Time to dig!

You actually can do that, but you need to “place” the object you want to build first and then order AI to build it (each object needs its separate “build” order, and you need to have engineer with hammer out to see objects not built yet). For example I can take engineer squad and completely deny tanks access on Monastery bridge in a short time like that. All this while I can just watch over the AI doing its job and switch to assaulter.

Or you can order one of your engineers to build something together with you which doubles the building speed.

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This one does not work too well, bots are too slow to join. For the rest - I’ll test it, thank you!

It works well enough for things that takes long to build such as MG nests or Rally points. But yeah… the fact that AI upon order starts slowly walking towards the object instead of running is pretty cringe.
We need engineers to run towards the objects and ability to see our objects that are not built yet so we can order engineers to build them remotely without switching on one.

i know i am in thins forum only to rant about bot but i have a serious question. What about the pathfinding? I mean, bots have difficulty to enter on normal trenches and houses that are already placed and stay fixed from the start to the end of a game, what will happen with the new dynamic trenches that will interfere with the pathfinding?

More and more new great original ideas compared to other WW2 games it’s awesome!
Could you integrate the German Panzershreck into the weapons of the game? By balancing the forces of course.
A system of bayonets on rifles or different knives depending on the factions could be cool too!
And the ax could cut down trees on the ground!

It was in the Berlin alpha last year so yes they could

Maginot line it is good

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Nope,its not more harder than other sides.

Well equipment wise you kind of have a point but the player base in axis Berlin might be dumber than bots on average

Well, the playerbase of enlisted is strange.
You have full team playing as engineers in one match but in the next one you’ll get full team of retards who definitely aren’t bots but still too stupid to do something good.

Normandy seems to have the most, AHEM, skilled players on both sides. Still most of them are idiots.


the game is in open beta now, right? cause if so y does it say unavailable?

are you talking about tunisia?

yes. it says tunisia campaign is unavailable

Because it hasn’t been added yet. This game is in open beta, it’s still in development and that means that devs are still adding content they wanted to add.

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yeah he is correct

ooo ok i took it to mean it was released when they released open beta. thx for clearin that up for me

it’s ok, berlin wasn’t out when the game went into open beta either

as much as I am looking forward to playing the allies side, I hope this is not another case of ‘dump with loads of content and ignore broken elements’ strategem.