Too many squads if you are veteran player

Dont sell your old squads 10K isn’t worth it


What’s the point of keeping them?

Be mindful of what you sell.

There are rosters that are currently available only to veteran players.

Assaulter I squads are discontinued. Supplanted by medics.

Likewise, for soldier classes that don’t have III tier soldiers, newer players will be unable to have 3 of the same type in a single roster.

For example, a vet player can run triple engineer, mortar, radio or flamethrower squads.
Post-merge players only have access to I and II squads, so making a triple lineup isn’t possible for them,

DO NOT sell legacy squads. This is what the Gaijin wants. Legacy squads have unique emblems, which are invaluable :trophy: :medal_military:


You can use different squads in different BR and if you want to sell them just wait maybe they increase the amount you get cause 10K isn’t worth it its not even a Tier 4 soldier

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Let me just segue this.

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Well… 10k is better than nothing. Having Assaulters 1 is no point couse soldiers don’t fall into BR. "Enblems would be worth it if we could do anything with it.

However what will happen with my event vehicles like Jagdpanzer IV with sandbags or P47?

You can sell your old ones

With the new tech tree, since squads have become consolidated, vehicles are available to equip on more than 1 squad now.

An old legacy squad may be only equip 1-2 vehicles, but the newer tech tree squads have a wider range of vehicles to equip and unequip.

In short, so long as you can unequip the vehicle, you can equip it on another.
If you sell the vehicle, it just goes into your vehicle inventory, and becomes available to equip on a different squad.

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No one mentioned this but there is a massive amount of silver behind selling squads. When you dump a squad you don’t need and the soldiers within, you rake way more than 10k silver. Be very mindful of which you sell. Wieg pointed out the biggest value is the unique squads emblem

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Do NOT sell your squads!!!

It’s the worst, and most stupid thing you can do! Here’s a list why:


If you sell squad all troops go to baracks and inventory goes to magazines

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It’s funny and kinda annoying when someone who clearly doesn’t know the game very well is suggesting things like this:

When such change would have huge impact on every veteran player.

And no, he can’t just ask for better UI. :man_shrugging:

Everything goes into storage weapons, soilders, equipment and Vehicles

When game took away my soviet breda mg squad (because hitting ‘Esc’ counts as confirmation for selling a squad) I couldn’t upgrade my remaining Bredas (until game took the guns away as well).
If you sell all your Assaulter I squads, all squad unlocks for them will vanish, you remaining Assaulter I’s will lose all levels, +exp boosts and bakcpack/second weapon slots.

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I tell you why I would never sell my squads - I right now have 3 squads ready to fight at each BR level.

3 squads with BR1 gear

3 squads with BR2 gear

3 squada with BR3 gear

3 squads with BR4 gear

3 squads with BR5 gear

Together with each 3 vehicle squads ready for each BR, though I have to switch some vehicles sometimes, because some squads occupied 2 vehicles that I like to use.

It took me quite some time at sorting things out - but in the end I now can switch my desired BR in like 10 seconds.

I would write a ticket because of that - this should be considered a bug and is unacceptable.

Selling squads should be impossible to do - instead you should be able to “hide” unwanted squads"

Support replied with - “we can’t do anything about it.”
I’ve been pestering devs and helpers on both forums ever since, but it seems that ignoring actual problems until they hopefully go away is a chosen solution for Gaijin.


Write another ticket, this is unacceptable.

Also don’t forget that old engineer squads can have AA, AT, MG and Ampulomet, but new squads can’t.