I even wanted to suggest that but all the complaining about “100 is not enough” from a certain small loud minority killed the entire support for it.
cause they need AR in TT. also idk what is actual rof for hyde, so i wont be commenting on its rof.
we are not talking about CAS balance here, we are talking about tank balance.
that MG is kinda pointless, but panzerschreck was needed year or two ago. i would rather that they introduce panzerschreck than that US has no infantry counter to high BR tanks.
i provided you with one of the most definitive sources about ww2 weapons that thoroughly debunks your narrative.
also if you actually bothered to read any of the sources you would have seen that 1200rpm is most iconic mg42 rof. but wheraboo being a wehraboo i guess…
If I am not mistaken Japan bought panzerschrecks so why not give’em those at this point who cares and I can deal with pesky Jumbos from front
No not Islamic, but Hindu influences. South Asia was first Hindu, then Budist (I believe first Mahayana and then Theravada budism).
Islam came later trough trade. It is only present in southern thailand and Rakhine region in Burma.
i said before, i dont care what US and japan get as long as they get 200+mm AT rocket launcher.
An iconic weapon like the MG42 with its 250-round magazine and 1500 fire rate should not be an Event weapon but a TT weapon.Why if that is done it is unfair to Germany why did I ask those people who like it Thompson and the PPSH41 with its high rate of fire and drum magazine will be eliminated From the TT and they are only Event weapons and the ones in TT only have the Box charger and A Rate of -450,-300 to those weapons in Rate of Fire It would be fun and fair for them, right? Or this? It only has to be applied to Germany, because I remind you that the Germans From Tier I-III they suffer against the PPSH41 with box magazine and the Thompson
1.8 damage difference in an SMG is massive, what are you talking about? That’s a very big difference.
and by the end of the war how many German divisions looked like that, 1 maybe three out of dozens, through most of the war all armies outside the us were armed chiefly with smg’;s and bolt action rifles
Need? Laser-ppsh is not enough?
600 rpm like all other assault rifles would be fair, but hey lets just escalate…
By the end of the war how many russian divisions got hundreds of AS44s and how many upcoming US divisions got the M1944? This comparison doesnt work.
Well now it turns out that if it benefits the Allies there is no problem but if it is for Germany there is a big problem
Another big problem that we Germans have had to deal with since the arrival in Normandy to Enlisted And it turns out that it is not something that has to be balanced because it is fair to the others.Let Germany suffer But theyHere they are also using the “argument” "Every nation has strengths and weaknesses"Where once again it only applies to Allies
So Germany cannot have enemy weapons in its TT. But the Allies and Soviets can.Don’t be at a disadvantage by not having weapons Competent, where that is not Germany’s fault
Sure? Because the information I’m saying is not a lie. It operates with that capacity of Ammunition and Rate of Fire Whether it is common is another thing, but the fact that he had surgery in WW2 is a given.
Most if not all Volksgrenadier divisions.
StG44 was extremely widespread among front line troops by the end of the war because of the massive losses Germany suffered, surely they could never have had deployed every logistics personel, mechanic, cook, artillery crew ect with assault rifles, but front line soldiers are only a fraction of that amount so half a million is actually significant.
The same way US could not have and did not equip the same logistics personel, mechanic, cook, artillery crew ect with M1 garands.
Germany should be the only faction that should have an assault rifle
the chain is related to this, if only germany gets AR;'s other changes have to be made
That’s quite interesting, besides the 1942 manual said 1600 RPM I posted above, there was another 1944 manual claimed that MG 42 fires in 1300-1500 RPM.

What am I looking at
Yep! not the first mess they made recently…
And it’s not even the Panzerfaust (which DID got captured and used in large numbers), no… it’s the rare panzerschreck… Which makes no sense…
As expected… they apparently can’t help it…
They could have gone for the 1200rpm version, but i suggest BR6 first…
Add the recent BP changes and the planned axing of the BP shop (the gold order system) and they definitely DON’T deserve any money atm…
With massive powercreep… Remember, we have a 76 sherman (not the jumbo) at the SAME BR as the super pershing and the Tiger II’s. Where’s BR6 to fix this broken/unbalanced mess???
(or any needed BR balancing updates? Like the one M1 Garand still at BR5?)
The enlisted community at the moment be like:
really happy to see these additions (even if terribly late )
i havent seen any sources about its performance, so i wont be commenting on rof. on wiki rof is listed as 600-1200, so 900 seems reasonable, although i will wait to see other stats before commenting on its balance.
i am not ally main… i play all nations and will advocate for or against any weapon that i consider needs to be introduced, removed or nerfed. when i am against body armor people accuse me of being german main, when i am for introducing super pershing for KT people accuse me of being ally main…
never said that.
if you actually bothered to read any ww2 book you would have known that 1200rpm is iconic mg42 ROF which earned it its nickname as “hitler’s buzzsaw”. also those books also mention how mg42 is GPMG which could be used as LMG with bipod or MMG/HMG with tripod, stationary emplacements or mounted on vehicles. when used as LMG they would use 50 round belts unless they were entrenched when they would extend their belts. also they would change barrel every 150-200 rounds of continuous fire.
but hey you saw 1500 rounds on wiki and heard about 250 rounds ammo boxes so i guess that is enough to become “iconic”.
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