“TITAN RISE” — open test

Can you borrow the mecha KV2 from the next game War Thunder

This generation is outdated. All 20 vehicles were lost at the very beginning of the war.


we sure can say that germany were on their last leg


… ok bad pun

For people who think those pictures are photoshoped, let me remind you that Adobe Photoshop was released in February 1990 and those event happen between 1940 and 1945.
It’s legit.


Event is actually fun, but 6 Bronze orders as a reward, really? I thought you could do better than that.

Mecha models work for each faction, but take some getting used to, but for a bit of fun it’s pretty good effort :+1:

Now please ask devs to fix my stuka tailgunners :pray:

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I think it’s a bad idea. As long it stays an event it’s ok. I’ve heard about such Death machines, but all were totally useless, absolutly unable to fight 'cause of no speed and logistic and so on…So no, it isn’t historical accuracy.

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april fool

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But these photo still exist so…

Please, pleaaAAase don’t make enlisted a sci-fi game.


It’s an event because of the 1 april.
Don’t worry.


Reminder why we cant have good things in game, we need the original ST-1 Walker


Please, tell me that’s only an april’s fool joke. If ai want to play star wars I’ll go to battlefront.


Thought it would be Dust Tactics, but dev seems simply smuggled some mechs from warthunder

Lol of course it is. Just look those “WW2” pictures.

It has the feel of an old Armored Core title meets Titanfall.

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That sounds way more fun

Whats the Mech in this picture?

6 bronze tickets.
Actually I dont care much about reward.
But I think the robot is very hard to control. It’s not press and walk like how a human does.
It seems like you use tanks’ control mechanism, there’s a hidden acceleration controller, you have to keep holding S to stop the robot.
But every human, includes game’s ones, you can stop very fast. Just release W key can make you a full stop. Easy.
The speed between zero speed, walking and running is useless.
Just use human soldier’s movement control. Either walk or run or stop. That’s it.

BTW, real world’s robots with legs, instead of wheels, are all designed for complex terrain and precise movement. Legs are so much superior than wheels when coming to precise control.
Game instead making them much harder to use.

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What an update guys. Very nice.


Shame this wont be permanent.