Trial by Combat

Ppsh 41 is still better in my opinion

I own all, the captured Stalingrad PPSH that uses Mauser C96 ammo, the MP41r on 9mm and the real soviet PPSH.

From regular gameplay I can’t really notice them performing all that differently besides capacity, in the end despite the Soviet one has better dispersion “apparently”, still they are laser guns non the less, and only the damage drop off at range stops them from being sniper rifles.


0.2 more dmg is nothing it would still require same 2 shots to kill at point blank. And at mid range while it has much better dmg 4 vs 3.3 it has insane dispersion while PPSh-41 has only 29% of that dispersion and also better and more controllable recoil. Visual is worse but i don’t see much problem with it since it’s just a mirage. Recoil direction is going right so you can predict and adapt or just use -hor recoil perk.

The drum one?

It’s my favourite smg in game. I saw four crazy Ivans in my team last day, speeding ahead in a GAZ, all 4 guys spraying ppsh41 as they went, seemingly in all direction.

And as they passed they screamed “URRAAAAA”

It was magical I had to stop and admire it.


Well, 13.5 HP devided by 2 is 6.75.

So 6.6 dmg PPsh needs indeed 3 bullets to kill, while 6.8 dmg MP40 mag PPSH kills in two shots - if I am not mistaken again.


Eh? I thought they used same ammo as classic ppsh41?

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Nah it even says it in the description 7.62 vs 7.63 or something.

Its just a small historical detail that the devs managed to nail very well.

Captured PPSHs were able to use German Mauser pistol rounds, because 7.62 Tokarev was basically a copy of Mauser but with more power behind the round.

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Sure but not every single soldier will have Vit perk at BR2-3, and there is also their body armor that gives them 10% more HP.

And it’s not like you will be always killing people at point blank.

PPSh-41 with -hor perk

MP-41(r) with -hor perk

MP-41(r) is definitely way less accurate and harder to control at the usual ranges:

MP-41(r) is the best gun to fight vs Americans but is just a sidegrade to Soviet’s PPSh-41 box.


MP41 however is a modified version that could take Mp40 mags in 9mm.

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He is talking about mp717r. It uses mauser ammo

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It depends on what you want from the weapon. MP41r is definitely not the best and most universal BR3 smg you can pick.

I would still prefer TZ-45 or suomi. Because you can continuesly fire for a much longer period of time, plus the T-45 has a really super fast reload when mag isn’t fully emptied.

At range of 10m and shorter. At slightly longer range you would need 3 bullets for both of them.

Plus the difference at such short distance doesn’t really matter, since both of those weapons do have extremely high rof. It’s always going to be just about who’s going to start fire first.
Literally those stats differences could be interesting only for macro scripts users, lol. For normal legitimately playing dudes, it doesn’t matter.

At longer range, PPSH box is always going to better because of dispersion.


“Weapon inspection” option when?


That was my next unlock before the merge. Then DF took it away from me. The monsters :sob:


They’re very similar rounds, so it doesn’t take a great deal of retooling. I think the 7.62x25 Tokarev round is has slightly more power behind it… I could have that backwards though.

Here’s a comparison between the two.


I feel your pain, as it’s a really nice smg to have…

Closest one axis can get is the premium Suomi, which is exellent… But is premium…


I do really like the Suomi. Picked the squad up on last holiday sale.

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yea next sale im getting suomi so i can technically have 16 mp717 (since suomi perform pretty much the same to me)

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It is indeed a powerhouse. 9mm instead of 7.62 deals higher DMG on a distance, plus the base number of ammo is higher, I think

Wow, beautiful photo

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… it’s lower :stuck_out_tongue: (32 vs 35)

Over distance ppsh41(box) will always win as it has no dispersion for a smg. Probably an oversight. It’s as accurate as a semi rifle.

Up close… it won’t matter as both have such obscene rof, that it ends up simply being the guy who shoots first, wins.

Like Han Solo.