Trial by Combat

The event doesnt work for me, only the first game did.

Make event task update progress live like how daily task does please.

I’m not talking about single magazine capacity. By “base ammo capacity” I meant all the ammo that an assaulter takes with the weapon. For PPSh that’s 4x35 = 140, for MP-41(r) it’s 5x32 = 160. With large ammo bags, the MP-41 grants you 40 bullets more.


Star Wars nerd here, Han Solo never shot first, because that would imply that Greedo also shot - which he never did.


This was a d*** move. They didn’t have to do it, this gun was fine as a common weapon. They have been captured en masse, and used by the Germans even in Africa. Fortunately, I had enough free time and grinded it out long before the damned merge came, then bought around 40 of them to be able to fill every slot possible, including double-wielding xD Mannlichers M93 as well, they are lovely for low tier battles - quick reload, very accurate, and they hit hard, very good even for counter-sniping.
We have to remind the devs from time to time that we want them back


Mannlicher M93, my beloved. I wish I picked more up. I only have 6 of them but they’re one of my favorite bolties in the game.


It does? :thinking:

I didn’t remember that, gotta check it out!

saves you shelling out 3000 silver for a vanilla one…

Try reopening and relogging into the game. If still nothing, it may be being a bit slow to update, so make a bug report over at: Community Bug Reporting System

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I really do appreciate the change from 15 appearance orders to 16 appearance orders. As we can now buy two torsos instead of one. :+1:

How? :sob:


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Bayonets do count, nothing hard.


An easy way:

Soviets, br1, ppd34. Since those bullets aren’t too powerful, you’ll end up downing enemies often. You can then finish em up with your motherland’s butt stock of the people’s righteous fury.

Br1 is also full to the brim of bolties with bayonets…

It’s easier at low br. At high br everyone will spray you before you can even get close.


Equip axes or katanas, if you play Japs. Then there are 2 ways:

  • Charge into a room full of enemies, but only knowing they are close to the entrance,
  • wait for the enemies, lurking in the least observed corner of the room - when an enemy enters through a window to capture the building, charge towards him like a heatseeker with a katana, slash him down and run back to your corner. I once scored 9 kills with 1 soldier in Pacific this way.

Br 1 lebel squad. Done twice over in one game lol

Keep on charging


Japan br2, use the katanas. Got around 12 melee kills in the last game when i tried.


Man that quest is pain tbh but I did get 17 melee kill on br5 US on airfield map (worst map for melee tbh)

Yep, that’s how I completed both 60 semi kills and 20 melee kills in just 2 matches.
And then farmed another 4 matches playing high BR US for quick battles.

I was very tired yesterday, I really wasn’t feeling like I want to tryhard some fps game.

For me, it takes a change of mind.
Normally when I play, I want to stay alive and play the objectives.
But with a task like melee kills for an event, I just try to forget about those usual things and focus on only one thing: the task to kill everybody with melee.
Just forget for a while about staying alive and winning or playing the objectives.
Now, the only task in the battle is get melee kills.
Accept the fact that you will die more than usual while doing this task.
Equip your soldiers with rifles with bayonets and axes.
When you spot a single enemy, dont shoot but melee charge or sneek up on him and axe him.
When you spot a group of enemies, normally I would want to take them all out and survive, but now I just charge into the closest soldier, knowing I will probably die after the kill, but I dont care.
Melee kill, die, repeat.
As soon as I have enough melee kills, I immediately focus on the objectives again, gives a good feeling.

You can of course keep playing like you usually do, and get some melee kills on the way, but that will take longer and will be more frustrating.

(Almost forgot, do the task in low BR!)


no, PPSH41 uses 7.62x25 tokarev and MP717 uses 7.63x25 mauser, thats why the fire rate is different because the mauser cartridge has less power

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