Too many squads if you are veteran player

Support replied with - “we can’t do anything about it.”
I’ve been pestering devs and helpers on both forums ever since, but it seems that ignoring actual problems until they hopefully go away is a chosen solution for Gaijin.


Write another ticket, this is unacceptable.

Also don’t forget that old engineer squads can have AA, AT, MG and Ampulomet, but new squads can’t.

The only stuff that new engineer squad can’t build is Ampulomet.

And grind everything again? No thanks.
Instead of giving us 10000 silver per squad, they should give the upgrade points from that squad to the post-merge squads of the same class. You got an assaulter squad at level 32? You sell it and you get 31 squad (level 1 was already there) upgrade points to level-up your post-merge assaulter squads.
Also, it shouldn’t be possible to sell Commonwealth and Italian squads.

Well it does, for example you can make presets for different BR’s with only 1 click instead of having to change your weapons manually


Instead of upgrade points, any upgrade levels for soldier perks and weapon upgrades are already put into the consolidated squads.

It’s why after the merge, you got Level 1 squads with maxed personnel/weapon upgrades.

Because, you are simply not a veteran.
Veteran knows to keep different squads for different BR sets.

Yes that’s what I mean, new engineer squads can’t build all of that within the same squad, but legacy ones can.

US squads

These icons are worth more than gold :trophy: Do not sell !


inb4 they release an update where you get 3 of each squad type, and those emblems can be equipped as a sort of marker for the squad.

I love when people start their response by “you don’t know the game”.
It really shows open mind and positive attitude toward another person

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Are they though?
I got a pre-merge Soviet tanker squad that can use the T-34-85, SU-85M and so on. It’s at level 15, with all squad and soldier upgrades already researched:

And now I also got a new, post-merge squad that can use these tanks, but it’s completely stock:

I also got the Stalingrad engineer squad maxed out (and I don’t know why do I even have a possibility to sell it as it’s supposed to be the unique one with AVT-40):

As well as a post-merge engineer squad at level 1, with no upgrades: