"Type 89 MG" Correcting a mistake that is circulating on the English Internet

About the new japan’s machine gun.

If you search Type 89 machine gun, you will get this.

But, pictures of two sides and Enlisted new MG is actually the Type 99 7.7mm flexible machine gun(te-4). Which is the left part of Type 89 7.7mm dual flexible machine gun


Vickers E is a fixed machine gun, I don’t understand why Devs made such a mistake.


Type Hei auto is BR V.
Te-4 is BR IV.
And it’s not the point.


7.7mm Type 97 Machine Gun
(not the type 97 tank mg at tier ii)

its also license copy of Vickers E and similar to Type 89

Yup, they should rectify this

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This is the IJN version of the Vickers E MG. The Type 89 fixed MG is the IJA version of Vickers E.
The Japanese military in World War II had different naming systems for the Navy and Army, which can easily mislead people in English-speaking countries.

Whoever wrote that dev blog disgraced DF

English Internet! … Forget where Gaijin or Darkflow came from it was the same text for the News in Russian:


Reminds me that someone mentioned the weapon descriptions in-game were just copied from Enlish Wikipedia.

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DF is from Riga, Latvia.
Native language monographs and original files are more credible than Internet wikis( You never know if a 13-year-old kid edited it after school).

Yes, I agree with your idea. What I want to point out is that various contents in-game seems to be totally followed English internet wikis, even despite they have Soviet/Russian/Latvian origins or details sources.

Thank you about pointing it out, it was forwarded to the devs.