Topic Closed don't make post in old threads?

Hey just wondering why this is?
Dont post in old topics, make a new one

Just curious as to why, one can not even revive a old thread that they made, thay have to make a new post.

Just goes against everything i was taught about forum etiquette
Was always use the search feature, before making new posts, what’s diff here?

  1. Older post may contain outdated information
  2. It’s considered as (Necroposting)
    If you want to ask more information regarding this u can ask @FastGT007

Thank you for reply, just curious, is all, thanks for your time :smile:

Old posts sometimes clutter the forum (much of that times it was comments like : this suggestion its good +1 in a very old suggestion or skill issue or any similar thing) , so it is good to always make a new post with an old link, and also adding to complement it


Must admit i had to google necroposting, all good understand, thanks for extra info :smile:

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And if I’m correct this will make a good example for how you can do necromancy to old topics without technically doing necromancy.

Can we stop accommodating for the fast-paced lunatics and cod Players and make this game more about strategy and tactics - Suggestions - Enlisted


If old threads are not allowed to be reused, I would like to see threads automatically closed after a certain period of time.

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