking off the scope of the weapon you have to do your job with is silly
This is not exactly true … you may be just using it as a rifle … you are looking at it in terms of sniping. We are not. Removing the scope from a machine gun to use the iron sights is absolutely reasonable if you prefer to use iron sights for better awareness. Another example is the new Russian Radio Operator Premium squad … I don’t want to use the scope … I’d rather be in the mix with them … so … I remove the scope for better awareness when ADS’ing.
Even for dedicated sniper rifles there is a reason, reduced dispersion. Take the K98 for example. The standard version has .08 dispersion where the sniper variant has .006 dispersion. It also less damage falloff.
TLDR: No, that’s looking through the scope. The Type 96 and Type 99 LMG front and rear lens of the scope does not align so the current scope effect will not work. What I was referring to is known as picture in picture rendering where the final image you see on screen is rendered using 2 or more cameras.
No, that’s still looking straight through the cylindrical scope using some sort of material shader that hide the inside of the scope and the gun muzzle.
When looking through a tube you will see two circles of different size, the biggest circle will be the end of the tube closest to you the smaller circle will be the furthest end.
The difference in size between the 2 circles for sniper scope in the game is much smaller despite the scope length, this is because every part of the gun that is in the pixel area of the rear scope lens is hidden.
When zooming a scope the game will:
- change the camera FOV
- hide every targeted materials ( gun parts ) within the rear scope lens area
- hide the rear scope lens
- add blur effect outside of the scope
- add reticle overlay
The current scope effect make you look straight through the scope using only 1 camera. The Japanese LMG use a periscope, so when you zoom in with the currently implemented scope effect, part of the scope will be in the rear lens pixel area and outside of it at the same time like the bend part of the scope.
When you hide the highlighted part you will have a floating front scope that doesn’t seem to be attached to anything while zooming in.